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R E A D I N G S K I L L S 3
1. (a) (i) Cholesterol
(b) (iii) more than three cups a day
(c) (i) colon cancer
2. (a) Drinking very strong coffee could sharply increase cholesterol levels. Fatlike
chemicals—cafestol and kahweol are responsible for the risk to human heart.
(b) European brewing method produces high concentrations of cafestol and kahweol.
The filter and percolation methods almost remove the chemicals. Regular, moderate
drinking of coffee neither raises blood pressure nor cause abnormal heart rhythms.
(c) Depletion of the nerve chemical dopamine in nerve cells causes the disease. Caffeine
seemed to protect mice brain cells effectively. Caffeine’s protective role for humans is
yet to be established.
(d) (i) pancreatic cancer (ii) bladder cancer (iii) colon cancer
(e) (i) Advantages : boosts endurance, increases alertness and improves mood.
(ii) Disadvantages : restlessness and sleeplessness on drinking more than usual;
possibility of becoming addicts-physically dependent.
(f) Studies reveal about moderate coffee drinkers that it does not dangerously affect their
health. They may enjoy three cups of coffee per day without facing any health problem.
3. (a) isolated (b) stimulant
1. (a) (i) rows of twinkling stars
(b) (ii) they will give fond memories to him
(c) (ii) dance with the dancing daffodils
2. (a) The poet
(b) The poet witness the beauty of nature. He sees daffodils.
(c) The daffodils were tossing their heads and moving from one direction to the other.
(d) The poet recalls his experience in pensive mood.
(e) The poet rejoices because of his sweet experience of witnessing the daffodils dancing
under the stars.
(f) This poem justifies Wordsworth’s definition of poetry. He said, “Poetry is the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility.”
3. (a) solitude (b) jocund
4 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. Title: Various Uses of Kites
1. Strange Reasons for flying Kites
(a) Chinese—to keep away evil spirits
(b) Tibetan—to bring rain
2. Use of Kites in modern times
(a) met. invest’s
(b) sc’fic expt.—Benjamin Franklin: lightning caused by elec.
(c) Sending up inst’s on kites to measure
(i) air pressure
(ii) temp
(iii) speed
(iv) direction
(v) humidity
3. Use of Kites by armed forces
(a) as line across a stream—form’g bridge
(b) to help distressed ships at sea in rough weather
(c) as gunnery targets
(i) easy to make
(ii) cheap to use
(iii) stand a lot of punishment
(d) flying flags for aerial photography
(e) during night fighting
(f) raising transmitting & receiving aerials
(g) kite flare—survival equip’t for airmen at sea
(h) not useful in jungle warfare
2. Summary: Kites are used in modern times for meteorological investigations. Instruments
on kites measure air pressure, temperature, speed, direction and humidity. The armed
forces use kites for various purposes, e.g. carrying a line across the stream to form a
bridge or at sea to help distressed ship; as gunnery targets or for flying flags for aerial
photography. Kites are helpful during night fighting for carrying men over enemy lines
and dragging torpedoes. They help in obtaining improved wireless reception by raising
transmitting and receiving signals. ‘Kite flare’ was used as survival equipment for airmen
forced down at sea.
1. Title: Self-Medication
1. Introduction
(a) Self-med.—part of normal living
(b) advance in diag tech.—last 100 yrs.
(c) medic’l expert rqd. for diag. & treat. of disease acc. to symptoms/cause
2. Advancement in Medi’ Sc.
(a) deve. of drug therapy
(b) impvt. in pub. health org’s & nutri’l standards
3. Counter Trends
(a) Advertising by pharma’l companies
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 5
(i) lures the patients for overuse of drugs
(ii) induces faith in chronic patients
(iii) encourages self-medi’n in minor illnesses like cough/cold, etc.
e.g. many prep’tn like laxatives, tonic, painkillers found in quantity in
(b) Emergence of sedentary society
(i) faulty lifestyle
(ii) lack of exercise, overeating, insuff’t sleep etc.
(iii) stress, unhappy rela’ps etc.
4. Dangers of Self-medi’n
(a) prep’n contain unsuitable ingre
(b) taker becomes dependent
(c) taker consumes medi. in excess
(d) prep’ns may cause poison’g
(e) real cause of illness gets suppressed or untreated
2. Summary: Self-medication is part of normal living. Medicinal experts are required for
diagnosis and treatment of disease according to symptoms and cause. The development of
drug therapy and improvement in public health organisations and nutritional standards
have helped progress in medicinal science. Excessive advertising by pharmaceutical
companies and emergence of the sedantary society are two counter trends. Self-medication
is dangerous as the preparation may be toxic or contain unsuitable ingredients, the
user becomes dependent and consumes medicine in excess. Self-diagnosis is worse than
1. (a) (i) cancer
(b) (ii) garbage into energy
(c) (i) gasification
2. (a) Dioxin, an organochlorine, belonging to the family of Persistent Organic Pollutants
(POPs) is produced. It causes cancer.
(b) Converting garbage into energy to produce 25 megawatts of power and swallow 1,000
tonnes of garbage everyday. Incineration simply changes risky waste from solid form
to air, water and ash.
(c) (i) Hydrochloric acid attacks respiratory system, skin and eyes and results in
coughing, vomiting and nausea.
(ii) Polyethylene produces volatile carcinogens like formal-dehyde and acetaldehyde
which cause cancer.
(iii) Breathing styrene from polystyrene can cause leukaemia.
(iv) Polyurethane is linked with asthma.
(v) Dioxin disrupts hormones, causes birth defects and reproductive problems.
(d) (i) Exorbitantly expensive to operate
(ii) release of dioxin is highest from incinerators.
(e) Nearly 80% of Indian garbage is recyclable or compostable.
(f) Indian garbage has a low calorific content of about 800 cal/kg because it has high
moisture. It requires additional fuel to burn.
3. (a) garbage (b) gobble
6 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. Title: Advantages of Work
Work—a Source of Happiness
1. Work: source of unhappiness
1.1 irksome work
1.2 excess of w’k: painful
2. Work: source of happiness
2.1 w’k less painful than idleness
2.2 delights of work:
2.2.1 relief of tedium to deep delight
2.2.2 nature of w’k
2.2.3 ability of worker
3. Advantages of work
3.1 fills leisure intelligently
3.1.1 saves from troublesome ex. of choice
3.1.2 prevents boredom
3.1.3 uninteresting work as boring as no work
3.2 holidays more delicious
3.3 gives chances of success
3.3.1 success measured in terms of money
3.4 opportunities for ambition
3.4.1 dull w’k—bearable if it builds reputation
3.5 continuity of purpose—comes through w’k.
2. Summary: Much work which is irksome or excess of work is painful. But work is less
painful than idleness. The delights of work varying from relief of tedium to deep delight
depend on nature of work and ability of worker. Work in itself may not be interesting
but it offers many advantages such as filling leisure intelligently, preventing boredom
and saving from the troublesome exercise of choice. Work makes holidays more delicious,
provides chances of success and opportunities for ambition. Continuity of purpose,
essential for happiness, comes through work.
1. (a) (i) the language of science and of literature
(b) (iii) language with limited meaning
(c) (i) family
2. (a) To report multifarious facts of life.
(b) Precise.
(c) The language of science and that of literature, each in its own way, makes for pure
(d) The objective of a scientist is to be unambiguous.
(e) A literary figure uses a language to convey multiple interpretations.
(f) A scientist uses specific technical words to be intelligible.
3. (a) inadequate (b) simultaneously
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 7
1. Title: Headache
Orig. nerves Pain base of skull

behind eyes
↓ ↓
SYMPTOMS band of pain – pain head one side –
head, neck, shoulder nausea, irritability
CAUSES drivg certain foods
typg smokg
sit’g Gen.
DURATION short 8-24 hrs.
possible hangover
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Harmonal Envtl. Stress Spinal Short Term Long Term
Imbalances misalignment
Poor posture in sitting/ Visit doc.
sleeping ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
ice dark fluid pain
pack glasses intake killers
2. Abstraction/Summary: Headache originates in the nerves and pain signals are sent to
the brain. There are different kinds of headache. Tension headache is usually felt like a
band in the head radiating to the nape of the neck and shoulders. It may be due to long
hours of sitting at a desk, typing or driving. It is usually short. Migraine headache is
characterized by pain on one side of the head and other symptoms like nausea, irritability
etc. Causes could be varied ranging from hormonal imbalance to stress. Short term relief
can be acquired through painkillers, ice-packs, fluid intake and use of dark glasses.
However, a doctor should be consulted.
1. (a) (ii) absorbs ultraviolet rays
(b) (iv) both (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) the composition of atmosphere
8 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
2. (a) It has revealed that Ozone has declined in the stratosphere. The losses range around
ten per cent in winter and spring and around five per cent during summer and autumn.
The affected areas are as widespread as Europe, Australia and North America.
(b) Ozone absorbs damaging ultraviolet rays and checks the flow of harmful radiation
to earth. The accumulation of pollutant gases in the upper atmosphere alters the
passage of sun’s heat energy and rays to and from the earth.
(c) The stratospheric Ozone above Antarctica disappears during September. The hole
which lasts for two months only measures about 9 million miles—nearly the size of
North America.
(d) The ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer, eye-injury, harm to immune system and
upsets the balance of entire eco-system.
(e) Trapping/absorbing of sun’s heat and reflecting it back to earth results in greenhouse
effect, leading to global warming.
(f) The greenshouse effect warms up the earth. It affects the beings by increasing the
earth’s temperature.
3. (a) incidences (b) potential
1. Title: Charity Hospital for Birds
1. Place & Origin
1.1 Locn. : Corner of Ch. Chowk
1.2 Founder : Lala Lachumal Jain (1929)
1.3 Growth : 1929—1 room struc.
1957—pres. bldg.
1.4 Facilities : upto 1968—ayurvedic treatment
: from 1968—allopathy introduced
: from 1992—path lab tests & surgery
2. Procedure of treatment:
People bring injured birds

entry in register

Name of person, kind of bird, date

Ailing bird adm. first-aid

Kept in iso. cage

Moved to comm. sec.

Allowed to fly away
3. Resources Charity
bus. men visitors tourists
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4. Uniqueness
4.1 charitable—no govt. funds
4.2 free of cost trtmt—4000 to 5000 birds/day
4.3 expenditure: ` 6-7 lakhs annually
5. Drawbacks
5.1 carnivorous & pets excluded
5.2 locn. inaccessible
5.3 no research wk.
2. Abstraction/Summary: A charitable hospital for birds was begun in 1929 in a one room
structure. It caters to hurt and injured birds excluding carnivorous birds and pets. Funds
are provided by rich businessmen, visitors and tourists. After making entry in a register
the bird is treated and kept in an isolated cage. Later it is transferred to the common pool
and then allowed to fly away. Though allopathic treatment is available, there are still
certain drawbacks. The place is inaccessible and no research facilities are available.
1. (a) (iv) all of the above
(b) (i) a researcher
(c) (i) the writer’s organisational abilities
2. (a) The scientific analysis and study of handwriting is called graphology. It is more
revealing than words because one can’t hide oneself in one’s handwriting. The hand
writes what the brain dictates and freezes the personality in ink.
(b) Companies use it for executive recruitment and analysis of candidates’ temperaments,
weaknesses and strength.
(c) Baseline: whether writing is straight or slanted.
Examples: (i) upward baseline → creative, ambitious, sociable person.
(ii) slightly downward baseline → dissatisfaction, unhappiness or fatigue.
(d) from the way letters are formed and connected; e.g.
(i) angular letters: persistent and decisive nature.
(ii) arched letters: reluctance to express feelings freely, coldness.
(iii) bottom curved life cups: frank, comfortable.
(iv) large letters: vitality, enterprize and self-reliance.
(v) small letters: lack of self-confidence/concentration and exactness in research.
(e) (i) vertical letters: uncomfortable in group.
(ii) leftward slant (right handed person): introvert.
(iii) rightward slant (right handed): friendly and ambitious.
(iv) varying slant: unpredictable personality
(v) wide spacing: extravagance, self-confidence and sociability
(f) A person who opts for blue ink has no desire to be extraordinary. The green colour
epitomizes status. The red colour is used to shock others. Those who work in high
security jobs use the brown ink. Black shows a demanding character.
3. (a) dominant (b) persistent
10 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. Title: Machines and Civilization
1. Third great defect of our civiliz.
(i) lack of knowl.
(a) to use mach. (b) to manage mach.
2. Mach. more like rulers/masters
(i) sh. be kept at rt. temp. (ii) sh. be fed/kept properly
(a) or ref to work/blow up
3. More time & energy avail.
(a) used up to make better mach. (b) time & energy sh. be used to bec. better
4. Mach. as aids to civiliz.
(i) exploring universe (ii) making civiliz. everlasting
(iii) Civiliz. is
(a) making beaut. things (b) living rightly (c) maint. justice equally
2. Summary: The great defect in present civilization is that it does not make proper use of
knowledge given by science. Machines were made by man to serve him as servants but
they are now becoming masters and man has become dependent upon them. The time and
energy saved by machines can be used to make our civilization great and everlasting. We
can explore the universe and remove the causes of quarrels between nations. Machines
can help in eradicating poverty.
1. (a) (i) compulsory primary education is given to the poor.
(b) (ii) encourages child labour
(c) (iv) all of the above
2. (a) (i) Eradication of child labour in hazardous industries.
(ii) Providing schooling to every Indian Child.
(b) (i) Each state has different rules regarding the minimum age of employment.
(ii) The act does not apply to unorganised or informal sector.
(c) (i) Poverty is the main cause of child labour–260 million people exist below poverty
line in India.
(ii) Child labour is preferred due to their nimble fingers, high level of concentration
and capacity to work hard at extremely low wages.
(d) (i) Children become prone to debilitating diseases (which make a person very weak)
(ii) Their limbs become deformed for life.
(iii) They become victims of bronchial diseases and T.B.
(iv) Their mental and physical development is permanently impaired.
(v) They remain uneducated and powerless.
(e) By giving the 380 million children a better quality of life and elementary education,
we can greatly enhance India’s human capital.
(f) Poverty forces parents to get their children employed so as get three times meal.
3. (a) eradication (b) implementation
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 11
1. Notes:
1. Second Chance Edn.
(a) Motives:
(i) Serious: love for lrg.,
(ii) Ordinary:
1. Promotions 2. Better job/marriage
2. Scope of Dis. Edn.
(a) No replacem’t of formal Edn.
(b) Parameters widen’g
(i) lesson packets (ii) interactions—p.c.p.—responses: 2-way process
(iii) audio/video tapes: electronic media
3. Diff. in Attitudes
(a) Formal Edn.—obl’g parents/appeas’g trs. (b) Dis. Edn.—disciplin’d & motivat’d
4. Society & Dist. Edn.
(a) social purpose—safety valve
(b) jobs & degrees
(i) formal edn—more unemp’d (ii) dist. edn.—more empl’d
5. Quality of Edn. & Institutes
(a) check diln. of stand’s (b) no comm’n
2. Title: Role & Scope of Distance Education
Summary: Distance education is second chance education. The serious minded have
love for learning while promotion in jobs or better prospects in job/marriage market drives
the ordinary pursuers. It is not a replacement of formal education. Its parameters are
widening. From sending lesson packets it has come to audio and video tapes. Responses
and interactions in personal contact programmes make it a two-way process. Disciplined
and motivated students earn, learn and serve society. Commercialisation and dilution of
standards should be effectively checked.
1. (a) (iii) mixed feeling
(b) (ii) pleasure is everywhere except in poet’s mind
(c) (iii) man has become selfish
2. (a) The poet heard the melodious music in a grove.
(b) The poet felt sad because of man’s selfishness and greed.
(c) The poet justifies that pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts.
(d) The birds enjoyed life by hopping and playing around the poet.
(e) The poet felt convinced that there was pleasure there because he was enjoying in the
lap of nature. He saw birds and animals living together happily.
(f) The poet thinks that Nature’s plan in divine. It promotes fraternity and happiness.
3. (a) lament (b) hopped
1. Notes:
1. Physical Envt.
(a) conducive to focus thought
(i) identify distract’g factors (ii) no concentrat’n in envt. full of distract’n
12 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
(b) Focus–attn. & retn. powers at optm. levels
(i) soft music—blocks outside noise
(ii) study table—away from window—visual distract’n.
2. Fixing Goals & Targets
(a) Estg. goals for self—no gen’l targets
(b) focused system—thoughts & goals in line
(c) schedules of study/recn.
(i) mix’g subjs.—like/dislike (ii) ret’g enj’le subjs to last pn
3. Timing
(a) 40 mts at a stretch
(b) short break:
(i) bld. concentrat’n (ii) refresh mind
(c) longer relaxation—undesired effects
4. Concentration
(a) disciplining the mind:
(i) practice (ii) patience
(b) +ve thkg.—no disheartening
2. Title: Enhancing Concentration
Summary: For enhancing concentration, the physical environment should be conducive
to focus thought. One should first identify the distracting factors as there can be no
concentration in an environment full of distraction. For focussing thought, attention and
retention powers must work at optimum levels. Soft music blocks outside noise. Study table
away from window checks visual distraction. Fixing goals helps to achieve focused system.
Schedule of study and recreation also helps. Have a short break after concentrating for 40
minutes. Concentration disciplines the mind through practice and patience. Have positive
thoughts and avoid being disheartened.
1. (a) (i) it is a lucrative business
(b) (iv) space trips will soon be made available
(c) (iii) both (i) and (ii)
2. (a) US businessman Dennis Tito was the first tourist to the International Space Station.
Tito had to undergo rigid medical requirements and a severe six month training course
in Russia.
(b) Lance Bass can’t afford $20 million for a space ride now. In a decade the fare for a
space traveller is likely to come down to $ 10,000 or even $ 5,000.
(c) (i) a hungry demand from would-be space tourists.
(ii) a $ 10 million prize to the designers.
(d) Travellers to space go beyond the orbit of the earth and reach the orbit of the moon.
On the other hand the suborbital tourist will travel in a rocket upto the International
space station only. Space travel is not possible for everyone, but suborbital tourism is
a possible alternative.
(e) Suborbital travel is a lucrative business.
(i) Space Adventures, a travel agency has collected $ 2 millions in deposits from
more than 120 would-be suborbital tourists.
(ii) Four commercial space ports are already licensed to operate.
(iii) It is likely to be $ 1 billion a year market—10,000 travellers paying $ 1,00,000
each during the first few years of adventure space travel.
(f) The space travellers should be medically fit and they need to get proper training. A
man who can ride the roller coaster is fit for space travelling.
3. (a) lucrative (b) gruelling
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 13
1. Title: Innovation for Growth
1. India lag’g behind in innovat’n: reasons
(a) lack of thinkers/innovators
(b) too late to realize/acknowledge their achvt.
