Class 12 Board English Marks Distribution Scheme with a sample paper

NO.: 301
Maximum Marks :100
Section – A Reading
Q. 1 Answer Key 1.1 12 marks
a. • he continued to live in his childhood/ He remained a simple-hearted 2 marks
• when he used to paint and always wished to be a painter
b. Pasteur believed 1 mark
• that the sufferer was something more than just a case to be dealt with
and cured.
1.2 a- abandoned 3 marks
b- contemporaries
c- Plebiscite
Q. 2.1.Title: Tribute to Bismillah Khan or accept any appropriate or relevant title. 5 marks
1. Shock at the demise
(a) Cousin- tears in eyes.
(b) Care-taker recalled-
(ii) Giving two Rs. - boys
(iii) Five Rs. to girls
Q. 2.2. His early life 3 marks
(a) Org. name Quamaruddin
(b) Play shehnai at temp. - with father
(c) Recognized as Bismillah- at Vns.
3. Music as Family heritage:
(a) f ather - court poet at Dumaraon
(b) pld. shehnai from age six
(c) at 31- played shehnai - Red Fort- 1947.
4. Daily routine in Vns.
(a) t aking dip in the Ganga
(b) riyaaz at Balaji Temp.
(c) before his last breath- hummed thumri
(d) used cycle rickshaw to travel
(e) bread-winner for 60 fml. mem.
5. Bismillah beyond religion
(a) main principle- all religions one
(b) life -testimony of plurality
(c) p ract. Muslim
Key to Abbreviations used:
Temp. Temple
Vns. Varanasi
Pract. Practicising
Rs. Rupees
Pld. Played
Fml. family
Mem. member
2.2. Summary of the passage 3 marks
Ustad Bismillah Khan born and bought up at Dumaraon got the taste of music at
a very early stage of life. He started accompanying his honour who was an official
musician at the Estate of Dumaraon. He got an honour to play his thumri tune at
Red Fort on the occasion of Independence. He believed that all religions are one.
He led a life of simplicity. Music was his soul and even on his deathbed he played
his last thumri in the hospital at Varanasi.
Section – B
Advanced Writing Skills Q. 3. 10 marks Option -I
Objectives: To draft a classified advertisement giving all the necessary details.
Marking: 5 marks
Title : Situation Vacant 1 mark
Content: Details 3 marks
• Educational Qualifications
• Spoken English
• Age
• Pleasant personality
Whom to apply to and contact address
• Last date
Expression: Coherence, Relevance 1 mark
Grammatical accuracy, spelling
Option II
Format Address of self
Salutation 1 mark
Content: Details
• What is the occasion 2 marks
• Date and time
• Venue
• Theme for the party
Expression: Coherence, Relevance 1 mark
Grammatical accuracy, spelling 1 mark
Q. 4 Option I 10 marks
Format Heading/Title
Name and class of the student ½ + ½ mark
Content What? 4 marks
Who organized it?
Highlights of the guest’s speech
Any other relevant information
Expression spelling, grammatical accuracy 2 ½ marks
coherence, relevance 2 ½ marks
Option II
Factual Description
Content Value Points 4 marks
• Description of accident site
• Condition of occupants
• Number of occupants
• Condition of the vehicle
• Presence of ambulance
Expression Coherence and relevance
Grammar and spelling
3 marks
3 marks
Q. 5. Option I 10 marks
Format Writer’s address, receiver’s address, date, subject, salutation and
complementary close 2 marks
Content Reasons for stress 5 marks
• The increasing competition among students to score high marks
• No time for recreation
• Manifestation of stress in the form of anger, violent behaviour
• Indulging in games, practising yoga, can combat stress
• Listening to music etc are also ways of cop with stress
Expression Coherence, relevance 3 marks
spelling, grammatical accuracy
Option II
Format Writer’s address, receiver’s address, date, subject, salutation and
complementary close.
2 marks
Content Covering letter
Reference to advertisement
Conveying suitability for the post
Submission of application
Resume/ Biodata as separate enclosure
Profile of self
Educational Qualifications
3 marks
Professional Qualifications
Any other relevant information
Expression Spellings, grammatical accuracy, relevance 2 ½ marks
Coherence and cohesion 2 ½ marks
Q. 6. Option: I 10 marks
Article- Argumentative/ Imaginative
Format Title, writer’s name 1 mark
Title - Entrance Tests at Colleges or accept any relevant answer
Content 4 marks
• Language acquisition till class XII does not test their true abilities.
• Language not taken seriously by students
• Board results do not reveal the true potential
• Entrance test try to bring out their true capabilities
• Only students serious about the course will take the test
• So, these tests should be conducted
• Entrance test a burden on students
• Board results are fairly good as a yardstick as they judge 14 years of
language acquisition.
• Students under lot of stress after studying for the whole year in class
• Unfair to put so much of pressure- no entrance test.
