World Environment Day

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We all mourn and groan in chorus, lamenting the slow but sure destruction of ecology, has become one of our favorite past times. It is a tragic irony that each one of us is contributing, in our comfortable little base to that each one of us is contributing, in our comfortable little base to that destruction. The results have been disastrous. Once our beautiful planet Earth is no more pleasant, cozy and safe place to live on. It has been symmetrically plundered. All its natural resources, mountains, rivers, lake and sea have been merles-sly polluted. The violent is non else than man himself. Man’s greed, hunger have no limits. They remains unsatisfied. The ruthless and cruel hands of man have scorched the planet Earth. His misuse and abuse of nature resources has led to their gradual destruction of the environment and the ecology. Man and his domestic animals swallow more and more forest and green belts. Progress has come at a high price. The global warming has led to the melting of the polar ice and glaciers.

Hence, it requires concerted and co-ordinate efforts on the global scale let us redden our pledge to save this Earth before any more delay will our lives and the mother earth beyond redemption.