2. Position of India
(a) Storehouse of int’l capital
(i) NASA (ii) Microsoft (iii) IBM
(b) Know’ge not used properly
(i) identify’g & promot’g talent
(ii) pr’dg proper opportunities, atmosphere & technology
3. Innovation & Role of Industry
(a) Innovat’n—lifeline to exist in business
(b) thrust on R & D
(c) R & D—neglected sphere:
(i) minimum expenditure (ii) long term gains
4. Human Contribution Factor
(a) India—abundant natural resources
(b) comb’g resources with tech’gy & innovat’n—better economy
(c) human zeal & contribut’n
(d) India—infn. rich country—know’ge tested—put to use
(e) goals ach’d through creativity & innovat’n
2. Summary: India is lagging behind in innovation not because there is a lack of thinkers
or innovators but because they are too late to realize and acknowledge their achievement.
India is a storehouse of intellectual capital but knowledge is not used properly. Talent
should be identified and promoted by providing proper opportunities and atmosphere.
Innovation is lifeline of industry. Research and development must get proper thrust.
Minimum expenditure here will get long term gains. Human zeal has contributed to
combining resources with technology and innovation. Information-rich India should
ensure that knowledge is tested and put to use for achieving goals.
1. (a) (ii) individuals
(b) (i) the utility of the newsgroups
(c) (ii) MAPS
2. (a) Spamming is basically electronic junk mail or newsgroup posting. It is e-mail
advertising for some product sent to a mailing list or group. The internet is flooded
with many copies of the same message. The aim is to force the message on people who
would not otherwise receive it.
Spamming poses a major inconvenience to net surfers as their accounts get jammed
with unwanted junk mail.
(b) The offer of Ericsson to give away Wap-phones as Nokia is giving away telephones. It
later turned out to be a hoax.
(c) Spamming works on our greed to receive freebies. Sometimes a friend or a total stranger
instructs someone to pass a message. It hits the receiver. He receives a large number of
e-mail, faxes and phone calls. Most of the costs are paid by the receiver.
14 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
(d) The two main types of spam are: Cancellable usenet spam and E-mail spam. Usenet spam
is a single message sent to 20 or more usenet newsgroups. It sends them a barrage of
advertisements or other irrelevant posts and subverts their ability to manage the topics
they accept on their system. Email spam is aimed at individual users.
(e) (i) by creating internet e-mail accounts like Hotmail or yahoo and changing them
frequently—blocking spammers who send copies to more than 20 persons.
(ii) Consulting Blacklist of Internet Advertisers
(iii) Mail Abuse Prevention System—The MAPS website at http://mail-abuse-org yields
useful information on how to counter and control spam.
(f) The people who are dissatisfied make use of Email spam. The advertising agencies do get
its benefit.
2. (a) hoax (b) dubious
1. Notes:
1. Gold—indispensable in the past
(a) ornl. value
(b) hedge against inflat’n
(c) banks—gold reserves
(d) Indians—sentimental value
(e) easy liquidity
2. Chang’g Worth of Gold
(a) decline in gold prices
(b) IMF & Foreign central banks—gold, a dead investt.
(c) Dev’g countries mob’g resources other than gold
3. Solutions for Indian Investors
(a) Investt. in comm’s mutual fund
(b) safe and high returns
4. Change in Govt. Policy
(a) hgr. for’n exchange reserves
(b) stable currency
(c) gold import—weaken’g currency
2. Title: Gold—A Dead Investment
Summary: Gold has been indispensable in the past. Apart from ornamental value it has
been used as hedge against inflation. Banks kept gold reserves. Gold has a sentimental
value. Moreover, gold has easy liquidity. Of late there has been decline in gold prices and
it is considered a dead investment. Developing countries are mobilising other resources.
The Indian investors can have safe and high returns by investing in commodities mutual
fund. The government has to change its policy by maintaining stable currency, higher
foreign exchange reserves and curbing gold import which weakens currency.
1. (a) (i) proved to be a false alarm
(b) (ii) often confuses people
(c) (i) biggies
2. (a) It refers to a close encounter in space: a half-a-mile-wide asteroid flying the earth
at a distance a little farther than the moon. The visitors come from the asteroid belt
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. They cause excitement and tension.
(b) A two-mile wide tumbling rock from space became the centre of attraction for all eyes.
It was called ‘the most earth-threatening object’ ever detected. Though its striking the
earth proved a false alarm, such celestial brushes point to the end of the world.
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 15
(c) Space agencies have projects to push potential earth-grazers off course. However, some
Near Earth Objects (NEOs) slip through unnoticed because technology, telescope time
and funds are limited.
(d) If there is an asteroid strike, Hiroshima and September 11 would pale in comparison.
Deaths could be counted in millions, and most of the flora and fauna would vanish.
So global astero monitoring system is essential. The present system is an ill-assorted
group which has no mechanism to assess the risk factors of NEOs or how much
information should be passed on to the public.
(e) The dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid strike.
(f) The southern hemisphere has not received the attention of the astronomers yet. It
lacks monitoring.
3. (a) cynosure (b) syndrome
1. Notes:
1. Mineral water—defn.
2. Classification of Mineral Waters
(a) LMW—500 mgs TDS/litre
(b) MMW—500 to 1500 mg TDS/litre
(c) HMW—over 1500 mg TDS/litre
3. Position in India
processed H2O as mineral H2O
4. Importance of minerals in H2O
(a) adjuncts to good health
(b) contribute to well being
(c) help body to absorb minerals in sols.
5. Taste
(a) HMW—strong pronounced taste
(b) LMW—subtle in flavour
(c) WMW—no taste
6. Water—essential for human body
(a) biochemical processes
(b) thirst not accurate indicator
(c) 3.5 litres/day
(d) for intense activity: more H2O + mineral + energy source
(e) keep body well hydrated & active
(f) if no mineral H2O—simple, plain water.
2. Title: Mineral Water
Summary: Mineral water is defined as water that is bottled at the source without any
treatment. Mineral waters are classified as lightly, moderately or highly mineralised
water as per varying quantity of total dissolved salts per litre varying from 500 mg to 1500
mg and above. In India processed water is sold as mineral water. The minerals in water
are adjuncts to good health and contribute to its well being by helping the body to absorb
minerals. Highly mineralised water has strong pronounced taste, lightly mineralised is
subtle in flavour. Plain water has no taste. Water is essential for human body to maintain
biochemical process. One must drink 3.5 litres of water per day to stay healthy, hydrated
and active.
16 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. (a) (i) lack of media awareness
(b) (ii) fake
(c) (i) babysitter
2. (a) Yes, it does. Most of the media experts and social scientists think that media violence
on TV is responsible for actually promoting aggressiveness in children.
(b) (i) The more violence children view on TV, the more aggressively they behave with
(ii) They become less sensitive to the pain of others. Hence they are less likely to help
a victim of violence.
(c) (i) Beating that 12-year-old Subin Kumar got from his WWF inspired friends.
(ii) The six-year-old child of Lucknow who leapt off the balcony of his second-floor flat
trying to imitate a bungee jumping drop shown in a soft-drinks commercial.
(d) Other factors are: (i) individual predisposition of the child, (ii) parental attitudes
(iii) reactions to aggression (iv) intolerance
(e) By providing media education, by teaching the children how to assess the reality status
of TV programmes. Most parents and teachers have to understand their responsibility
in imparting media education to children.
(f) Children of this materialistic age are desirous of getting immediate gratification. It
makes them impatient.
3. (a) thrilling (b) myriad
1. Notes:
1. Ess. of mor.
(a) compassion—real mor.
(b) meaning of mor. depends on good and bad concept
(c) inflicting no harm or injury to others
2. Basically mor. means
(a) abi. to understand
(b) abi. to sympathise
(c) feeling of kindness and sorrow for others
3. Killers of mor.
(a) taunting or insulting others through words or actions
(b) selfishness
(c) verbal or acts of torture contradict mor.
4. Soc. mor.
(a) essen. to stop degeneration of values
(b) otherwise sufferings and chaos.
5. degeneration in soc. mor.
(a) lack of sympathy and kindness b/w fellow-beings
(b) comp. getting eroded in the mechanical lifestyle
(c) today’s man busy in personal gains
(d) no more humanity left.
Abbreviations used: Ess. essence essen. essential mor. morality
soc. social abi. ability b/w between
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 17
2. Title: Essence of Real Morality
Summary: Compassion is the essence of real morality. The meaning of morality depends
on good and bad concepts and, inflicting no harm or injury to others. Basically, morality
means ability to understand, sympathise and feelings of kindness and sorrow for others.
Taunts, insult, selfishness and acts of torture are killers of morality. Social morality is
essential to stop degeneration of values. Today man has become selfish and has forgotten
humanity in mechanical lifestyle.
1. (a) (i) psycho-social stress
(b) (iii) the performance of an individual
(c) (iii) both (i) and (ii)
2. (a) Stress is a reaction of the body to any demands or changes in its internal and external
environment. Factors such as imbalance between demands and resources change in
temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions lead to stress.
(b) No, stress has a different meaning depending on the stage of life. For a child a
rebuke or loss of a toy causes stress. An adolescent may feel tense after failing in the
examination. For an adult loss of job or a dear one causes stress.
(c) (i) Change in the attitude and behaviour
(ii) muscle tension
(iii) palpitation, high blood pressure, indigestion and hyper acidity.
(iv) depression, lethargy, weakness for work.
(d) (i) heart diseases
(ii) neurological depression
(iii) ulcers
(iv) hypertension
(v) insomnia
(vi) injuries due to accidents
(e) (i) Self-inner control—faith in oneself, usefulness of job and in super power.
(ii) Use of stress modifiers or stress busters
(f) The chronic fatigue make one lethargic, disinterested and demotivated.
3. (a) wreck (b) lethargy
1. Title: Impact of Television
1. Advantages
(a) helpful to people with selective view’g (b) incr. knowl. of diffr. fields
(c) benefits old people/patients-confined to home/hosp
(d) helps non-native speakers for infor’l language practice, voca. and listen’g
2. Disadvantages
(a) long view’g hrs. averag’g 6 hrs a day
(i) child glued to TV w/out study’g/sleep’g (ii) powerful, often neg. influence
(b) recent studies
(i) ‘relaxes’ brain to ‘before sleep state’ in < 30 sec
18 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
(ii) reduces concentra’n time to 15-20 min
3. Negative Influ.
(a) dissatis’n with personal life
(i) reel life more attractive than real life
(b) exposure to excessive violence
(i) child. grow more aggre. and violent
(c) causes addiction to itself
(i) powerf’l need to watch TV even if not req’d
2. Summary: Television has a strong impact on people’s lives. It has many positive features
as good programmes telecast can increase our knowledge about various fields like science,
art and medicine, etc. It is an ideal companion for old people or patients who can’t leave
home. Also, it promotes one’s communication skills, especially, if one is a non-native
speaker. On the other hand, TV viewing has a strong negative influence as well. In many
countries, long TV viewing hours, averaging six hours a day become detrimental to the
growth, concentration and study-habits of children. Since reel life is more exciting than
real life, people develop dissatisfaction with personal lives. Over exposure to violence and
fights makes children more aggressive. TV viewing, finally, becomes an addiction which
forces people to sit glued to it without deriving any pleasure from it.
1. (a) (iii) the economies of the underdeveloped countries are more likely to grow faster with
substantial foreign aid than without.
(b) (iii) large amounts of technical assistance and capital.
(c) (ii) Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and
social framework.
2. (a) The availability of substantial capital gives a nation a great opportunity to develop its
(b) The nation should increase production without taking much of the benefit in more
(c) Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and social
(d) An underdeveloped country faces the problems of lack of organisation and trained
(e) The nation should try to increase the economic growth to minimize risk.
(f) The contribution of FDI in case of Japan was greater than the technical know-how.
3. (a) plenty of (b) assistance
1. Title: Power of Intelligent Computers/Electronic Brain/Artificial Intelligence
1. Earlier terms
(a) ‘Electronic brain’
(i) first massive compu. capable of rapid computation
(b) ‘High Speed Idiot’
(i) to protect vanity (ii) human idiot still among most intelli. forms on earth
(c) neither describes artifi’l intelli. of comp. appro’ly
R E A D I N G S K I L L S 19
2. New discovery regarding thought processes
(a) greater understanding about human brain
(b) higher animals cap’ble of basic thought, e.g., dog, cat, etc.
(c) Insect, other lower forms–no thought
(d) higher mammals–more complex brain activity
3. Artif’l Intelli. Research
(a) machines like compu/robots–superior mental ability to many life forms
(i) play chess/back gammon unlike plants/lower animals
(b) World’s best players–computers
2. Summary: The first massive computers which could make rapid computation were called
‘electronic brain’. Later on these were dubbed ‘high-speed idiots’ to protect human vanity.
Even the human idiot is still among the most intelligent life forms on earth. Neither
label describes artificial intelligence of computer appropriately. New discovery regarding
thought processes have led to great understanding about human brain. While higher
animals e.g. dog, cat etc. are capable of basic thought, insects and other lower forms are
thoughtless. Higher mammals show more complex brain activity. Artificial Intelligence
Research reveals that machines like computers/robots have superior mental ability to
many life forms. They can play chess/back gammon unlike plants/lower animals. Some of
the world’s best players are now computers.
1. (a) (i) should try to breathe clean air
(b) (iv) all of the above
(c) (ii) pneumonia
2. (a) Air is essential for our life. We have to breathe in over 10,000 litres of air in a day to
keep alive.
(b) Most of us spend ninety per cent of our time indoors—in homes or offices. The air we
breathe indoors may also be polluted and cause ill health. So we should pay attention
to the quality of air we breathe indoors.
(c) The important sources of indoor air pollution are:
(i) Tobacco smoke
(ii) Animal dusts
(iii) Air conditioners
(iv) Moulds, bacteria
(v) House dust mites
(vi) Cooking and heating
(vii) Toxic chemicals
(viii) Asbestos
(d) ETS stands for Environmental Tobacco Smoke or “passive smoking”. It causes all
the harms of tobacco smoking to non-smokers. For example, the children of smoking
parents suffer from respiratory problems. There is an increased risk of lung cancer
among women exposed to passive smoking.
(e) We must first identify the allergen and then prevent exposure to them. Use of vacuum
cleaners, exposure to sun, washing linen in warm water and cleaning coolers, airconditioners
etc. are some of the important steps to minimise allergies.
20 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
(f) The indoor environment becomes polluted when biomass fuels and coal are burnt.
They release carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide which are detrimental to us.
3. (a) contaminate (b) unequivocally
1. Title: Civilised Communities
1. Composition of Civilised Communities
(a) small cl. of corrupted rulers
(b) large cl. of sub’s
2. Social order
(a) Desirable sl. order–delivers one from avoidable evils
(b) Bad sl. order–leads people into temptations
3. The Modern World: prevalent position
(a) War–great obstacle to desirable change
(b) Foreign policy of nations–militaristic principles
(c) Source of Reform
(i) Pvt. individuals (ii) Not thro’ those in power
(d) Method of Reform: persuasion
(i) Policy of pacifism preferable to militarism
2. Summary: The civilised communities of the modern world are made up of a small class of
rulers, and of a large class of subjects. A desirable social order is one that delivers people
from avoidable evils. Bad social order leads us into temptation. In the modern world the
great obstacle to all desirable change is war. All the nations conduct their foreign policy
on militaristic principles. It is the business of private individuals to persuade majority of
people that policy of pacifism is preferable to that of militarism.
1. (a) (i) determination
(b) (iv) none of the above
(c) (i) determination
2. (a) At the age of eight.
(b) (i) fast on feet (ii) instinct for where the rival would hit his next shot.
(c) He was chubby faced 18-year old boy with brown ringlets and a red head band. He
realized that he had the hidden talent to be the best tennis player in the world.
(d) He tried building unbreakable defences. The fear of defeat was the devil that troubled
(e) His assessment of his opponent that he was not as hungry as last year helped him
to win the match. He played every point to the utmost. He was on the peak of the
mountain with icy winds blowing around his head.
(f) John McEnroe was a good tennis player. He was hard working, determined and
optimistic. He had the art of overcoming presence.
3. (a) potential (b) incredible
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 21
Short Composition (Advertisements)
For sale the first floor of a newly constructed house in Greater Kailash comprising two
bed rooms, one large drawing-cum-dining room, a large kitchen and bathrooms with latest
amenities. Prices negotiable. Please contact Ranjit/Rekha, 751 GK between 10 am to 5 pm
on Sunday or ring 25467329.
For immediate sale, the rear portion of a bungalow, 115, Rajpur Road, Delhi. Two bedrooms,
attached baths, drawing-cum-dining. Price around ` 20 lakh but negotiable. Contact
Rohit, 115 Rajpur Road or ring 23295665.
A computer engineer well versed in hardware and software techniques seeks a part time job
in or around Delhi in the evening hours. Presently working in a MNC at NOIDA. Salary
negotiable. Contact Munish Mehta, 37-B, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi or Phone 26423457.
4. Subscribe to SPORTSLINE for a year
a fortnightly sports & features magazine
and get a FREE
H Annual subscription (105 issues) ` 1050.
H Special inaugural discount ` 210.
H Despatch a demand draft of ` 840
and get Sportsline for a year
offer closes 31 August 20XX
Lost my brown VIP leather briefcase while travelling from Punjabi Bagh to Maharani
Bagh in greenline bus on Friday between 10 a.m. and 11 am. It contains my identity card
and some valuable documents. Please contact Rahul/Rashmi of 215-C, Punjabi Bagh, New
Delhi, or ring 25425368.
22 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Available for sale a brand new Santro car and other household goods such as fridge, television,
air-conditioner, micro-wave processor etc. The owner is leaving for Canada soon. Prices
negotiable. Contact Sunil/Simi, 243-B Kalkaji, New Delhi or ring 24629876.
A promising young lad with kidney beyond repair and the other damaged in a car accident
is on dialysis in Apollo Hospital. Donors are invited to offer one of their kidneys to save this
sole bread earner of a family of five. Please contact immediately Medical Superintendent,
Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.
The creative centre for complete Health has started a Yoga Centre at 15/25 Tilak Nagar,
New Delhi. The centre will be open from 10th April, 20XX. It will function between 9.00
a.m. – 6.00 p.m. and is open to all children between 5-18 years. For registration and
further details, contact Aman at 9811196543.
Short Composition (Notices)
25 July, 20XX NOTICE
We are pleased to inform that Miss Renu Nigam, the eminent counsellor, CARING, has
kindly consented to give a talk on the various career options available to the students of
the humanities stream.
Date : 30th July, 20XX
Time : 11 a.m.
Venue : School Auditorium
Classes : XI and XII
For queries, kindly contact the undersigned
Head Girl
17 October, 20XX NOTICE
It is a rare honour that our school is playing against CPM School, Meerut in a Zonal
Volleyball Final tomorrow
Date : 18 Oct., 20XX
Time : 3 p.m. sharp
Venue : Our School Ground
All the students are cordially invited to watch the tournament and cheer up the school
A. Ganesh
Director, Physical Education
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 23
4 March, 20XX NOTICE
The School Development Committee proposes to develop calendar of activities for the next
year. All suggestions on following topics may be directed to the undersigned by the 9th
 Excursions
 Trekking Venues
 Inter-house Competitions
 Inter-School Contests
 Debates
 Quiz
 Science Exhibitions
 Welfare Activities
 School Fete
 Blood Donation Camp
 Afforestation Campaign
Students’ Representative
7 August, 20XX NOTICE
The Red Cross Society of India is organising a one-day blood-donation camp as per details
given below:
Date : 15 Aug., 2013
Time : 9.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Venue : Activity Room
Age Limit : Above 16 years
All the members of the staff and the students are requested to come forward and donate
blood generously for the noble cause.