Expression - Coherence, relevance 2 ½ marks
Spelling, grammatical accuracy 2 ½ marks
Option II
• Outdoor games make us physically active, agile and alert
• Playing and running around with friends makes us happy
• It is exciting when we play , fight, agree and disagree
• Lot of exchange of ideas and thoughts
• Increase in number of friends hence social circle is broadened
• More joyful than sitting alone on computers and chatting
Section – C Textbooks
Q. 7. Objectives: To test the students comprehension of the poem, their ability to interpret,
evaluate and respond to the lines of the poem.
Option - I Value points: 3 marks
(a) No,
• they are on a screen
• can be seen on a panel
(b) Symbol of chivalry
• they are powerful
(c) they are sure of their power
• and the strength they possess
Option - II Value points:
(a) Long lasting impact
• never move into emptiness
• we even think of them in our dream
(b) long standing impression
• not subject to time
(c) a shady place for one to sit and ponder
Q. 8. Any three 2x 3 = 6 marks
1. to be quiet and still
• to grow at our own place
• to be contented what we had (any two points)
2. He says so
• These have no meaning for children of slum
• They will tempt them to steal
3. Constraints of married life
• The dominance of women by their husbands
• The compulsion of their domestic life
• Responsibility towards family (any two)
4. It signifies hope
• Promise of visiting the mother again
• To leave a smiling face behind for her mother, (any two)
Q. 9. Objectives: To test the student’s ability for local comprehension of the prose texts.
2x 3 = 6 marks
Marking Scheme:
Content: 1 mark
Expression: 1 mark
Value Point
(a) Going out to play in bright warm sun
• with birds chirping in the open field
• to see the Prussians soldiers practicing drill
• more tempting than learning the rules for participles
(b) the chances of losing one’s eye- sight
• There is possibility of skin burn too
(c) he confidently continued to swim on
• the next morning he dived into the lake, swam across to the other shore and
back. This way he conquered his fear of water.
• the will to live helped him in conquering his fear.
(d) he welcomed the tramp
• offered him hot supper
• gave him tobacco to smoke
• played cards with him
(e) his academic writing style is playful and personal
• uses narrative style
Q. 10. Objectives: To test global comprehension of prose texts 10 marks
Marking Scheme:
Content: 6 marks
Expression: 4 marks
Value Points:
• Franz decided to pay attention to the lesson
• School became very important for him
• Felt he would miss his school from next day
• M. Hamel became a good teacher from a boring one.
• Genuinely upset that Hamel was leaving the village
• Cranky Hamel seemed a good gentle man
• Liking developed for history and grammar.
Marking Scheme:
Content: 6 marks
Expression: 4 marks
Value Points:
• Gandhiji was appalled at the condition of the share-croppers in Champaran
• Got a doctor for the village to help sick people
• Made the people understand the value of self-reliance
• Got support from lawyers to fight the case of share-croppers
• Tried to alleviate the distressed peasants.
• Made the ordinary people to contribute in national
freedom. This became a turning point in his career.
11. Marking scheme: 5 marks
Content—3 Expression—2
Value points: Students may cover any three of the following
points. Accept any other point if it is relevant.
1. Country’s youth value starved –facing a total crisis
2. Violence, separations and inter and intra group conflicts, political
apathy reigning order of the day
3. Secured freedom but not utilized freedom in its true perspective
4. Time for young people to wake up and create our own identity
5. Need for good leadership and governance
6. Need to inculcate the spirit of nationalism along with humanism in
children right from the beginning
12. Objectives: To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it.
7 marks
Marking Scheme:
Content: 1 mark for each value point (4 points)
Expression: 3 marks (1½ + 1½ accuracy and fluency)
Value Points
Present world rat race
• Every body running after power, money or success.
• One gets stressed out
• Feeling of being a failure develops
• To overcome such insecurities and fears one starts imagining
• Charley starts imagining his grandfather and the village he came from
• He starts believing that there is a third level at the grand station,
New York from where trains went to Galesburg, Illinois, where his
grand father used to live.
Objectives: To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it.
Marking Scheme:
Content: 1 mark for each value point (4 points)
Expression: 3 marks (1½ + 1½ accuracy and fluency)
Value Points
Visit to Antarctica
• will give a grasp of where we have come from and where we could possibly be
• it will suggest the future possibilities( in millions years afterwards)
• study about the future climate change easily and more effectively
• tell us about the repercussions of environmental changes
• Realization of the appearance of the Future world (any four)
13. Objectives: To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it. 2x 4
= 8 marks
Marking Scheme: Content: 1
mark Expression: 1
(1) Maharaja had bought fifty diamond rings
• sent it to the wives of British officers to choose from
• they kept all of them
• but managed to retain his kingdom
• this made him happy
(2) Man has created villages, towns, cities and mega-cities by destroying nature
• rapid increase of human population resulting in burning of fossil fuels
• global warming
(3) Every body made fun of Roger Skunk because he gave out a bad smell.
• he was upset about this
• He met the old owl who advised him to go to the wizard, which
would help him and give him a pleasant smell.
(4) The two reasons are:
• She would watch all the fun and games that were going on the road
• She would look at the shops and the bazaars
• Used to look at the snake charmers and the monkey performing, (any two)
“Wish You All The Best”