Arun Sen
School Red Cross Committee
24 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
NOTICE 25 July, 20XX
Students are invited to participate in the Inter School Poster Making Competition to be
held on 9 August, 20XX in the school ground from 10 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Junior Category (Classes IV to VII)
Topic : Save Water
Senior Category (Classes IX to XII)
Topic : Eco-friendly Diwali
For details contact:
Secretary, Cultural Society
NOTICE 1 Feb., 20XX
The Eleventh International Book Fair is being organised as per details given below:
Venue : Pragati Maidan, Delhi
Dates : 7 Feb. to 14 Feb., 20XX
Timings : 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. (weekdays)
9 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Sundays)
Those interested in books may give their names to the undersigned by 3 Feb., 20XX.
Gian Singh
NOTICE 1 August, 20XX
Career Counselling Session
A career counselling session with Ms. Usha Grewal, noted counsellor will be held in our
Date : 10 August 20XX
Time : 11 a.m.
Venue : School Auditorium
Classes : XI and XII
Please be seated by 8.45 a.m. and do not carry eatables and bags inside the auditorium.
For further details contact:
Rahul Khanna
(Head Boy)
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 25
NOTICE 17 July, 20XX
The School Literary Association will be inaugurated by noted educationist. Prof. B. Rajan
on 19 July at 11.30 a.m. in the school auditorium. He will also deliver a talk on ‘How to
improve spoken English’. It will be followed by an interactive session.
All members are requested to attend.
25 October, 20XX
School Magazine
The School Magazine ‘REFLECTIONS’ will be brought out in the last week of January.
Students interested in contributing articles, poems, riddles, tit-bits, cartoons, sketches, etc.,
may send them to the undersigned lasted by 15th November 20XX. Contribution should
be typed or neatly written on one side of paper.
School Magazine
15 Nov. 20XX
The preliminary round of Britannia Quiz Contest for North Zone will be held at our school
on 25 Nov, 20XX. All the students who desire to participate in it may submit their names
to the undersigned by the 20th Nov 20XX.
Head Girl
26 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Short Composition (Posters)
Avoid Distinctions of Caste, Creed & Sex
Communal Speeches/Writing
Issued in Public Interest by Friends of India Society
 Non-Biodegradable  Dumping  Pollutes Environment
 Burning  Air Pollution  Toxic Elements
 Lung Cancer
 Paper Bags  Jute Bags  Cloth Bags
Issued by:
Environment Club
ABC School, Vayu Vihar, Delhi.
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 27
H A great handicap H Hinders Development
H Makes one dependent on others H Checks Potential
H Object of pity & Sympathy
not money or petty jobs
CONTACT: Eye Bank of Your City
proudly presents
a hilarious comedy
for the benefit of Spastic Society of India
Entry: Donor Tickets of ` 100 each
Cultural Secretary
Dramatic Club
1. Red Cross Society, Chandigarh
cordially invites you to
participate in
Saturday, the 20th December 20XX
28 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
• Yoga • Live Demonstrations • Discourses
• Panel Discussions • Doctors’ Suggestions • Experts’ Opinions
10 Special Prizes
Sound Health & Physical Fitness
Sports Secretary
Fast Foods (India)
at 9 a.m.
Remember the Benefits of Trees
• Release oxygen • Suck carbon dioxide
• Bring rain • Check soil erosion
• Provide fruit, shade & greenery
Trees live for us. Let us protect our friends.
will conjointly organise
3 to 6 October, 20XX
6 p.m. onwards each day
Entry Fee : Adults : ` 20/- Kids : ` 5/-
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 29
R. Murlitharan
President Leo Club,
Temple Town
2. Take
 Become Active!  Get Fit For Life!  Enjoy Mental Alertness!
A Healthy Body Shelters a Healthy Mind
Exercising can be fun—choose any one:
• Swimming • Jogging
• Aerobics • Dancing
• Workout at the Gym
Issued by
Sports Authority of India
Short Composition (Invitations)
1. The Principal, Staff and Students
Wonderland Public School
cordially invite you to the
Hawk Auditorium
Run and
have fun
Sport a
Healthy heart
Give your heart
a healthy resort
30 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
on 5th April 20XX
at 6.00 p.m.
Mr. S.P. Tailang, noted Environmentalist has kindly consented
to be the Guest of Honour.
Principal, Wonderland Public School  Kindly be seated by 5.45 p.m.
Phone: 22342034  Mobile phones and cameras are
Mobile: 9891002034 not allowed please.
2. The Principal, Staff and Students of
cordially invite you to their
The School Auditorium
on 15 November, 20XX
at 5 p.m.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi has kindly consented to be
the Chief Guest.
Ph.: 26165423, 26193467
Please occupy your seats by 4.45 p.m.
Valid for two persons only
1. Value Education Club
Vivekananda Sr. Sec. School
Roop Nagar, New Delhi
27 August, 20XX
Mr K.B. Vaid
18 Defence Colony
New Delhi
Subject: Invitation to deliver a talk
The Value Education Club of our school will feel obliged if you could kindly spare some
time to speak on ‘The Importance of Devotion, Dedication and Discipline’ on any Friday
Kindly intimate the date and time convenient to you.
With regards
Yours faithfully
Rohit Khanna
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 31
2. C-38 Hope Apartments
15 July, 20XX
Dear Dipti
You will be glad to know that I have secured admission in I.I.F.T. and in the course I was
mad to go in for. It is an occasion for celebrations and merry making. I want to share a
few happy moments of my life in the company of my old friends at a dinner at the Vimpy’s
South City Gurgaon, at 8.30 p.m. on 25th July, 20XX.
Please do come. I hope you won’t disappoint me.
Yours sincerely
Short Composition (Replies to Invitations)
1. 25, Rani Jhansi Road
New Delhi
5 March, 20XX
The Secretary
Lions Club, Karnal
Sub: Acceptance of invitation
Thanks for your invitation for a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, and your
concern for the children. I would like to utilise this opportunity to share my experiences
with other like-minded enthusiasts and experts.
I hereby confirm my participation in the seminar.
Yours sincerely
2. 158–MIG Flats
Dilshad Garden, New Delhi
7 March, 20XX
The Secretary
Youth Club, Vivek Vihar
New Delhi
Sub: Inability to accept invitation
I whole heartedly express my thanks to you and your club for inviting me to act as a judge
in the inter-school group song competition on Monday, 13 March 20XX.
I regret my inability to accept the invitation because of a prior engagement.
I wish the function all success.
Please do keep in touch.
Yours sincerely
32 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. ABC School
New Delhi
7 March 20XX
The Professor Incharge
New Delhi
Sub: Education for All
I would like to thank you for inviting our school for the proposed seminar on ‘Education
for All’ being organised by your Institute.
Kindly send me a copy of the working paper prepared for the seminar so that I can prepare
myself properly and make a meaningful contribution in the deliberations at the seminar.
Looking forward to an early response.
Yours sincerely
2. 138–MIG Flats
Moti Bagh, New Delhi
7 March 20XX
The President
The Lions Club, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi
Sub: Inability to accept invitation
I whole-heartedly express my thanks to you and your club for inviting me to act as one of
the judges for the Children’s Day fancy dress competition on Monday, March 15, 20XX.
I regret my inability to accept the invitation because of a prior engagement. I wish the
function all success.
Please do keep in touch.
Yours sincerely
Letter Writing (Business/Official Letters)
1. 175C–Janakpuri
New Delhi
20 June 20XX
The Director
The Centre for Creativity and Development
Mall Road
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 33
Sub: Information regarding 8-week Summer Course
My younger sister has just passed the All India Secondary School Examination of CBSE.
She is a brilliant student and has secured 85% marks in X. She does not want to opt for the
traditional prestigious courses in science viz. medicine or engineering. She is enamoured of
the information technology, but I feel that she is a bit timid and lacks self-confidence. She
certainly needs some skilled guidance and training in personality development, leadership
and interaction. She consulted her language teacher on the subject and he advised her
to join your centre for this purpose.
Kindly supply me the following information regarding the 8-week summer course in
(a) the number of students in each group.
(b) whether separate coaching classes are held for girls.
(c) fee for the whole course.
(d) whether fee is accepted in two/three instalments.
Yours faithfully
Rakesh Gupta
2. Planwel Company
Tarapore Towers, MG Road, Bengaluru
Ref. No. 20/PC/35
19 April, 20XX
The Manager
Apex Information Centre
3, Anna Nagar, Nambaccum
Sub: Offer of a premises on rent
Reference your advertisement in The Hindu dated 18 April regarding availability of a
suitable accommodation in the central market for your office. In this connection we desire
to inform you that we have a suitable office located in the vicinity of the central market.
The accommodation (with roads on two sides) comprises a big hall 25’ × 40’ with two
adjoining rooms 12’ × 15’ each and an inter-connected pantry and toilet. This is an ideal
location for all kinds of business establishments. There are three nationalised banks on
the opposite road. The terms and conditions for rent are as under:
(i) A refundable security of rupees two lakh.
(ii) Rent of ` 10,000 pm payable in advance.
(iii) Electricity and water charges extra.
(iv) Sanitation at your disposal.
(v) Rental lease will lapse after eleven months.
In case the above-mentioned terms are acceptable, please contact the undersigned within a
Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Wasan
Office Manager
34 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Letter Writing (Making Enquiries)
1. Purchase Manager
Apple Telesystems
9th Street, Mahim
The Sales Manager
Ganapati Stationery Mart
12 March 20XX
Sub : Supply of Stationery
We are a software company and we need the following items in bulk for office use. I
request you to kindly quote your rates and terms of supply for the following items :
1. Apsara Pencils — HB, HH
2. Orient Bond paper — 25 dozen reams
3. Cyclostyling paper — 30 dozen reams
4. Computer paper — 20 dozen reams
5. Type Paper — 50 dozen reams
6. Typewriter carbon ribbons — 1 dozen packets
7. Computer carbon ribbons — 1 dozen packets
8. Photocopier carbon ribbons — 10 packets
9. Carbon paper — 10 dozen
10. Fluid eraser — 10 dozen
11. File covers — 10 dozen
12. Plastic clips — 50 packets
As we are ordering in bulk, we would expect discount on the bulk purchase. We expect
a reply at the earliest possible along with the acceptable terms and conditions please.
Yours faithfully
A.K. Bhonsle
(Purchase Manager)
Students’ Forum
No 523/NSB/05
12 March 20XX
The General Manager
Northern Railway
Bikaner Division
Sub : Reservation of a Bogie for 60 students
A group of 60 students of senior classes of this school have planned to visit Bhubaneshwar
and nearby worth-seeing spots during the ensuing summer vacation. They will be
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 35
accompanied by three teachers and two attendants. The touring party intends to leave
Bikaner on 15 May 20XX by Bikaner Mail in a specially reserved bogie to be linked to
Konark Express at Delhi. They are likely to commence their return journey on 10 June
by the same train. Please confirm whether a bogie can be reserved for them during the
above dates. An early confirmation at your end will help the school authorities finalise
the other necessary arrangements.
You are also requested to supply the details of estimated expenditure with students’
concession so that the money may be deposited well in time. List of tour party on prescribed
proforma is enclosed.
Hoping for an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Students’ Forum
1. 53, Banjara Hills
7 March 20XX
The Proprietor
Clear Vision
14, Palace Road
Dear Sir
Sub : Complaint against CTV - MS-21
It was only last summer, 15 June 20XX to be precise that I bought a colour TV from you.
The model is Phillips CTV - MS-21 and the Invoice No. is 1487 dated 15.06.20XX.
Last week it started giving trouble. I thought that the sound problem was due to a weak
signal and that it would pass, but it recurred with more frequency. When I tried to adjust
the knobs the picture got blurred. Sometimes the colours fade away.
Since the TV set is within the guarantee period of two years, you are requested to get
the defects rectified by your service engineer. In case the set is beyond repair, kindly get
it replaced.
Hoping for an early favourable action.
Yours sincerely
2. 105, Baily Road
20 March 20XX
The Sales Officer
The Computer Centre
36 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Sub : Defective working of HP Desk Jet Printer
It was only last month, 10 February 20XX to be precise that I purchased a Hewlett
Packard Desk Jet 200 Printer from your firm vide cash memo no. 785 dated 10 Feb., 20XX.
For about a fortnight it gave a very satisfactory service in my newly acquired personal
computer. Now I find that the print quality is very poor.
The impression is not clear and deep. Moreover, the ink nozzles of the print cartridge
get frequently clogged. This poor and irritating performance of the Jet Desk Printer has
also affected the quality of my work besides dampening my spirits and mood so often.
I regret to inform you that in spite of two verbal reminders you have not sent your
service-engineer to attend to the faults. I need not remind you that it is against business
ethics as the fault has occurred within the warranty period. In case you do not attend
to the fault within a week I shall be constrained to lodge a complaint against you in the
consumers’ court.
Yours faithfully,
Naveen Chaudhri
1. 34, Periyar Road
19 September 20XX
The Commissioner
Chennai Municipal Corporation
Sub : Poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in Periyar Road
I want to draw your kind attention towards the poor sanitary conditions prevailing in
our locality – Periyar Road. It seems that the cleaners have forgotten the existence of
this locality on the civic map of Chennai. Heaps of rubbish are lying here and there, with
flies swarming around and pigs wallowing in the filth and mud caused by the overflow
of dirty water from the drains on to the road. The drains are choked as they are neither
cleaned nor flushed.
The dirty water collects on the road forming cesspools of filthy water. There are also many
pits on the roads which are full of drain water. All these serve as breeding places for
mosquitoes. The mosquito menace is so intense in our locality that we have to use anti
mosquito sprays, mats and aerosols to have undisturbed sleep for a couple of hours. You
are requested to pay a surprise visit to the locality and judge the state yourself. Kindly
take some immediate and effective steps to improve the sanitation and rid us from the
menace of mosquitoes.
Hoping for a favourable action.
Yours faithfully,
S. Sundaram
2. 12 Jayanangar
12 March 20XX
The Police Commissioner (Traffic)
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 37
Sub : Inadequate Parking Facilities
I wish to draw your attention towards the lack of an essential civic amenity which causes
trouble not only to the vehicle users but also to the general public. The inadequate
parking facilities in the commerical street area of Bangalore has caused a sea of chaos,
confusion and disorder. Most of the vehicles are parked on roads blocking the passages to
and from the parking spaces. The problem gets worse during the evening hours. People
are stranded as they can’t park their vehicles at places earmarked for parking. Nor can
they move out easily towards the road from the parking spaces.
I would like to offer some practical suggestions :
(i) Vehicles with even number should be allowed on even days i.e. (Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday) while those with odd ones be used on odd days (Monday, Wednesday,
Friday). This will cut the number of vehicles by 50%.
(ii) The parking lots should be controlled by the police so that entry/exit is not blocked.
I hope my suggestions will be implemented for public benefit.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
1. C-23 Chitra Park
25 May 20XX
M/s Saraswati House Pvt Ltd
New Delhi
Sub : Request for Catalogue
I am interested in purchasing a few of your publications on spoken English by V.P.P. I
shall be very grateful if you could send me the latest catalogue on these books.
Please specify if any audio/video cassettes are also available along with the books. I am
enclosing a self-addressed envelope for prompt despatch.
I am also interested in knowing your terms and conditions regarding the payment, time
and mode of delivery, etc.
Hoping you would look into my request on priority.
Yours faithfully
Ashwini Meena
2. 23 Fort Road
15 November 20XX
The Manager
Oberoi International
Dear Sir
38 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Sub : Enquiry regarding expenses for Wedding Reception
Kindly let me know whether your lawns would be available on the evening of 7th December
to hold the wedding reception of my sister. In case space is available, please enlighten
me regarding the following :
(i) catering cost per head (Menu no. 3)
(ii) service charges
(iii) decoration charges
(iv) advance amount to be paid.
Please send me point-wise specific reply at the address given above.
Looking forward to an early reply.
Yours sincerely
1. Mohan
C/5, Assam
15 April 20XX
The Manager
Globe Travel Agency
The Mall, Shimla
Dear Sir
Sub : Hotel accommodation and other facilities
I am planning to visit Shimla during the summer vacation. I intend to reach there on 16
May by the IC 308 flight and stay there for a week. You are requested to book a deluxe
double bedroom in a five star hotel, as I will be accompanied by my friend. I shall also
need a chauffeur driven car to take us in and around Shimla.
Please make these facilities available for a week, i.e., from 16 May to 22 May 20XX. A
bank draft for ` 5000 is enclosed as advance. Please confirm the bookings so that the
remaining amount may be sent to you.
Yours faithfully
2. National Sr. Sec. School
Vayu Vihar
New Delhi
25 March 20XX
City Central Book Shop No. 10
Sub : Non-compliance of the order No. 11/RS
This is with reference to our order No. 11/RS dated 4th March 20XX regarding the delivery
of a few books for our school library.
In this respect, I regret to state that despite repeated reminders on the phone, the books
have not yet been delivered to the library so far. The new session has started and the
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 39
books are required urgently for reference-work by the students. I am quite upset about
the non-compliance and negligent attitude shown by your shop towards our order. If the
specified books don’t reach us within three days from the receipt of this letter, we will
conclude that you are not interested in fulfilling this order. In that case, we’ll be compelled
to place the order elsewhere. A list of books ordered is being enclosed herewith. Kindly
do the needful at the earliest.
Yours truly
Encl.—Photocopy of the book-list.
24 Pyarelal Road, Mumbai
Ref. STC/20/78
12 August 20XX
The Senior Purchase Manager
The American Textile Company
Sub : Offer of Products for Bulk Sale
We are one of the leading manufacturers of textile products in Western India and our
products are equally popular at home and abroad. We have received an enquiry from
your branch office at Kanpur regarding terms for bulk purchase.
We wish to inform you that we grant 30% trade discount to commercial / bulk purchases
on an order for not less than ` one lakh at a time. We allow further discount of 5% to
buyers whose orders exceed ` Five lakh per year.
Our latest price list and illustrated catalogue along with specimen of textiles are enclosed
for your kind perusal and approval.
An early reply will be appreciated.
Yours sincerely
A. G. George
Sales Manager
2. Universal Book Suppliers
26, Ansari Road
New Delhi
Tel. No. 23286677
Our Ref. No. UBS/AMS/02/DE/0507
Your Ref. No. SCG/CE/54-03
Dated 19 May 20XX
The Librarian
Scindia School
40 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Sub : Sale of Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias
We thank you for your letter dated 5 May 20XX and are happy to furnish you the following
We stock dictionaries and encyclopaedias published by Indian as well as foreign publishers.
We have books suitable for all age-groups of school going children. As desired by you, we
are enclosing our latest catalogue. It contains the information you need.
We shall offer you 15% discount given to educational institutions on this category of books.
We need two weeks’ time to make delivery of the order. We accept payment by demand
draft only. It should be payable at New Delhi.
I hope our terms will meet your approval and we’ll receive your order soon.
Yours faithfully
S. Ravindran
Sales Manager
Letter Writing (Letters to the Editor)
1. 23 Rifle Lane
30 January 20XX
The Editor
The Bhopal Times
Subject: Child-marriages
Yesterday we went to the Laxmi Narayan temple to worship the deities on Basant Panchmi
Day. What horrified my sensibility was a queue of young girls—hardly sixteen years in
age and dressed in bridal clothes, waiting to be married off to their respective bridegrooms
arrayed in the opposite row. I was shocked beyond belief that this evil practice of early
marriage still continues in spite of legal ban. The presence of many bigwigs of society
accorded these group marriages prestige in society. It seems that the law regarding girl’s
marriage is not at all being implemented properly. People conveniently forget that the
main cause of pregnancy related deaths is motherhood in the teens.
I hope the government agencies will enforce the law strictly and save the lives of many
innocent women and babies.
Yours faithfully
Savita Sen
2. 25 Indira Colony
17 June 20XX
The Editor
The Rohtak Times
Subject: Problems of residents of Indira Colony
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 41
The residents of Indira Colony are victims of twin problems. The frequent load shedding
and power cuts for long periods have made lives miserable during these hot days of June.
Secondly, the commercialisation of residential space in this colony has attracted workshops
and small scale industries resulting in pollution and noise and causing annoyance and
disturbance to the peaceful lives of the residents.
As a resident of the colony, I plead to you to bring our problems to the notice of the concerned
authorities and persuade/motivate them to take immediate remedial action.
Yours faithfully
Anjana Malik
1. 15/1129 Rajiv Nagar
Andhra Pradesh
20 March 20XX
The Editor
The Indian Express
Sub: Load of Heavy Bags on Primary School Kids
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper I want to draw the attention of the
government about the undesirability of primary school students carrying heavy bags to
their school.
Sometimes these bags seem heavier than the kids and cause severe strain on the young
shoulders. It becomes odd for them to get into the school bus. Can’t we reduce the content
of school bags? Why not keep the books and exercise books at schools in their desks. Let
games and electronic media do the rest. An improvement in techniques of education is
essential in the new millennium.
It is time the educationists realised the plight of these kids and evolved ways to lessen
their burden.
Yours faithfully
Bharat Reddy
2. The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
5 April 20XX
Sub: Security—A Major Concern
I wish to draw your attention to the crimes which are being perpetuated on a daily basis
against the common citizens of this country. Newspaper headlines everyday are splashed
with details of crimes ranging from petty chain snatching incidents to daring burglaries and
gory blood chilling murders. No city, street or home is safe and the people live in constant
fear of life and property. What is our society coming to?
It is indeed a matter of great shame that the police has become ineffective and cannot
check the rise of unprecedented crime graph. It is even more shocking that the judiciary
seems to have lost its voice and criminals are acquitted of charges ranging from kidnapping
to rape and murder.
42 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
It is high time that we rise with a heightened sense of urgency to tackle this serious
issue. Stringent laws need to be put into place and enforced religiously. The policing
needs to undergo a rapid transformation by involving the community at large. Resident
Welfare Organisations, MLA’s, NGO’s and other support systems must work in tandem to
address these security concerns. Self-defence training should be provided to all students
as a part of the school curriculum. People need to be vigilant at all times and report any
suspicious activity noticed in their surroundings to the local authorities. The police force
needs to be trained and empowered to develop a more positive image in the eyes of the
common person.
Yours truly
1. Examination Hall
New Delhi-110058
5th April 20XX
The Editor
The Herald
New Delhi-110002
Sub : Terror caused by illicit liquor and anthrax
The recent deaths due to the consumption of illicit liquor and the fear generated in the
minds of people on account of anthrax is a matter of great alarm and concern.
We often hear or read about people dying due to the consumption of illicit liquor, but never
come to know about the follow up action or the punishment given to the guilty. What a
tragedy ! Families get ruined, children orphaned but the illegal trade continues unabated.
Why is our government so apathetic towards this social curse or maybe, keeps the eyes
closed deliberately because the custodians of law have their palms greased through these
means only.
However, we, the awakened citizens, must raise our voice against this evil. We must try
to educate not only the children but adults also. Responsibility can also be given to the
Gram Panchayats and the best village or Panchayat should be awarded if they are able
to eradicate this menace from their villages.
Another problem, I need to address is the problem of global terrorism. The people have
yet to recover from the trauma of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers when they
are confronted with a still more dangerous and threatening problem—the problem of bioterrorism.
Prominent personalities in different countries are being targeted through the
deadly bio-chemical like anthrax sent in letters. Has man degenerated to such an extent
that he can kill another human being using such means? The US government has taken
strong steps to contain this deadly act. However, if the guilt is proved on anybody, the
person(s) must be given exemplary punishment to eliminate this heinous crime completely.
I am sure that the contents shared here express the views of many, in the hope that
sanity may prevail among people some day.
Yours truly
2. 23, Cubbon Road
Bengaluru–560 001
7 March 20XX
The Editor
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 43
The Deccan Herald
Sub: Daylight robberies and burglaries
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I want to draw the attention of the authorities
towards an urgent law and order problem – namely the increase in daylight robberies
and burglaries.
During the last fortnight twenty cases have been reported in the papers. These incidents
have occurred in various parts of the city and no area seems immune from the criminals.
However, one thing stands out common which suggests a method in their madness. It
is the victims who are targetted by them. A rough and ready analysis of the cases cited
above shows that most of them were either aged couples living alone or widows/widowers
having no members of family with them. Almost all these homes had trusted male servants/
maid servants. It clearly points out the nexus between the criminals and the household
Keeping in view the above, it is suggested that the police should augment day-time beat
vigils and undertake a summary check of the antecedents of the households servants. It
will be advisable to households not to engage domestic helps without proper verification
of their conduct from the police. The Citizens Welfare Associations should evolve local
supervision schedules.
I am confident that all these steps will help to curb the menace of daylight robberies and
burglaries and the citizens will lead peaceful and carefree life.
Yours faithfully
Letter Writing (Applications for a Job)
1. 23 Raman Villa
Race Course Road
August 11, 20XX
The Personnel Manager
Pioneers (Pvt.) Ltd. Co.
Sub: Application for the post of an Accountant
In response to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 1 August, 20XX, I wish
to be considered for the position mentioned above. I feel my qualifications and experience
are good enough to enable me to discharge my duties. I attach herewith attested copies
of my certificates and my biodata. If given a chance, I may assure you, sir, that I shall
spare no pains in the discharge of my duty honestly and devotedly. I will certainly win
the confidence of my superiors.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Encl: Biodata
44 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. Name : Nipun Verma
2. Father’s Name : Mr Mohan Lal Verma
3. Address : 23, Raman Villa, Race Course Road, Bhopal
4. Date of Birth : 15 September, 1970
5. Educational : (i) CBSE (10+2) 1987 83%
Qualifications (ii) B.Com. (Hons) 1990 73%
(iii) CA 1994
(iv) ICWAI 1997
6. Experience : TISCO ‘Bhopal’ since Nov. 1997
7. Salary Expected : ` 25,000 pm + perks
8. Marital Status : Unmarried
9. Languages known : Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu
10. References : (i) Dr. V. Anand, H.O.D. Commerce, Holker University,
(ii) Mr R.K. Sareen, Financial Advisor GRASIM (India)
2. 158, Nirala Nagar
26 September, 20XX
The Manager
Sub: Application for the post of Business Development Managers
With reference to your advertisement in The Pioneer, dated 24 September, 20XX seeking
applications for the post of Business Development Managers for the credit car section, I
offer my candidature for the same. Please find enclosed my biodata/resume to enable you
to assess my suitability for the aforesaid post.
Yours faithfully
Name : Miss Priti Mudgil
Father’s Name : Mr V.P. Mudgil
Address for Correspondence : 58, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow
Contact No. : 09819600325
Age : 25 years
Educational Qualifications : (i) ISC from St. Maria’s School, Agra, 1998—80%
(ii) B.Com. (Hons.) 2001—V.N. College, Lucknow
Professional Qualifications : (i) Short term course in Money and Banking - IBM
(ii) Short term Computer Course - APTECH
Work Experience : (i) Development Executive HFDC, Lucknow—6 months.
(ii) Working as Deputy Development Officer with
Canara Bank, Kanpur.
Marital Status : Unmarried
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 45
Other Achievements : Proficient in spoken English and Customer Dealings
Salary Expected : ` 20,000 pm plus usual perks.
Reasons for change : Stay at Lucknow
1. Kamala
6/39 Harrison Road
17 March, 20XX
The Principal
Rani Public School
Sub: Application for the post of an English Teacher
In response to your advertisement in The Statesman dated 15 March, 200X, I wish to
be considered for the position mentioned above. I feel my qualifications and experience
are good enough to enable me to discharge my duties. I attach herewith my biodata and
attested copies of certificates. I am seeking a change as it will give me a chance to work
in a better academic atmosphere in your prestigious institution.
If given a chance, I may assure you sir, that I shall prove worthy of the confidence
reposed in me.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Encl: Biodata & certificates
1. Name : Kamala Pradhan
2. Father’s Name : Mr Biswajit Pradhan
3. Address : 6/39 Harrison Road, Kolkata
4. Date of Birth : 5 May, 1980
5. Educational Qualifications :
(i) CBSE (10 + 2) 1997 85%
(ii) B.A. (Hons) 2000 74%
(iii) B.Ed. 2001 69%
6. Experience : Rosemary School since July 20XX
7. Salary Expected : ` 6000 + perks
8. Marital Status : Unmarried
9. Languages known : English, Bengali, Hindi
10. References : 1. Dr S. Mukherjee, HOD English Dept., Presidency
College Kolkata
2. Mrs Bhattacharya, Principal Rosemary School,
Bali (Howrah)
2. Saranya
217-B, Lajpat Nagar
17 July 20XX
46 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
The Manager
New India Anodisers
A-10, Phase II, Mayur Vihar
New Delhi
Sub: Application for the post of an Accountant
This is in response to your advertisement for the post of an Accountant published in ‘The
Times of India’ dated 16 July. I think I fulfil all the eligibility conditions laid down by
you. Hence I offer myself as one of the candidates. My biodata is enclosed for your kind
Yours faithfully
Name : Miss Saranya Sethi
Father’s Name : Mr R.P. Sethi
Address for Correspondence : 217 B, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi
Contact No. : 011-25731077
Age : 25 years
Educational Qualifications : (i) S.S.C. from CBSE 1998—85% marks.
(ii) B.Com. (Hons.) 2001. LSR College (DU)
Professional Qualifications : (i) Diploma in Advanced Accountancy (IBCM)
(ii) Short Term Computer Course (APTECH)
Work Experience : (i) Accounts Clerk, Spencers: 11/2 years
(ii) Junior Accountant, BPL Sales. Noida—2 years
Present Posting : Accountant, Harsha Fans, Noida
Marital Status : Unmarried
Salary Expected : ` 20,000 plus usual perks
Long Composition (Speeches)
1. Newspapers Ought to Contain More News and Fewer Advertisements
(by Prachi)
Respected Chairperson, August faculty and dear friends,
It is painful to see that journalists have lost all ethics and professionalism today. Like all
other professionals, the pressmen are also attracted by the lure of the lucrae. They adopt
diverse techniques to increase the revenue of their paper. They try to sensationalise the
news to win more readers. However, even the newspaper having the largest circulation
is not self-dependent. It must have plenty of commercial advertisements to meet its
running costs. In fact it is these ads which provide the owners the requisite funds. Thus
advertisements cannot be ruled out. They are a necessary evil and must stay.
The owners and editors of the newspapers must also realise their responsibility to the
nation. The press is the strongest pillar of democracy. It creates sensible public opinion in
favour of good policies and criticizes the wrong policies. The newspapers must maintain a
balance between news and advertisements. A common man buys a newspaper for news.
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 47
It would be better that the editors publish a classified advertisement supplement twice
or thrice a week and save the general reader from the proliferation of advertisements
while scanning the pages for views and news.
2. Each One Teach One
Dear friends
We have all collected here to work together to realise the dream of the National Literacy
Mission. We would like to see an India where each person is literate. Our learners are not
students or children like us but adults. They are people with a rich experience of life and
have an active role in society. We would like to build upon that experience, wisdom and
maturity. The learning strategies that we will adopt in our programme will be exploratory
and interactive. We seek your commitment and involvement.
Some of our objectives are to bring about at least a basic learning of reading, writing and
counting. We wish to promote better health awareness and care to be taken. We would like
to create an awareness about the democratic processes, rights, duties and obligations. We
especially would like to focus on the status of women, the girl child and how they can fight
against exploitation and injustice and thus build their own self confidence and respect. We
wish to focus on social issues and create awareness about environmental problems, population
control and self-employment. As a volunteer of National Literacy Mission, I pledge myself
towards achieving our goals.
1. ‘Clean Your City’ Campaig
(by Smriti)
Respected teachers and dear friends
‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is an old adage. It is perhaps most relevant now-a-days
when environmental pollution is increasing day by day. Prevention is better than cure.
Dirt and disease thrive together. Insanitary conditions of the streets not only give the
city a filthy and ugly look, they also breed many harmful disease causing bacteria. Our
first effort, therefore, is to keep our surroundings clean. People should separate their
household solid waste in two parts—biodegradable and non-biodegradable, instead of
heaping them together. Proper steps should be taken for garbage disposal. Incinerators
should be installed at proper places. The use of biogas and other eco-friendly materials can
help to keep the kitchen clean. The ‘clean your city’ campaign launched by the magazine
‘Our Good Earth’ aims at making us conscious of cleanliness of our surroundings. We can
keep our environment clean by minimising the harmful gases spewn by the automobiles
by sharing the vehicles. The replacement of diesel driven buses by CNG buses will help to
reduce the suspended particulate matter in the air. The citizens must become cleanliness
2. Teaching Profession is Better than the Medical Profession
(by Meenu - in favour of the motion)
Respected teachers and dear friends
I stand before you to support the motion that, teaching profession is better than medical
‘You can be the candle that spreads its light and you can light up millions of tiny lamps as
you pass through life as a teacher.’ Teaching has always been and continues to be a noble
profession. Commercialisation has touched it but not seeped right through it. The medical
profession has been transformed today. Doctors take the oath but a large number seem
to transform their conscience into a commercial money spinning machine. Doctors’ shops
48 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
have mushroomed at every nook and corner in our cities. Teaching involves interactive
sharing process which can transform the lives and outlook of an individual. The destiny
and character of many a leading personality has been shaped in the classrooms. The
future of the nation and the future of entire mankind is based on the values imbibed in
the early impressionable years of life.
If illiteracy is removed from our country a major problem for us will get solved. Even
today an ordinary teacher has basic values and lives a simple life. Doctors on the other
hand run after the luxuries of life. All in all it can easily be said that teaching profession
is better than the medical profession.
1. Noise Pollution
It appears that the giant strides of progress of man include a rising crescendo of noise. The
natural sounds of twittering and chirping of birds is lost in the din of loud city sounds.
Everywhere you turn, you hear a volume of sound.
At home, one can hear the blaring of stereos and television. Even if you prefer a quiet evening of
solitude, your peace will be shattered by the ear-splitting music from next door.
But on the streets, it is worse. At a busy cross-road all one can hear is the honking of
horns, screeching of brakes and squealing tyres. If you take a late morning walk, you are
sure to come across construction going on and the grating sound of machinery. There could
be processions, slogan shouting, yatras, etc. To get some peace, enter a restaurant and
you find the latest numbers blaring out. Take a taxi and the driver will in all probability
switch on his favourite loud music. Stations of all kinds—bus and railways are the hub
of noise of all kinds, right from the hawker to the porter to the conductor, each one tries
to compete with the other in shouting over the din.
You expect night to be a time of peace but even then you can hear all night ‘jagratas’ or
marriages with a lot of loud music or the party next door which goes on and on. Noise is
something that doesn’t end and silence, they say is golden. It surely is becoming as rare
as gold.
2. Minimisation of Human Wants is the Way
to Cleanse Society from Corruption
(by Sangeeta)
Respected Chairman and friends,
Corruption is a canker that eats into the vitals of our society. It is the biggest killer and
crippler of modern society. Our daily newspapers are replete with scams and malpractices
which have become the hallmark of the present day social set up. Although we have progressed
in the fields of science and technology there seems to be an awful decline in humanity and
humanitarian values. Corruption has ingrained itself deep in our society. The social fabric is
fast disintegrating. People are lured by wealth and do not bother how it is earned. Means are
no longer important. One must make a fast buck—that seems to be the compelling motive
behind every young person in quest of millions. The root of this malaise lies in materialism
and growing consumerism. In the past the slogan of life was simple living and high thinking.
Now the roles have reversed. It is high living and simple thinking. Human beings have
increased their desires. These uncontrolled desires have changed into needs. Mushrooming
of wants have compelled modern man to run after money like a lunatic. We have forgotten
that money is a means to happiness and not an end in itself. A complete change of attitudes
is essential. I think that minimization of human wants is the only way to cleanse society of
all kinds of corruption.
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 49
Long Composition (Speech/Article)
1. Pathetic Life in Slums
The living conditions in Indira slum settlement in Vijaynagar are really pathetic. The
whole area has grown into one large garbage dump. Heaps of dirt and piles of dung and
garbage greet you in every street and open space. The open, uncovered drains, pits and
holes carrying foul water make the roads stink with a foul smell. The overflow of used water
and its contact with dung and garbage further deteriorates the whole situation. Garbage
stinks and emits a foul smell. Mosquitoes breed in the pits and pools of water and flies buzz
over them. Stray dogs make merry on the heaps of garbage. Pigs wallow in the mud near
the open drains. Perhaps this slum is the most suitable place for the pigs to enjoy to their
heart’s content. By an irony of fate and circumstances, about two hundred persons have
to dwell in this slum. Strangely enough, these slum dwellers don’t have qualms due to the
dirty conditions prevailing all around them. They sit on their cots outside their dark, dingy
huts and chat for hours together. Their children roll and play on the soil and heaps of dirt.
Cows and buffaloes add to the filth by their dung and urine. Water taps are in the open
and the dirty water in the nearby pool gets mixed with the drinking water. Dirty clothes
are washed up and utensils cleaned up in this dirty water. The animals—cows, buffaloes,
dogs and pigs—also drink this water. Drinking foul water causes dangerous diseases like
cholera and gastroenteritis. The living conditions in this slum settlement are appalling.
One can’t walk through the narrow streets without putting a handkerchief over the nose.
These unhygienic conditions call forth immediate remedial measures by the Health
Department. Besides providing physical amenities like safe drinking water, bath-rooms
and disposal tanks, the slum dwellers should be educated about maintaining healthy
surroundings. They need awareness of the value of clean environment. Social workers
and voluntary organisations (NGO’s) can lend a helping hand in slum up-lift.
2. Tree Plantation
Respected teachers and dear friends
Trees play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. It is only recently that
man has realised the importance of afforestation and growing more trees. In these days
of ever increasing pollution, trees are our best friends. Tree plantation should not be
restricted to a particular day or a week, rather it should be a phased programme spread
over the whole year. Secondly, tree-plantation should not be observed as a mere ritual or
a necessary function imposed by the government. Thirdly, tree-preservation is far more
important than tree-plantation.
The importance of planting more and more trees lies in the fact that the number of trees
preserved is quite low as compared to the number of trees planted. Some of the trees
wither away due to lack of proper nourishment and care and some are cut down for timber
or fuel wood. Two random examples are sufficient to illustrate the point. The number of
trees planted in 2004 was 5000. Of these 2000 withered and 3000 were cut. At the end
of the year the number of surviving trees remained the same as at the beginning of the
year. Let us consider another example. During 2011, as many as 7000 trees were planted,
out of which 2000 withered. However, during the year as many as 8000 old trees were cut
down. This has resulted in a depletion in the number of surviving trees at the end of the
year by 3000. You will all agree that this is an unhealthy trend and must be opposed lock,
stock and barrel. Govt. authorities, voluntary organisations and environmental enthusiasts
should come forward and check indiscriminate felling of trees. The obnoxious nexus between
50 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
corrupt forest officers and timber mafia should be broken and the guilty punished. The
villagers must be made aware of the importance of trees. Only their willing co-operation
to preserve trees can make any programme successful.
1. The Qualities Required for Success
(A Speech by Aditi)
Respected teachers and dear friends
The modern age is the sputnik age. Everything has to be done fast, precisely and efficiently.
Information Technology has made rapid strides. Computers and websites have brought
a deluge of information. No wonder the generation-y is quite conscious about the most
important things in life. The modern youth are highly aware of the qualities essential to
attain success. Knowledge is regarded as the most important thing in life. There is no
denying the fact that knowledge leads to power as it helps us to achieve an excellence
of mind. Knowledge facilitates the creation of critical, creative and rational outlook and
helps us in seeking happiness of all and perfection wherever attainable. Love is another
very important virtue which enables us to form healthy human relationship and win over
people. In modern days, money factor has also acquired importance because it enables
us to lead a tension free, peaceful and comfortable life. The gadgets of modern times are
quite costly, yet they are essential for comfortable living. Secondly money enables us to
reduce worry and anxiety which the poor usually feel in their quest for livelihood. Thirst
for fame and hunger for power are also considered as essential ingredients in modern
life. Thus the modern youth are fully conscious of the virtues needed to fulfil their aims
and ambitions.
However, merely possessing these qualities or virtues is not enough. One must be aware
of the most important factors essential for ensuring success. An ambitious young person
should realise the importance of hard work. True talent, intelligence and integrity are also
needed to bring success. Relying solely on lady luck is regarded as a sign of orthodoxy.
Remember, fortune favours the brave. Luck smiles only on those who think positively
and execute their plans earnestly. Good contacts also help us to be successful. Last but
not the least, comes money. We have already highlighted the importance of money for
comfortable and purposeful living. The power of money can also ensure success.
2. Women’s Rights
Eve’s Weekly: 15 July 20XX
Uma Bhatnagar
Women constitute almost half of humanity, yet they have remained subservient to men
in many fields. It is really very unfortunate that women have played a secondary and
marginal role in the male dominated society till now. However, women of today can’t accept
their exploitation lying down. They have launched a vigorous movement for safeguarding
their rights and interests. They are clamouring for women empowerment. They know
that real power lies in money and policy making. That is why they are demanding
reservation of 33% for women in jobs as well as representation in state assemblies and
national parliament. At present women representatives are few and far between. They
can be counted on finger tips. Men outnumber women in jobs too. Harassment of working
women results from the dominant position of the male bosses and the fear of economic
insecurity of the female workers.
Some conservative sections of the society regard women as weak and inferior to men and
hence unsuitable for outdoor work. These people are highly mistaken. Modern women
are fully equipped with education, expertise, confidence, self-respect and independence.
A glance at the results of the public examinations reveals the superior rank and pass
W R I T I N G S K I L L S 51
percentage of girls. Then why discriminate against them in jobs or representation in
legislation? If women can run homes efficiently, they can manage the affairs of the state
with the same precision. Reservation for women should be incorporated in the constitution
by passing a bill to this effect. This measure will end the marginalisation of women in the
supreme policy making bodies and pave the way for their emancipation, enlightenment
and empowerment.
Long Composition (Debates)
1. Respected chairperson, honorable teachers, members of the jury and my dear friends. The
topic of today’s debate is “Cycle rickshaws should not be banned from the roads”. I Amit
Khurana of class XII-E stand before you to speak in favor of the motion.
Cycle rickshaw can be seen plying in every part of our country be it a city, a town or a
village. They are the common man’s mode of travel as they are cheap and economical.
Since they run by muscle power they are ecofriendly, non-polluting as they do not use
fossils fuels. The most important point in their favours is that they provide means of
livelihood to several lakh unemployed men and thereby support several lakh families. I
don’t think my worthy opponent would dispute this great benefit of cycle rickshaws.
But I don’t agree with my worthy opponent’s claim that the cycle rickshaws cause
excessive congestion in city’s roads. Aren’t auto rickshaws, cyclists, cars, buses, trucks
and pedestrians equally involved in causing traffic snarls and jams? Then why target the
cycle rickshaws alone as the culprit for traffic jams.
So, I am not at all in favour of banning cycle rickshaws from the roads. I would instead
suggest that battery operated cycle rickshaws be provided to the rickshaw pullers by
the government on a subsidised basis, to relieve them from the harmful and strenuous
pedalling of the rickhaws.
Thank you
2. Respected chairperson, member of the jury, honourable teachers and my dear friends.
The topic for today’s debate is “Fast food is harmful to health” and I, Sushil Saxena of
class XII-B stand before you to speak in favour of the motion. I fully agree that fast food
is harmful to health. The first reason is that these foods are high carbohydrate, high fat
and high salt. Secondly, they are laced with a number of chemicals like antioxidants,
emulsifiers, preservatives, colouring agents, flavoring agents like ajinomoto. Thirdly, these
foods affect the child’s concentration, learning abilities and behaviour. Fourthly, these
foods lead to poor bone formation as they lack calcium. My worthy opponent has mentioned
that such foods are healthy and safe. Let me remind him that tests conducted on children
who regularly eat fast food have shown that some of them suffer from hypertension,
heart problems, obesity, diabetes etc. at such a young age. It is because these foods lack
minerals, proteins, vitamins which are present in fresh fruits, nuts, salads, eggs, meat,
cereals and lentils cooked at home.
To sum up children should be made to develop a liking for home made food. If sale of
fast food items are banned from schools and its sorrounding then children would go in
for good food cooked at home or fresh fruit and salads. After all, health lost cannot be
regained easily and cheaply.
Thank you
52 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
1. Respected chairperson, members of the jury, honorable teachers and my dear friends.
The topic for today’s debate is “cloning is an unethical practice”, and I, Rahul Khanna
of class XII-A, stand before you to speak against the motion. I totally disagree with my
worthy opponent who has said that the harmful effect of cloning will be more than the
benefits of closing.
I am of the opinion that the purpose of cloning is to study human development and to treat
diseases. The second purpose of cloning is to develop tissues and organs for transplants. My
worthy opponent will no doubt agree with the fact that many patients having damaged liver,
heart, kidneys, skin and other organs can be given a second chance to live if the damaged
organ were to be replaced by an organ taken from the cloned person’s body. There would be
greatly reduced chances of organ reactions/failures if cloned organs were used. Moreover
if cloning were done under proper authorization and under strict supervision, the chances
of its misuse would be very less. So I firmly assert that it is improper to say that cloning
is unethical just because a few stray cases of unethical practices were detected.
Thank you
2. Respected chairperson honorable teachers, members of the jury, and my dear friends. The
topic of today’s debate is “Homework should be abolished” I Anil Kumar of Class XII-A
stand before you to speak in favour of the motion.
Homework as we know is given to make the student become more familiar with the
But the fact is that homework has little educational worth. In fact international
comparisons of students have revealed that homework has been found to exhaust the
student’s leisure time. Children may want to pursue activities like singing, sports or
dancing but very often homework leaves them with no time for such hobbies. I think my
worthy opponent will definitely agree that homework leaves the child tired and depleted
after doing a sizeable quantity. Moreover excessive homework makes the children copy
from other students or take the help of their parents or siblings. Further teachers must
be sure whether the child has understood the topic or not. Thus I can say that homework
is nothing but an extra burden on the already burdened child and I strongly oppose the
practice of giving homework.
Thank you
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 53
FLAMINGO (English Reader)
My Mother at Sixty-Six
1. (a) The poet was driving from her parent’s home to the Cochin airport. Her mother
was sitting beside her.
(b) She noticed that her mother was dozing with her mouth open.
(c) Her mother’s face looked pale, faded and lifeless like a dead body.
(d) (i) doze (ii) corpse (iii) realised.
2. 1. When the poet sees the pale and corpse-like face of her mother, her old familiar
pain or the ache returns. Perhaps she has entertained this fear since her childhood.
Ageing is a natural process. Time and ageing spare none. Time and ageing have
not spared the poet’s mother and may not spare her as well. With this ageing,
separation and death become inevitable.
2. The poet is driving to the Cochin airport. When she looks outside, the young trees
seem to be walking past them. With the speed of the car they seem to be running
fast or sprinting. The poet presents a contrast—her ‘dozing’ old mother and the
‘sprinting’ young trees.
1. (a) Her mother was lost somewhere else in thoughts. It pained her.
(b) The poet withdrew her thoughts from her mother and looked outside.
(c) The young trees growing outside went past as if they were sprinting. Happy children
were coming out of their houses.
(d) (i) sprinting (ii) merry (iii) spilling.
2. 1. The poet’s mother is sixty-six years old. Her shrunken ‘ashen’ face resembles a
corpse. She has lost her shine and strength of youth. Similarly, the late winter’s
moon looks hazy and obscure. It too lacks sheen and strength. The comparison is
quite natural and appropriate. The simile used here is apt as well as effective.
2. The poet’s parting words of assurance and her smiles provide a stark contrast to
the old familiar ache or fear of the childhood. Her words and smiles are a deliberate
attempt to hide her real feelings. The parting words: “See you soon, Amma” give
an assurance to the old lady whose ‘ashen face’ looks like a corpse. Similarly, her
continuous smiles are an attempt to overcome the ache and fear inside her heart.
54 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
1. (a) These children are sitting in the school classroom in a slum which is far far away from
the winds or waves blowing strongly.
(b) The faces of these children look pale. Their uncombed and unkempt hair look like
rootless wild plants.
(c) The head of the tall girl is weighed down by the burdens of the world. She feels
depressed, ill and exhausted.
(d) It means that the boy is exceptionally thin, weak and hungry.
2. 1. The colour of ‘sour cream’ is off-white. The poet has used this expression to
suggest the decaying aspect. The deterioration in the colour of the classroom walls
symbolises the pathetic condition of the lives of the scholars—the children of this
2. These pictures that decorate the walls hold a stark contrast with the world of these
underfed, poverty-stricken, slum children living in cramped dark holes, obstacles
hamper their physical and mental development and at best their growth is stunted.
The pictures on the wall suggest beauty, well-being, progress and prosperity—a
world of sunshine and warmth of love.
1. (a) The colour of the classroom walls is ‘sour cream’ or off-white. This colour suggests
the decaying aspect and pathetic condition of the lives of the children in a slumschool.
(b) The walls of the classroom have pictures of Shakespeare, buildings with domes,
world maps and beautiful valleys.
(c) The poet hints at two worlds: the world of poverty, misery and malnutrition of the
slums where children are underfed, weak and have stunted growth. The other world
is of progress and prosperity peopled by the rich and the powerful. The pictures on
the wall suggesting happiness, richness, well being and beauty are in stark contrast
to the dim and dull slums.
(d) (i) ‘Open handed-map’ suggests the map of the world drawn at will by powerful
people/dictators like Hitler.
(ii) ‘Awarding the world its world’ suggests how the conquerors and dictators
award and divide the world according to their whims. This world is the world
of the rich and important people.
2. 1. He uses the images of despair and disease to describe the miserable and pathetic
lives of the children living in slums. The faces of these children are pale and lifeless.
They and their hair are like ‘rootless weeds’. The burden of life makes them sit with
their head ‘weighed down’. The stunted growth is depicted by ‘the paper-seeming
boy’ and ‘the stunted unlucky heir of twisted bones’. Their weak bodies recite their
fathers’ ‘gnarled disease’.
2. The burden of poverty and disease crushes the bodies of these slum children but
not their souls. They still have dreams. Even their foggy future has not crushed
all their hopes. They dream of open seas, green fields and about the games that a
squirrel plays in the tree room.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 55
Keeping Quiet
1. (a) The name of the poem is ‘Keeping Quiet’. The poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b) The people of the world have been indulging in wars and bloodsheds on minor excuses.
If they keep quiet, they may not indulge in reasoning, disputes and quarrels. So let
them keep quiet and not speak in any language. This will ensure peace.
(c) We should cease all activities for a second. Man has used his arms only to kill and
destroy others. Therefore, let them not move their arms so much as to harm others.
(d) ‘The face of the Earth’ refers to the various countries on the surface of the earth.
2. 1. Counting up to twelve takes very short time. Keeping still for this brief interval of
time gives us a momentary pause to introspect and review the course of action. It
is generally observed that most of the ills and troubles of the world are caused by
our rush or hurry. Violence is caused by anger. Keeping quiet and still will give us
necessary respite and ensure peace.
2. No, he doesn’t advocate either total inactivity or death. He makes it quite clear
that ‘stillness’ should not be confused with ‘total inactivity’ or equated to it. Total
inactivity brings death. But Neruda has ‘no truck with death’. His stillness means
halting of harmful and hostile human activities.
1. (a) The name of the poem is ‘Keeping Quiet’. The poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b) There will be peace all around if there is no rush or the sound of the running of
engines and machines.
(c) It will be a very enticing and beautiful moment.
(d) All of us will enjoy the unusualness and sudden strangeness of that moment.
2. 1. The poet wants to prove that there can be life under apparent stillness. The poet
invokes the earth as a living symbol to prove his point. The earth never attains
total inactivity. Nature remains at work even under apparent stillness. It keeps
earth alive. This idea is beautifully illustrated by the following lines:
“as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.”
2. Stillness is essential for calm reflection and quiet introspection. We hear the voice of
conscience in moments of silence. The poet is convinced that most of human ills and
miseries are caused by man’s hurry and rush to do things. The poet wishes that we
may withdraw from our undesirable actions and keep still for a moment.
A Thing of Beauty
1. (a) A thing of beauty is the source of constant joy. Its beauty goes on increasing. It will
never pass into nothingness.
(b) A bower is a pleasant place in the shade under a tree. It protects persons/animals
from the hot rays of the sun.
(c) It provides us a sound sleep, full of sweet dreams, health and peaceful breathing.
(d) (i) loveliness (ii) nothingness (iii) quiet.
56 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
2. 1. Everything of nature is a thing of beauty and a source of pleasure. Some of them
are: the sun, the moon, old and young trees, daffodil flowers, small streams with
clear water, mass of ferns and the blooming musk-roses. All of them are things of
beauty. They are constant sources of joy and pleasure.
2. Many things cause us suffering and pain. Malice and disappointment are the biggest
source of our suffering. Another one is the lack of noble qualities. Our unhealthy
and evil ways also give birth to so many troubles and sufferings. They dampen our
spirits. They act as a pall of sadness on our lives.
1. (a) We are weaving a flowery wreath to bind us to the beauties of the earth.
(b) We possess the evil qualities of malice and disappointment. We suffer from the lack
of noble qualities and unhealthy and evil ways.
(c) It means in spite of all the evils mentioned above.
(d) (i) spite (ii) despondence (iii) gloomy.
2. 1. There are many things that bring us troubles and sufferings. They dampen our
spirits. However, ‘some shape of beauty’ brings love and happiness in our lives in
spite of such unpleasant things. A thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness and
sufferings. It makes us love life.
2. The mighty dead were very powerful and dominating persons during their own
times. Their achievements made them ‘mighty’ and great. Their noble works dazzle
our eyes. We imagine that such mighty dead forefathers will attain more grandeur
on the doomsday. Hence ‘grandeur’ is associated with the ‘mighty dead’.
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’
1. (a) The poem is ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’. The poet is Adrienne Rich.
(b) They are jumping across a screen or a wall. They look like shining yellow topaz.
(c) They live in green forests. They are fearless. They don’t fear the men under the
(d) (i) prance (ii) denizens (iii) chivalric.
2. 1. Like all beasts of prey, the tigers are the denizens of forest. They live far away
from human settlements. They are called ‘chivalric.’ This indicates the majestic
and honourable position that they occupy in the world of animals. So the use of the
words ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ adds to our understanding of the tigers’ attitudes.
2. Aunt Jennifer is weaving tigers on the panel. Her hands are moving about her wool.
She is finding the needle quite hard to pull. The weight of years of her married life
is lying heavy on her hand. This makes the pulling of the needle so hard.
1. (a) Aunt Jennifer’s fingers were fluttering through her wool.
(b) She was finding even the ivory needle hard to pull.
(c) The weight of Uncle’s wedding band was lying heavily on her hand.
(d) (i) fluttering (ii) massive (iii) band.
1. 1. In the third stanza, the poet refers to Aunt Jennifer’s ‘terrified hands’. The old
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 57
unhappy memories are still fresh in her mind. She had passed through many
testing and horrible times during her married life. These ordeals crushed and
suppressed her. Their effect is still visible. So she is still ringed with those ordeals
that dominated her life.
2. The poem addresses the experience of marriage in the midst of constriction. The
word ‘ringed’ is significant. It suggests that the vicious grip or her unhappy married
life is still holding her tightly. The word ‘ringed’ has been used in two ways. First
is the conventional use. Here ring is a symbol of the sacred bond of marriage. The
other is the figurative use of ‘ringed’. It means encircled or surrounded.
The Last Lesson
1. That day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles because M. Hamel had
said that he would question them on participles. Franz did not know anything about
2. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the
street. But it was all very still that day. Everything was as quiet as Sunday morning.
There was no opening or closing of desks. His classmates were already in their places.
The teacher’s great ruler instead of rapping on the table, was under M. Hamel’s arm.
3. For the last two years all the bad news had come from the bulletin-board. An order
had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The
Germans had put up this notice on the bulletin-board.
4. M. Hamel had put on his best dress—his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and the
little black silk cap, all embroidered. The whole school seemed so strange and solemn.
On the back benches that were always empty, the elderly village people were sitting
quietly like the kids.
5. Franz came to know that it was the last lesson in French that M. Hamel would give
them. From the next day they will be taught only German. Then he felt sorry for not
learning his lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier
were now old friends. His feelings about M. Hamel also changed. He forgot all about
his ruler and how cranky he was.
1. Mother tongue helps a person to express his feelings and thoughts most lucidly and
intimately. Conquerors try to subdue and control the people of the enslaved territory
by enforcing many measures such as use of force to crush dissent and imposing their
own language on them.
From time immemorial the victorious nations have imposed their own language on the
conquered people and taken away their own language from them. The Romans conquered
many parts of Europe and replaced the local languages by their own language—Latin.
Later on Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French developed from Latin. The Muslim
invaders imposed Arabic and Persian in the countries of Asia overpowered by them.
In many Arab countries the local religion and language have disappeared. In India, a
new language Urdu developed from the mixture of Persian and Hindi.
2. The linguistic minority in any state is easily marked and faces the same discrimination
as the religious, social or ethnic minorities. There is, however, a pronounced difference in
the treatment meted out and the level of acceptance displayed by the majority
58 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
community in that region/city. Some cities like Delhi, Mumbai are cosmopolitan in
The linguistic minority tries to preserve its identity through an intimate contact,
interaction and preservation of their language in social get togethers, family functions
and festivals of their own region. Adherence to social customs and traditions in family
gatherings/group meetings of women also promote the unity between members of the
linguistic minority.
In short, they create a mini-Punjab in Bengaluru, mini-Chennai in Mumbai, mini-
Bengaluru in Delhi and mini-Surat in Kolkata.
3. Language is always considered a medium of communication. Man is a gregarious animal.
He has to interact with the fellow human beings. Therefore a set of complex symbols is
designed to serve this purpose. We must ruminate over the past before discussing the status
of a language. There are innumerable man made problems. At the dawn of civilization
there was no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, creed, language and nationality.
But in this century these problems exist. Nature does not segregate nations. Scientific
advancement, material prosperity, lofty aspirations, materialistic attitude, a desire to rule
the world and vested interests are some of the causes of human sufferings. The concepts of
all languages are similar. They have nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and
conjunctions. As no religion is insignificant in the same way no language is inferior. The
characteristics and nature of all languages are similar. The only difference is in symbols
and pronunciation. The purpose and objective of all languages are synonymous. There is
a dire need to understand that there should be only one religion i.e. humanity and there
should be only one language i.e. the language of love. A language must not become the
cause of rift among masses. It should bring people together instead of spreading hatred.
One should not despise others because of their language. It is against human dignity and
1. M. Hamel told the students and villagers that henceforth only German would be taught in
the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Those who called themselves Frenchmen would neither
be able to speak nor write it. He praised French as the most beautiful, the clearest and
most logical language in the world. He said that for the enslaved people, their language
was the key to their prison. Then the people realised how precious their language was
to them. This shows people’s love for their own culture, traditions and country. Pride in
one’s language reflects pride in motherland.
2. This comment of Franz shows a Frenchman’s typical reaction to the imposition of learning
German, the language of the conquerors. Being deprived of the learning of mother tongue
would mean cutting off all bonds with the motherland. Teaching the pigeons to sing in
German indicates how far the Germans would go in their attempts of linguistic chauvinism.
3. Franz was afraid of being scolded that day especially because M. Hamel, the teacher, had
said that he would question them on participles. Franz frankly admits that he was totally
ignorant about the topic. His exact words are: “I did not know the first word about them.”
Secondly, he had started for school very late that morning.
4. There was a bulletin-board near the town-hall. When Franz passed by it, he noticed a
crowd there. He did not stop to look at it. He wondered what could be the matter then.
For the last two years they had received all the bad news from the bulletin-board—the
lost battle, conscription and the orders of the commanding officer.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 59
5. Usually, when the school began, there was a great bustle. The noise could be heard out
in the school. Students opened and closed their desks. They repeated the lessons together
very loudly. They kept their hands over their ears to understand better. The teacher would
go on rapping the table with his great iron ruler.
Lost Spring
1. Saheb is looking for gold in the garbage dumps. He is in the neighbourhood of the author.
Saheb has come from Bangladesh. He came with his mother in 1971. His house was set
amidst the green fields of Dhaka. Storms swept away their fields and homes. So they left
2. One explanation offered by the author is that it is a tradition to stay barefoot. It is not lack
of money. She wonders if this is only an excuse to explain away a perpetual state of poverty.
She also remembers the story of a poor body who prayed to the goddess for a pair of shoes.
3. No, Saheb is not happy working at the tea-stall. He is no longer his own master. His face
has lost the carefree look. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would
carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was his. The canister belongs to the man who
owns the tea-shop.
4. The city of Firozabad is famous for its bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged
in making bangles. It is the centre of India’s glass-blowing industry. Families have spent
generations working around furnaces, welding glass, making bangles for the women in the land.
5. The author finds Saheb standing by the fenced gate of a neighbourhood club. He is watching
two young men, dressed in white, playing tennis. Saheb says that he likes the game, but
he is content to watch it standing behind the fence. He goes inside when no one is around.
He uses the swing there.
1. The glass bangles industry has many health hazards. It usually employs small children.
It is illegal to employ very young children in hazardous industries, but certain forces like
middlemen, moneylenders, police and politicians combine to entrap the poor workers.
Let us first consider the places where bangle makers work. It is a cottage industry. They
work in the glass furnaces with high temperatures. The dingy cells are without air and
light. Boys and girls work hard during day next to lines of flames of flickering oil lamps.
They weld pieces of coloured glass into circles of bangles. Their eyes are more adjusted
to the dark than to the light outside. That is why they often end up losing their eyesight
before they become adults.
Glass blowing, welding and soldering pieces of glass are all health hazards. Even the dust
from polishing the glass of bangles adversely affects the eyes and even adults go blind.
Thus the surroundings, prevailing conditions and the types of job involved–all prove risky
to the health of the workers.
2. Poverty: A Vicious Circle
It is a well known saying that poverty is the root cause of all evils. Corruption, loot,
begging and incidents of theft are the offspring of abject poverty. The destitute lead a
pitiable and miserable life. They do not get sufficient food. Lack of funds constrain them
to take recourse to illegal activities. Slum dwellers always feel themselves dejected. They
60 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
recognise only those beings who help them and feed them. Political leaders take undue
advantages of their poverty. They are misused to win elections. Humanity, mankind,
honesty, trust and love become significant when an individual succeeds in satisfying
his hunger. Hungry people need only food. There is a dearth of people who are capable
of converting obstacles into opportunities. These poor people are exploited ruthlessly by
industrialists, politicians and other middlemen. They scrounge for gold in the garbage
dumps to earn their livelihood. The hiatus between the rich and the poor can never be
bridged. It is increasing day by day. The poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer. There
is no human being who would like to work for their welfare. Their plight is pitiable and
horrible. The residential areas of these people are packed with filth. They become habitual
of foul smell. Poverty is a vicious circle. It never comes to an end. The unemployed youth
are heading towards destruction. They do not remember anything except the help they
receive from the opportunistic people who feed them to materialise their vested interests.
3. Life is Action and not Contemplation
Initiation is the law of nature. Success depends on the actions taken by an individual.
One has to take actions without wasting time. Dreams give us directions. But it should
not be forgotten that a man cannot become influential by only dreaming . One who does
not utilise time fails to do anything significant in life. Actions shape the destiny of the
beings. Contemplation destroys happiness. Aimless thinking aggravates woes and worries.
It leads to nowhere. Such thinkers never get pleasure in this world of mortals. Those who
believe in taking actions attain their long cherished goals with an astonishing ease. They
never feel confused or perplexed. They never become a victim of depression. All the human
beings are to perform their duties on the earth. Contemplation leads to idleness. Life is
a judicious blend of contemplation and action. Contemplation transformed into action is
of utmost importance. Action without contemplation may be disastrous. Contemplation
without action is a sin. One should not waste time in thinking only. We should always
remember that life is short and time is swift. Procrastination is the thief of time. One
should not forget that there’s a time for everything.
1. Mukesh’s grandmother thinks that a God-given lineage can never be broken. Her son and
grandsons are born in the caste of bangle makers. They have seen nothing but bangles.
Mukesh’s father has taught them what he knows—the art of making bangles. Mukesh
wants to be a motor mechanic. He will go to a garage and learn, though the garage is far
away from his home.
2. People migrate from villages to cities in search of livelihood. Their fields fail to provide
them means of survival. Cities provide employment, jobs or other means of getting food.
The problem in case of the poor is to feed the hungry members. Survival is of primary
3. The promises made to the poor are rarely kept. The author asks Saheb half-joking, if he
will come to school she starts. Saheb agrees to do so. A few days later he asks if the school
is ready. The writer feels embarrassed at having made a promise that was not meant.
Promises like hers abound in every corner of their bleak world.
4. Certain forces conspire to keep the workers in bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty.
These include the moneylenders, the middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law, the
bureaucrats and the politicians. Together they impose a heavy burden on the child.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 61
5. Saheb was a young boy of school-going age. He was looking for gold in the garbage dumps
of the big city. He had left his home in Dhaka, Bangladesh and came to the big city in
search of living. He has nothing else to do but pick rags.
1. Poor rag-pickers like Saheb spend the early years of their lives looking for gold in garbage
dumps. The parents of these street children have no fixed income. They wage war against
poverty and hunger. They have no dreams except finding the means of survival. Garbage
to them is gold. It is the source of their daily bread and provides a roof over their heads.
He ends up as a servant at a tea-stall and loses his freedom.
Mukesh, the son of a poor bangle-maker of Firozabad, has a dream of becoming a motor
mechanic. He also wants to learn to drive a car. He thinks of joining a garage to fulfil his
dream. He knows that the garage is far away, yet he has decided to walk. He realises the
reality and is willing to overcome the obstacles. His daring to rise and decision to get free
from the trap laid by vicious moneylenders and middlemen arouses a sense of hope.
Deprived of education, proper food and upbringing, these children are forced into labour
early in life.
2. Key To Success
Hard work is the key to success. Dogged determination and strong will power are the
essential ingredients of success. Industrious people never feel disheartened. They burn the
midnight oil and strive hard to achieve the desired goals. It is said that between two stools
one falls on the ground. Thus one has to dedicate one’s life to a specific field. The long term
goals and aims of life must be set thoughtfully and not whimsically. The capricious nature
of a fellow does not allow him to reach the heights. Devotion always brings good results
and rewards. The essence of devotion is trust or faith. If one has trust in performing the
actions, one is able in winning the battle of life. Trust gives strength and strength gives
birth to determination which leads to dedication. Devoted and dedicated people never
become a part of a problem. They remain a part of the solution. They do not do different
things but they do things differently. Their devotion to the field encourage them to have
indepth knowledge. Those who dare to climb the hill conquer Mount Everest. Dedication
has no substitute. It is the only way to great accomplishments.
3. Health and Food
One has to accept the fact that if wealth is lost, something is lost and if health is lost,
everything is lost. The proverb ‘A sound mind lives in a sound body’ is apt. A healthy man
can enjoy the beauty of this world. An unhealthy man misses one of the greatest boons
given by the Almighty. A healthy beggar is better than an unhealthy king. A person who
accumulates enormous wealth and suffers from chronic or fatal diseases cannot relish
life. He wastes his time in clinics and hospitals. Health is essential to have positive
thoughts. One should wake up early in the morning and take exercise. Nutritious food is
indispensable for good health. Junk food must be avoided. The destitute suffer because
they do not get sufficient food. They do not have any source of income. Undoubtedly
good health plays a pivotal role in the life of a mortal. Pecuniary gains are of utmost
importance but a strong and sturdy body free from ailments is of paramount importance.
It has no substitute. A mortal cannot endure the loss of health. Creativity, productivity
62 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
and innovation get enhanced if a man is healthy. Thus, one should be in the best of health
so that one can lead a happy and contented life.
Deep Water
1. William O. Douglas had just learnt swimming. One day, an eighteen year old big bruiser
picked him up and tossed him into the nine feet deep end of the Y.M.C.A. pool. He hit
the water surface in a sitting position. He swallowed water and went at once to the
bottom. He nearly died in this misadventure.
2. Douglas was frightened when he was thrown into the pool. However, he was not
frightened out of his wits. While sinking down he made a plan. He would make a big
jump when his feet hit the bottom. He would come to the surface like a cork, lie flat
on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool.
3. This experience revived his aversion to water. He shook and cried when he lay on
his bed. He couldn’t eat that night. For many days, there was a haunting fear in his
heart. The slightest exertion upset him, making him wobbly in the knees and sick to
his stomach. He never went back to the pool. He feared water and avoided it whenever
he could.
4. His fear of water ruined his fishing trips. It deprived him of the joy of canoeing, boating,
and swimming. Douglas used every way he knew to overcome this fear he had developed
since childhood. Even as an adult, it held him firmly in its grip. He determined to get
an instructor and learn swimming to get over this fear of water.
5. The instructor built a swimmer out of Douglas piece by piece. For three months he
held him high on a rope attached to his belt. He went back and forth across the pool.
Panic seized the author everytime. The instructor taught Douglas to put his face under
water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. Then Douglas had to kick with his
legs for many weeks till these relaxed. After seven months the instructor told him to
swim the length of the pool.
1. In his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela tells the extraordinary
story of his life. He brings vividly to life the escalating political warfare in the fifties
between the African National Congress and the government, culminating in his
dramatic escapades as an underground leader and the notorious Rivonia Trial of 1964,
at which he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He recounts the surprisingly eventful
twenty-seven years in prison and the complex, delicate negotiations that led both to his
freedom and to the beginning of the end of apartheid. Mandela also struggled against
the exploitation of labour and on the segregation of the universities. He persevered to
achieve his mission and to liberate the oppressed and the oppressor. In 1990, he was
freed from prison. The apartheid laws were relaxed. Mandela became the champion for
human rights and racial equality. He also became the first non-white president of the
Republic of South Africa.
2. No Pains, No Gains
The dictum implies that one can’t attain phenomenal success without making sincere
efforts. There is no substitute to hard work. There is no short cut to success. All
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 63
successful persons have emphasised the importance of hard work in life. Nobody achieved
greatness overnight. The secret of their success was hard and systematic work. Destiny
never obliges the shirkers. God helps those who help themselves. Rome was not built
in a day. Man must comprehend the significance of doing hard labour. One must burn
the midnight oil to succeed in this world of intense competition. Never forget that rest
is rust and work is worship. A person who toils and works hard gets applause and
recognition everywhere. Hard work is the only key to success. Those who work hard
flourish and those who are passive ruin their earthly existence. They lose their identity.
Industrious people reach at their long cherished destinations. They lead their fellow
human beings with politeness and humility.
3. Failures are the Pillars to Success
It is rightly said that failure plays an important role in a man’s life. Failure in one field
becomes the cause of exploring success in other fields. It is a sure key to many a riddle.
Failures make us familiar with our weaknesses and flaws. They become the stepping stones
and inspire us to fight against odd circumstances. Man should learn from his mistakes
and strive hard to reach at his destination. Most of the successful peoples failed at some
step but could get their target because failures guided them and encouraged them to try
harder. One should never give up one’s target. Our duty is to do our ‘karma’. The result
is in the hands of the Almighty. It is certain that failure inspires us to work with more
strength and vigour. One should never get depressed and dejected. All leaders, fighters,
businessmen, bureaucrats firmly say that failures are the pillars to success.
1. Douglas still felt terror-stricken when he was alone in the pool. The remnants of the
old terror would return, but he would rebuke it and go for another length of the pool.
He was still not satisfied. So he went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived
off a dock at Triggs Island and swam two miles across the lake. He had his residual
doubts. So he went to Meade Glacier, dived into Warm Lake and swam across to the
other shore and back. Thus he made sure that he had conquered the old terror.
2. Douglas gives a detailed account of his feelings and efforts to save himself from getting
drowned. He uses literary devices to make the description graphic and vivid. For
example, ‘Those nine feet were more like ninety’, ‘My lungs were ready to burst.’ ‘I
came up slowly, I opened my eyes and saw nothing but water..... I grew panicky’..... ‘I
was suffocating. I tried to yell, but no sound came out!’
3. When Douglas grew up, he took the help of an instructor to learn swimming. His training
went on from October to April. For three months he was taken across the pool with the
help of a rope. As he went under, terror filled him and his legs froze. The instructor
taught him to exhale under water and inhale through raised nose. He made him kick
his legs to make them relax. Then he asked him to swim. He continued swimming from
April to July. Still all terror had not left. He swam two miles across Lake Wentworth
and the whole length to the shore and back of Warm Lake. Then he overcame his fear
of water.
4. The experience of terror was a handicap Douglas suffered from during his childhood. His
conquering of it shows his determination, willpower and development of his personality.
He drew a larger meaning from this experience. “In death there is peace.” “There is
terror only in the fear of death.” He had experienced both the sensation of dying and
the terror that fear of it can produce. So the will to live somehow grew in intensity. He
felt released–free to walk the mountain paths, climb the peaks and brush aside fear.
64 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
5. Douglas was ten or eleven year old when he decided to learn swimming. He could swim
in the Yakima River or the Y.M.C.A. pool at Yakima. The Yakima River was dangerous.
Many persons had drowned in it. So he chose the Y.M.C.A. pool. It was considered safe.
The Rattrap
1. The peddler had been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was struck by the
idea that the whole world was nothing but a big rattrap. It existed only to set baits
for people. It offered riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing in the same
manner as the rattrap offered cheese and pork. As soon as someone let himself be
tempted to touch the bait, it closed in on him, and then everything came to an end.
2. His own life was sad and monotonous. He walked laboriously from place to place. The
world had never been kind to him. So, during his gloomy ploddings, this idea became
his favourite pastime. He was amused how people let themselves be caught in the
dangerous snare and how others were still circling around the bait.
3. The crofter served him porridge for supper and tobacco for his pipe. He also played a
game of cards with him till bed time. This hospitality was unexpected as people usually
made sour faces when the peddler asked for shelter.
4. The crofter’s circumstances and temperament made him so talkative and friendly with
the peddler. Since he had no wife or child, he was happy to get someone to talk to in
his loneliness. Secondly, he was quite generous with his confidence.
5. The crofter had told the peddler that by supplying his cow’s milk to the creamery, he
had received thirty kronor in payment. The peddler seemed to doubt it. So, in order to
assure his guest of the truth he showed the thirty kronor to the peddler.
1. The peddler wins our sympathy for his way of life and how the world treats him. It
is an admitted fact that the underdog always runs away with sympathy, so does the
peddler with the rattraps. He begs the material like wire for his rattraps. His business
not being specially profitable, he resorts to begging and petty thievery to keep body and
soul together.
His life is sad and monotonous. He plods along the road lost in his own meditation.
The world has never been very kind to him and he feels happy in calling it a rattrap.
Whenever he asks shelter for the night, he meets sour faces. He is an unwelcome,
unwanted and undesirable figure. The blacksmiths at forge glance at him only casually
and indifferently. The master blacksmith nods a haughty consent without honouring
him with a single word.
The old and lonely crofter finds him an enjoyable company. The ironmaster mistakes
him for an old regimental comrade. Only Edla Willmansson behaves with him in a
kind, friendly manner. Her nice treatment arouses the tramp’s goodness. He redeems
himself by returning the stolen money and wins our admiration. Thus we see that the
sympathy is not only well earned but well justified as well.
2. Honest Means of Livelihood
Every human being has to earn his bread and butter. Means vary from person to person,
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 65
but one has to face many obstacles and odd situations in life. These means can be fair
or foul, honest or dishonest. Unfortunately, the modern man hankers after money and
has become commercial-minded. People are not afraid of the Almighty. They wish to
accumulate riches by hook or by crook. They have no respect for humanity and moral
values. The social norms and time-tested principles bemoan somewhere in a corner.
The mortals of this computer age focus only on pecuniary gains. They are desirous
of becoming rich overnight. And it is sure that no one can make easy money without
resorting to corruption. One should always remember that those who are honest get
respect in society and feel themselves satisfied. They don’t have to feel guilty. But those
who are corrupt hide themselves behind the veils when caught. A person should always
be honest and sincere. The factory workers, farmers, teachers and poor artisans live
an honest life and are appreciated everywhere. Freud rightly proclaimed in his letter
to Wilhelm Fliess that ‘Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise’. A few
honest men are better than numerous bad ones.
3. “The crown and glory of life is character
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
When health is lost, something is lost;
When character is lost, everything is lost”.
Channing said that the great hope of society is individual character. Character plays
a pivotal role in the life of a human being. It is as significant for a man as a crown for
a king. It is the glory of a man’s life. Character reflects the traits and personality of a
person. A man of character retains moral strength and faces the music of life bravely.
A man is judged by his character. A person who has good character is respected and
honoured in society. It is often said that our lot depends on our character. One rises in
life in proportion to the strength of one’s character. Character gives self-satisfaction to
a person. He can lead a happy and contended life. He accumulates wealth in heaven
instead of building treasures on the earth. It is only character that distinguishes man
from beasts. Goethe remarked that “Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed
in the stormy billows of the world.”
Not in the clamor of the crowded street,
Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng,
But is ourselves, are triumph and defeat.
1. No, the peddler did not respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. At the first
opportunity that he got, he smashed the window pane, took out the money and hung
the leather pouch back in its place. Then he went away.
2. The peddler realised that he must not walk on the public highway with the stolen
money in his pocket. He went into the woods. He kept walking without coming to the
end of the wood. Then he realised that he had fallen in the rattrap. He had let himself
befooled by a bait and had been caught.
3. The ironmaster walked closely up to the peddler. In the uncertain reflection from the
furnace, he mistook the man as his old regimental comrade, Captain Von Stahle. He
addressed the stranger as Nils Olof, spoke very kindly and invited him home.
4. The peddler knew that the ironmaster had mistaken him for his old regimental comrade.
Secondly, he had the stolen money—thirty kronor—on him. Going to the ironmaster’s
residence would be like entering the lion’s den. So he declined the invitation.
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5. Miss Edla Willmansson looked at the peddler quite compassionately. She noticed that
the man was afraid. She assured him that he would be allowed to leave just as freely
as he came. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas eve. Her friendly
manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accept her invitation.
1. Yes, I know how the kindness of a Bishop transformed a hard-hearted beastly convict
into a man again with faith in God and human values. The story is presented in the
form of a famous play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks’.
The Bishop provides food and shelter at midnight to a runaway convict who threatens
him with a knife. Long years of imprisonment and harsh treatment in the prisonship
has transformed the man into beast and he is devoid of all human feelings now. The
convict runs away with the Bishop’s silver candlesticks, but is caught by the police.
In order to save the convict from further punishment and torture, the Bishop tells the
police officer that the fellow is his friend and he had himself given him the candlesticks.
This kind act of the Bishop melts the hard heart of the convict. He sobs and weeps. He
promises to be a man again.
2. Loneliness: A Terrible Moment
Enduring loneliness requires perseverance and strength of mind. The state of alienation
may depress a person. He may become insane. Everybody cannot bear the pangs of leading
a lonely life. Seclusion irritates a mortal as it is known to us that man is a gregarious
animal. He needs company to share his views and thoughts. It is also said that solitude is
the playfield of satan. Man gets diverted and takes recourse to illegal ways. The Bible says
that ‘woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up’. An
alienated person leads a miserable and pitiable life. Survival at a deserted place becomes
next to impossible for a human being. Solitude gives vent to the fellings of enmity against
mankind. A depressed person may go to any extent to avenge his seclusion. Solitude and
melancholy are synonymous of each other. Mother Teresa has described loneliness in a
fitting manner. She said, “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible
poverty”. Each individual needs love, affection and company. The victims of solitude and
loneliness never feel themselves gratified. They never feel themselves the part of the
main stream. It breeds negativity and animosity. They become hostile towards the fellow
human beings. The repercussions of loneliness are catastrophic and disastrous.
3. The Bible proclaims that ‘Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy’. Love begets
love and hatred begets hatred. People in this world have a reciprocal relationship. They
reciprocate the thing they receive. It is a universally accepted aphorism that ‘To err is
human, to forgive divine’. Sympathy has a great power. A sympathetic person receives the
blessings of the destitute whom he helps or forgives. People can’t imagine the incredible
power of sympathy. A person’s kind acts and words may save many precious lives. One
must not forget that those who sympathise with others get inner satisfaction. It awakens
the affection of a human heart. It leaves an indelible impression even on the most rugged
nature. Its results are better than a king’s power. It helps a man in his endeavour to elevate
his fellow human beings from a state of poverty and distress. Dr. Samuel Johnson averred
that the wretched have no compassion. When a man suffers himself, it is called misery;
when he suffers in the suffering of another, it is called pity. Forgiveness is, undoubtedly,
a divine quality. The philanthropists should inculcate the habit of forgiving others in their
“Sweet mercy is nobility’s true badge”
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 67
1. As Edla lifted the peddler’s hat, he jumped up abruptly and seemed to be quite frightened.
Even her kind looks, disclosure of her name and purpose of visit failed to calm him. From
his fear, she thought that either he had stolen something or he had escaped from jail.
2. Next morning, the stranger was cleaned and well-dressed. The valet had bathed him, cut
his hair and shaved him. He was led to the dining room for breakfast. The ironmaster
saw him in broad daylight. It was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance now.
The ironmaster realized his mistake and threatened to call the Sheriff.
3. The peddler explained that he had not tried to pretend as his acquaintance. He was not at
fault. All along he had maintained that he was a poor trader. He had pleaded and begged
to be allowed to stay in the forge. No harm had been done by his stay. He was willing to
put on his rags again and go away.
4. Edla did not think it proper on their part to chase away a human being whom they had
asked to come to their house and had promised him Christmas cheer. She understood the
reality of the peddler’s life and wanted him to enjoy a day of peace with them. Hence she
still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him.
5. As soon as Edla opened the package of the gift, the contents came into view. She found
a small rattrap with three wrinkled ten kronor notes and a letter addressed to her. The
peddler wanted to be nice in return as she had been so nice to him all day long. He did
not want her to be embarrassed at the Christmas season by a thief.
1. The theme of the story is that most human beings are prone to fall into the trap of material
benefit. However, every human being has an essential goodness that can be awakened
through understanding and love. A human being has the tendency to redeem himself from
dishonest ways.
The theme is developed with the help of the metaphor of the rattrap. The peddler of
rattraps calls the world a big rattrap. The material benefits like riches and joys, shelter
and food, heat and clothing are temptations that allure a person to fall into the rattrap
of the world exactly as the bait of cheese and pork attract a rat to fall into the rattrap.
Once someone takes the bait, the world closes in on him and then everything is lost.
The peddler is tempted by the thirty kronors of the old crofter. He steals the money. Now
he is afraid of being caught and moves through the woods. It is the kind, sympathetic,
loving and generous treatment given by Edla Willmansson that helps him get himself
free from the rattrap of the world.
2. There is a Zen proverb which says, “Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it’s
dark”. Virtually everyone experiences loneliness from time to time, during holiday season,
and during times of extreme stress. People don’t always talk about feelings of loneliness
and don’t always know what to do with those feelings. Other than being emotionally
painful, loneliness can affect people in many ways:
1. They may experience physical pain.
2. They may become depressed and tend to experience less “togetherness” in social
interactions. It has been found that depression and loneliness can feed each other,
each affecting the other.
3. They may become susceptible to a variety of health issues due to depressed immunity
68 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
which is due to emotional stress. Loneliness and depression are linked to poorer health
and well being.
One needs to come out of the darkness of loneliness. Loneliness can be something difficult
to deal with and it is a sad fact that so many people suffer from a lack of close friendships
and connections, despite the fact that many of us live in or near major cities. There are
a few things to keep in mind if you feel lonely in your life:
1. Feeling separate from others is the direct result of focussing on how others are different
from us.
2. Become curious about others and you will never be at a loss for words or feel unable
to connect with them again. Connection is achieved through shared experiences
or empathizing with others. Instead allow your curiosity to naturally steer the
conversation. Ask a single question. If you are paying attention (instead of worrying
what you will say next), you’ll notice that there are many conversation topics embedded
in a simple answer or comment that can keep you talking for hours and result in a
much deeper connection.
3. If you are hungry for a deeper connection with others, don’t be too reluctant about
taking the lead in the situation and putting a little bit of yourself out there to steer
the conversation in a deeper direction.
Essentially what you are doing is that you are welcoming other people to get more
personal and share more of your feelings and experiences too. Once you start to learn
more about their feelings and opinions on things, you can start to develop a real bond.
It may seem vulnerable to put yourself out there, and it is! It can be difficult at times
to share parts of yourself with others, but that’s how others will really get to know
you. If you ever feel lonely, don’t be afraid to try and straighten a weak friendship or
build a new one. There are people everywhere, and all of them are worth getting to
You can strengthen your existing relationships. Why not call friends more often, go out
with them more, find other ways to enjoy your existing relationships and strengthen
3. 125/14, Alibas street
January 20, 20XX
Dear Arun
In your last letter you wanted me to enlighten you on honesty. Honesty is the best
policy. We should be honest in whatever we do. It is however very difficult to adopt
honest means of livelihood. This is often seen that people who adopt dishonest means
become rich overnight. On the other hand those who follow the path of honesty are
often seen struggling in life to satisfy their barest needs.
This might have a dampening effect on their nerves and they might be tempted to
earn money by adopting unfair means. But we should remember that money earned
by dishonest means never brings happiness. A man who adopts fair means to earn
his living might spend a life of want and poverty, but he in contented. He is far better
than a wealthy person who has amassed a huge fortune by adopting dishonest means.
The importance of honest livelihood essentially means that people earn through the
rightful and honest means without any foul or impermissible means. The overriding
principle is that any income which causes loss or inconvenience to any person is
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 69
prohibited both at individual and collective levels. All sources of income that are based
on mutual benefit and welfare and conform with the principles of social justice and
equality are allowed.
The illegal and prohibited means include bribery, usurpation of others’ belongings,
stealing, defalcation, break of trust, using false measures and weights, and income
earned through similar sources are to be avoided.
Contentment and personal integrity are the two basic elements for honest livelihood.
Contentment means that one should keep one’s desires and needs within limits and
not succumb to worldly temptations. Contentment, honesty, thankfulness to god, and
rightful earning are the milestones of the right path that one should follow.
Yours truly
Ashim Arora
1. (a) (ii) a politician (iii) a delegate (iv) a landlord.
(b) (ii) physically strong
2. He had come all the way from Champaran district in the foothills of Himalayas to
Lucknow to speak to Gandhi. Shukla accompanied Gandhi everywhere. Shukla followed
him to the ashram near Ahmedabad. For weeks he never left Gandhi’s side till Gandhi
asked him to meet at Calcutta.
3. Shukla led Gandhi to Rajendra Prasad’s house. The servants knew Shukla as a poor
yeoman. Gandhi was also clad in a simple dhoti. He was the companion of a peasant.
Hence the servants thought Gandhi to be another peasant.
4. Gandhi’s first meeting with Shukla was at Lucknow. Then he went to Cawnpore and
other parts of India. He returned to his ashram near Ahmedabad. Later he went to
Calcutta, Patna and Muzaffarpur before arriving at Champaran.
5. The peasants paid the British landlords indigo as rent. Now Germany had developed
synthetic indigo. So the British landlords wanted money as compensation for being
released from the 15 per cent arrangement. The prices of natural Indigo would go down
due to the synthetic Indigo.
1. For the poor of India means of survival is far more important than freedom or legal
justice. I don’t think the poor of India are free from fear after Independence.The foreign
rulers have been replaced by corrupt politicians and self-serving bureaucracy. Powerbrokers
and moneylenders have a field day. The situation has improved in cities and
towns for the poor but the poor in the remote villages still fear the big farmers and
moneylenders. The police and revenue officials are still objects of terror for them.
The poor, landless workers have to still work hard to make both ends meet. Peasants
and tenant-farmers have to borrow money from rich moneylenders on exorbitant rates
of interest, which usually they fail to repay due to failure of monsoon or bad crops.
Cases of small farmers committing suicide are quite common. If this is not due to fear,
what is the reason behind it?
70 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
2. Patriotism
Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
who never to himself hath said,
this is my own native land!
Patriotism implies love for one’s nation. A patriot is ready to sacrifice his comfort for the
service of his nation. It was for his country’s sake that Sardar Bhagat Singh kissed the
gallows. It was for the love for their land that Shivaji, Rana Pratap and Guru Govind Singh
suffered untold hardships. True patriots respect other nations and religions but don’t allow
anyone to insult their nation. A great philosopher said, “It is not gold that makes a nation
great. It is the sacrifice and martyrdom of patriots that raises a nation to the heights of
glory.” India is a land where patriots are in abundance. It got its freedom only because of the
efforts of its patriots. Patriotism is a religion and an ideal. It is an ideology that guides the
people of a nation. It is a feeling and a bond that unites the people of various sects, beliefs
and backgrounds together. A patriot must not be narrow minded. He should develop an
international progressive outlook. It would be pertinent to quote the words of Seneca here
“No one loves his country for its size or eminence, but because it is his own.”
3. Corruption in Contemporary India
Corruption has engulfed all the educated, skilled and semi-skilled workers. Corruption
means dishonesty and illegal behavior especially of the people in authority. A person
resorts to corruption because of his poverty, lack of moral strength and other psychological
and financial problems. Moreover, the path of righteousness is full of thorns. Some of the
youngsters are misguided by the friends to multiply their benefits within a short span
of time. One should always remember that corruption starts from the top. If the head of
the family is corrupt, the other members will also imitate his actions. Our politicians and
bureaucrats are corrupt and unscrupulous. They don’t have any moral authority. Such
corrupt politicians and bureaucrats should be punished and the honest persons should
be rewarded if we intend to create a congenial atmosphere in our country. The system of
justice is outdated and obsolete. It is said that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. People do
not get justice in the court of law. If corruption is not checked, the poor will be exploited
without any inhibition.
1. Gandhi’s politics was intermingled with the day-to-day problems of the millions of
Indians. He opposed unjust laws. He was ready to court arrest for breaking such laws
and going to jail. The famous Dandi March to break the ‘salt law’ is another instance.
The resistance and disobedience was peaceful and a fight for truth and justice. This
was linked directly to his ideas of Satyagraha and non-violence.
2. For Gandhi the amount of the refund was less important than the fact that the landlords
had been forced to the return part of the money, and with it, part of their prestige too.
So he agreed to the settlement of 25 per cent refund to the farmers.
3. The peasants were saved from spending time and money on court cases. After some
years the British planters gave up control of their estates. These now reverted to the
peasants. Indigo sharecropping disappeared.
4. The Champaran episode began as an attempt to ease the sufferings of large number
of poor peasants. He got spontaneous support of thousands of people. Gandhi admits
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 71
that what he had done was a very ordinary thing. He declared that the British could
not order him about in his own country. Hence he considered the Champaran episode
as a turning point in his life.
5. Gandhi asked the lawyers what they would do if he was sentenced to prison. They said
that they had come to advise him. If he went to jail, they would go home. Then Gandhi
asked them about the injustice to the sharecroppers. The lawyers held consultations.
They came to the conclusion that it would be shameful desertion if they went home.
So they told Gandhi that they were ready to follow him into jail.
Going Places
1. Sophie and Jansie would soon pass out of their school. Only a few months were left.
Jansie knew very well that both of the them were earmarked for biscuit factory. Sophie
had wild dreams about her career. Jansie was a realist. She knew that they did not
pay well for shop work and Sophie’s father would not allow her to work there.
2. Sophie wanted to open a boutique. It would be the most amazing shop that city had
ever seen. Alternatively, she would become an actress and have the boutique as a side
business. She also thought of being a fashion designer. Jansie had her feet firmly planted
to the ground. She wanted Sophie to be sensible and drop all her utopian plans. All of
them required much money and experience.
3. Sophie knew her father well. He would be angry if he knew of her meeting with the
young Irish footballer, Danny Casey. She didn’t tell him. When Geoff told his father
about it, he became angry. He turned his head to look at her with disdain. Sophie
wriggled where she was sitting at the table.
4. No, Geoff doesn’t believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey. First,
he looks round in disbelief and says, “It can’t be true”. Again he says, “I don’t believe it.”
Sophie then narrates how Danny Casey came and stood beside her. Geoff asks her, “What
does he look like?” So, he doesn’t seem to be convinced that Sophie met Danny Casey.
5. No, Sophie’s father does not believe her story. When Geoff tells him that Sophie met
Danny Casey, his father looked at Sophie with disdain. He ignores her totally. He
thinks that it is yet another ‘wild story’. He begins to talk about Tom Finny, another
great football player.
1. Teenagers have boundless enthusiasm and ambitions. They have sweet dreams and go
on fantasising. It is natural for them to do so. Every youth is a dreamer. Every great
scientist or writer has a dream. Without something to aspire for one can’t strive to
achieve that goal. Dreams lead to the golden gate of success. Some teenagers float in the
world of fantasy. They have unreal dreams. It is just like a child asking for the moon.
Their feet are in the mud and they dream of the stars in the sky. Such fantasising
results in disappointment and disillusionment. A dreamer who fails to realise his dream
is labelled a failure. Those who realise their dreams become heroes and achievers in
their spheres. I think it is better to have dreams even if we fail to realise them. Who
would have dreams if the teenagers don’t—will these grey headed, grey bearded persons
have dreams? Let the teenagers indulge in their natural activity and dream of a golden
future. They will strive to translate them into reality.
2. Horrors of Unrealistic Dreams
People harbor fierce and uncontrollable desires. The search for a better life is one of
the most basic desires of human beings. But they substantially deviate from the path
of righteousness when they feel that their unquenchable desires can never be fulfilled.
72 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
They found themselves in the depths of depression. The mortals should use their wisdom
to set realistic goals. Imagination is thrice away from reality. Undoubtedly, the human
race is governed by its imagination. But it is also a harsh reality of life that ‘He who
has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.’ One should not forget that
there is a difference between real life and reel life. The happenings of dreams cannot
take place in this physical world. Those who ignore the present situation while setting
their goals repent later. Man has to identify his latent talent and potential to materialise
his goals. One should have thorough knowledge of one’s interests and outlook.
3. Man is a social animal. He has to interact with the fellow human beings to give vent to
his emotional grievances and sentimental grudges. He needs a person, a friend to confide
in his secrets. This dog eat dog world has numerous people who seem to be trustworthy.
But they are pretenders, hypocrites and opportunists. A person who leads a lonely life
never feels happy and contented. His life becomes a hell. Expression of thoughts lightens
the human soul. It is a matter of fact that there is dearth of true friends. People do not
believe in one another. Material prosperity and unhealthy competition have eroded trust.
Our forefathers worked together, lived together and earned their livelihood together. In
the modern world lack of trust has created nuclear families. The concept of joint family
was based on the principles of trust, honesty and brotherhood. These virtues have no
significance in the present age. Trust gives us strength and courage to overcome the
obstacles coming in the life. It is said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. We must
have someone with us whom we can tell our secrets and reveal the truth. There should
be a person who could objectively listen to our candid confessions.
1. Geoff was always the first to share her secrets. So she told him about meeting Danny
Casey. She also told him about her plan to meet him next week. She suspected areas
of his life about which she knew nothing. She longed to know them. She wished that
someday he might take her with him. She saw herself riding there behind Geoff.
2. Jansie was ‘nosey’. She took interest in knowing things about others. She would spread
the news in the whole neighbourhood. So Sophie didn’t want Jansie to know about her
story with Danny. It may also be mutual rivalry and one-upmanship on her part. Sophie
was startled to learn that Geoff had told Jansie about her story with Danny.
3. No, Sophie did not really meet Danny Casey. She was very fascinated by the young
Irish footballer. She imagined his coming. She sat in the park, waiting for Casey and
knowing that he would not come. She felt sad. Sadness was a hard burden to carry.
She was always lost in a dreamy world where she imagined Casey meeting her.
4. Sophie and Jansie are poles apart in tastes and temperament. Sophie has fantastic
dreams and floats in a fairy land. She is an incurable escapist who won’t come out of her
dreams. Jansie is down to earth—a realist. Sophie wants to do something sophisticated.
Jansie knows that these things require a lot of money which their families do not
possess. Jansie also knows that they were earmaked for the biscuit factory. She even
advises Sophie to be sensible and practical. Sophie considers Jansie ‘nosey’ and does
not want to confide in her.
5. Sophie belongs to a lower middle class family. She is an escapist and has wild dreams.
She dreams of things she can’t have in real life. Jansie tells her that boutique needs
a lot of money. Sophie knows that the family doesn’t have money. Even little Derek
understands her unrealistic nature.
Geoff’s occupation reflects their socio-economic background. He is an apprentice mechanic.
His jacket is shapeless. Her father lacks sophistication. He sits in his vest at the table.
He grunts and tosses one of little Derek’s shoes from his chair on to the sofa. There
is stove in the same room where dirty washing is piled in a corner. Sophie’s father
goes to pub on his bicycle. All these indicators confirm their lower middle class family
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 73
VISTAS (Supplementary Reader)
The Tiger King
1. On surface level, ‘The Tiger King’ seems to be a simple story about a royal prince, his
growth and exploits as a king. The prophecies at his birth about the manner of his
death make the story interesting by introducing the element of surprise and suspense.
On a deeper level, the story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. It is usually
seen that those in power have too much pride in themselves and what they do. Two such
specimens in the story are the Tiger King and the British officer. The author employs
dramatic irony and humour to show their faults and weaknesses. The words of these
characters carry an extra meaning. They do not know what is going to happen. The
Tiger King resolves to hunt a hundred tigers to disprove the prediction of the astrologer.
In his stubbornness, he falls prey to a wooden tiger. The high-ranking British officer is
equally vain. He is more interested in photograph with carcass than hunting itself. The
Tiger King offers to organise any other hunt except tiger-hunt. It may be a boar-hunt,
mouse-hunt or a mosquito-hunt. He has to lose three lakh of rupees for his refusal. The
ego of the British officer is satisfied when his wife is pleased.
2. For centuries innocent animals have been subjected to the wilfulness of human beings.
Man has been killing animals for sport, meat or organs of body. The author does not
make any direct comment about it in the story. Man advances strange logic to defend
even his unlawful and cruel acts. The Maharaja quotes an old saying, “You may kill
even a cow in self-defence”. Hence he finds no objection to kill tigers in self-defence. It
reveals not only the callousness of human beings towards wildlife but their disregard
for maintaining ecological balance. The extinction of tiger species in Pratibandapuram
state and the state ruled by the Maharaja’s father-in-law amply illustrates the result
of man’s cruelty towards wild animals. An old tiger has to be brought from the People’s
Park in Madras to satisfy the king’s whim to kill one hundred tigers.
3. A number of wild animals are found in India but the sad fact is that their numbers
are swiftly diminishing. While on the one hand deforestation is depriving the animals
of their natural habitat, on the other hand inhumanity and human greed is leading to
the merciless slaughter of these innocent creatures.
A number of wild animals are fast heading for extinction because of illegal poaching.
The most important of these is the tiger. In spite of the Government’s “Project Tiger”
attempt to save the animal, the number of tigers is diminishing at an alarming rate.
Tigers in the wild are killed by poached for their skins, claws, bones and blood which
fetch a high price in the international market. The World Conservation Union has
warned that at this rate tigers in India would be wiped before 2020 AD.
This is a threat which holds good for much of India’s wildlife. In the northeast of India,
the one horned rhinoceros is the target of attack. They are killed for their matted horn,
in a very cruel fashion. Each of these horns fetches several lakhs of rupees and are
used in Chinese traditional medicine. So is care of leopards, elephants, musk deer, black
bear, snakes, mongoose. The onslaught on all our animals continues to be heavy. The
government in its attempt to save these animals has a number of animal reserves all
over the country yet these reserves are not able to safeguard the life of their precious
animals, due to illegal hunting.
74 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
A number of solutions can be suggested to control the situation. There should be strict
patrolling of the resources by forest rangers to prevent poachers from causing havoc.
They should be provided better weapons and they should the tough and incorruptable.
Further the offenders should be heavily penalised. Further the wild animals should be
lodged in buffer zones to prevent them from straying into nearby villages and cause
damages to cattle. These animals also fall victim to the anger of villagers whose cattle
have been killed, by the wild animals.
If these measures are strictly implemented, they may go a long way in protecting our
wild animals. Only then can future generation hope to enjoy the magnificent sight of
the most beautiful and majestic of God’s creations.
1. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was called the Tiger King. At the time of his birth
the astrologers declared that the prince would have to die one day. The ten-day-old
prince asked the astrologers to reveal the manner of his death. The wise men were
baffled at this miracle. The chief astrologer said that his death would come from the
tiger. The young prince growled and uttered terrifying words: ‘Let tigers beware!’ He
decided to kill one hundred tigers. He thus got the name ‘Tiger King’.
2. Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day-by-day. He was brought
up by an English nanny and tutored in English by an Englishman. He got the control
of his state when he came of age at twenty. He decided to kill tigers. For him it was
an act of self-defence, as the astrologer had predicted his death by a tiger
3. Within ten years the Maharaja was able to kill seventy tigers. Thirty tigers still remained
to be shot down by his gun. The Maharaja decided to get married. The Dewan found
the right girl from a state which possessed a large number of tigers. The Maharaja
killed five or six tigers each time he visited his father-in-law. Thus he was able to find
the required number of tigers to kill. He shot ninety-nine tigers.
4. Maharaja’s anxiety reached the highest level of excitement when only one tiger remained
to be killed. He thought of the hundredth tiger during the day and dreamt of it at night.
But it became impossible to locate tigers anywhere. The Maharaja was sunk in gloom.
Then came a happy news. In his own state sheep began to disappear frequently from a
hillside village. Surely, a tiger was at work. The Maharaja set out on the hunt at once.
But the tiger was not easily found. The Maharaja continued camping in the forest and
waiting for the tiger.
1. A minion is an unimportant person in an organization who has to obey orders. The
Maharaja has many minions or servants. Most of them fear the Maharaja and obey
his orders faithfully. They dare not disobey him or contradict him. The Maharaja’s
displeasure means loss of job or even loss of life. Only a few of them are truly sincere
towards him. One such person is the chief astrologer. He is willing to burn his books
of astrology, cut off his tuft and crop his hair short if his prediction proves untrue.
The others try to keep the Maharaja in good humour. Even the Dewan is no exception.
Many officers lose their jobs when the Maharaja’s fury and obstinacy mount higher.
The king’s bullet misses the hundredth tiger. It faints from the shock and falls as a
crumpled heap. The hunters realise the truth, but they decide not to reveal it to the
king. They fear that they might lose their jobs.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 75
In today’s political order, subordinates serve their superior bosses as deaf and dumb
creatures who see only what their masters want them to see. Their self-interests and
fear of elimination make them faithful servants.
2. In our times, big game-hunting has been banned by law as so many species of wildlife
have been declared endangered species. Sanctuaries, national parks and games reserves
have been established to preserve wildlife from extinction and maintain ecological balance
in nature. Even then sporadic cases of game-hunting are reported in papers now and
then. It is generally noticed that the erstwhile rulers—kings or nawabs or the rich
and powerful persons or famous film stars indulge in game-hunting. The cases against
M.A.K. Pataudi and Salman Khan are still pending in courts. Poachers and smugglers
too destroy wildlife for skin, meat or for various organs of body and escape scot-free.
3. Respected principal, honorable teacher, and my dear friends. The topic of my speech
today in “Man should not interfere in nature’s ways, to conserve wildlife” .
Everything in nature has a part to play, be it wild animals, plants, trees etc. Broadly
speaking nothing is superfluous and nothing is wasteful in nature. There should be a
balance in their own right. If one wild animal does not kill another wild animal the
number of animals would become large. For example if the tiger does not prey on the
deer, the population of deer in the forest will grow out of proportion and will prove a
menace to the plants and farms nearby. The hare may be innocent, but in very large
number it is also bad. It can wipe out all plant life in the forest leaving little for other
herbivorous animals. The balance is set by the wolves and wild dogs. Thus there seems
to be a natural controlling mechanism in which wild animals feed upon one another
to keep each other in check. Even snakes have a part to play. If snakes are destroyed
in large numbers, the rat population (snakes eat rats) would become uncontrollable
and would wipe out the food-grains in the farmlands nearby. Man in his selfishness
has tampered with nature’s ways. As his greed for more industries, farms, buildings,
increases, the habitat open to wild animals becomes increasingly limited. There is also
a danger that some species of animals or plants would become extinct due to alarming
decrease in their numbers due to human activities. Ultimately man is the loser. We
must remember that wild flora and fauna has definite place in the economy of nature;
they should be safeguarded and not destroyed to cater to human greed.
Thank you.
1. The Dewan got an old tiger brought from the People’s Park in Madras. It was taken
to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. The Maharaja took careful aim at the
beast. The tiger fell down in a crumpled heap. The Maharaja was extremely happy that
he had killed the hundredth tiger.
The hunters found that the tiger was not dead. It had only fainted on hearing the
sound of the bullet. One of them shot at it and killed it. The dead tiger was taken in
procession through the town and buried there. A tomb was erected over it.
The prophecy was not disproved as the king met his death with the infection caused by
the sliver of a wooden tiger. The astrologer was already dead. He could not be punished
or rewarded.
2. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story. He may be identified as His
Highness Jamedar-General, Khiledar-Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari, Maharajadhiraja
Visva Bhuvana Samrat, Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, M.A.D., A.C.T.C., or C.R.C.K.
This name is often shortened to the Tiger King.
76 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
3. The astrologers said the child born under that particular star would one day have to
meet its death. At that very moment a great miracle took place. An astonishing phrase
emerged from the lips of the ten-day-old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, “O wise prophets!”
Everyone stood motionless with astonishment and stupidity.
4. The infant said that all those who are born will one day have to die. So he did not need
their predictions to know that. He further said that there would be some sense in it if
they could tell him the manner of that death.
The enemy
1. Dr Sadao Hoki faces a dilemma when he finds the body of an unconscious wounded white
man lying on the lonely coast with dangerous rocks near his house. As they saw his face,
they found that he was a white man with long yellow hair and a rough yellow beard.
Being an expert surgeon, Dr Sadao saw that the man had a gun-wound on the right
side of his lower back. He at once packed the wound with sea moss to stanch the fearful
bleeding. Since Japan was at war with America, the white man was an enemy. If they
sheltered a white man in their house they would be arrested and if they turned him
over as a prisoner, he would certainly die. Hana still insisted on putting him back into
the sea. The man was a prisoner of war. He had escaped and that was why he was
wounded in the back.
Hana asked if they were able to put him back into the sea. Sadao then said that if the man
was whole he could turn the man over to the police without difficulty. He cared nothing
for the man. He was their enemy. All Americans were their ‘enemy’. But since he was
wounded… Hana understood his dilemma and realised that in the conflict between his
sense of national loyalty and his duty as a doctor, it was the latter which proved dominant.
Since Sadao too could not throw him back to the sea, the only course left for them was to
carry him to their house. Sadao enquired about the reaction of the servants.
Hana said that they would tell the servants that they intended to give the man to the police.
She told Sadao that they must do so. They had to think of the children and the doctor’s
position. It would endanger all of them if they did not give that man over as a prisoner of
war. Sadao agreed and promised that he would not think of doing anything else.
2. Dr Sadao and his wife, Hana, together lifted the wounded man and carried him to an
empty bedroom. The man was very dirty. Sadao suggested that he had better be washed.
He offered to do so if she would fetch water. Hana was against it. She suggested that
the maid, Yumi, could wash the man. They would have to tell the servants. Dr Sadao
examined the man again and remarked that the man would die unless he was operated
upon at once. He left the room to bring his surgical instruments.
The servants did not approve of their master’s decision to heal the wound of a white
man. Even Yumi refused to wash the white man. There was so fierce a look of resistance
upon Yumi’s round dull face that Hana felt unreasonably afraid. Then she said with
dignity that they only wanted to bring him to his senses so that they would turn him
over as a prisoner. However, Yumi refused to have anything to do with him. Hana asked
Yumi gently to return to her work.
3. 420/28, Gali Handian
Chandni Chowk
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 77
January 20, 20XX
Dear Rahul
Last time when I met you, you expressed the need that I let you know how one should
make a difficult decision. I give you some tips which may be helpful to you.
You can never know for sure when you make a decision that it’s going to work out as
you hope. All, you can do is to follow your conscience, and then trust that whatever the
future holds, it will enrich your lives, one way or the other. While deciding you can reflect
on past decision and how you made them. The problem don’t have to be similar for the
method to work the same. You can do some meditation and listen to your instinct. You
may ask yourself, “who will affect your decision and what does your heart tell you?”
While making a decision you can talk it over with your friends, then after you have
gathered as much info as possible, decide and act. Moreover you need to make a patient
effort and have confidence in yourself as a decision maker. Whatever choice you make is
valid, as you can gain experience and wisdom through any experience, preferred or not.
You can also ask yourself three questions before diving into something new or daunting.
What’s the worst that can happen? How likely is that going to happen? Can you deal
with it? Take a moment to think about the consequences of every course of action and
decide which course will be best for you. Sometimes you need to try to see the situation
from all angles; ask your elders for advice; they are always great sources. Sometimes
you need to walk away from the issue a bit, and then come back for a fresh look into
the matter.
Well this is all I can say for the moment.
Yours truly
Manish Kumar
1. Dr Sadao Hoki was an eminent Japanese surgeon and scientist. He had spent eight
valuable years of his youth in America to learn all that could be learnt of surgery and
medicine there. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean.
Dr Sadao’s house was built on rocks well above a narrow beach that was outlined with
bent pines. It was on a spot of the Japanese coast.
2. Dr Sadao knew that they would be arrested if they sheltered a white man in their house.
The wounded man was a prisoner of war who had escaped with a bullet on his back.
Since Japan was at war with America, harbouring an enemy meant being a traitor to
Japan. Dr Sadao could be arrested if anyone complained against him and accused him
of harbouring an enemy.
3. The gardener and the cook were frightened that their master was going to heal the
wound of a white man—an enemy. They felt that after being cured he will take revenge
on the Japanese. Yumi, the maid, was also frightened. She refused to wash the white
man. Hana rebuked the maid who had refused to wash a wounded helpless man. Then
she dipped a small clean towel into the steaming hot water and washed the white man’s
face. She kept on washing him until his upper body was quite clean. But she dared not
turn him over.
4. Dr Sadao and his wife, Hana, had told the servants that they only wanted to bring the
man to his senses so that they could turn him over as a prisoner. They knew that the
78 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
best possible course under the circumstances was to put him back into the sea. However,
Dr Sadao was against handing over a wounded man to the police. He decided to carry
him into his house. He operated upon him and extracted the bullet from his body. He
kept the white man in his house. He and his wife looked after him and fed him till he
was strong enough to walk on his legs.
1. On the third day after the operation, the young man asked Dr Sadao what he was going
to do with him and if he was going to hand him over. Dr Sadao said that he did not
know himself what he would do with the man. He ought to hand him over to the police
as he was a prisoner of war.
The young man saw that Dr Sadao and his wife Hana were different from other
Japanese. They spoke English well, looked after him and served him food. Seven days
after the operation of the man, Dr Sadao was called to the palace to see the General.
Hana thought that the police had come to arrest Dr Sadao. Dr Sadao confided in the
General and he (General) promised to send his personal assassins to kill the man and
remove his body.
Dr Sadao waited for three nights. Nothing happened. Then he made a plan to let the
prisoner escape. He told Tom, the young American, about it. The young man stared at
him and asked if he had to leave. It seemed he was reluctant to leave. Dr Sadao told him
that he should understand everything clearly. It was not hidden that he was there and
this situation was full of risk for himself as well as for the doctor. Thus it is quite clear
that the reluctance of the soldier was caused by the single motive of self-preservation.
He knew from the treatment he had received from the couple that they would save him.
2. During his meeting with the General, Dr Sadao told him about the man he had operated
on successfully. He explained that he cared nothing for the man. The General appreciated
his skill and efficiency and promised that he would not be arrested.
The General thought it quite unfortunate that the man had been washed up to Dr
Sadao’s doorstep and thought it best if he could be quietly killed. He promised to send
his private assassins to do so and remove his dead body. He suggested that Dr Sadao
should leave the outer partition of the white man’s room to the garden open at night.
It is evident that the General had no human consideration in this matter. For him an
enemy was an enemy and must be wiped out. He wanted the man to be eliminated
silently to save the doctor from being arrested. It was neither lack of national loyalty
nor dereliction of duty that guided and inspired his decision. It was simply his sense
of self-absorption. He wanted to keep Dr Sadao safe only for his own sake. He had no
faith in the other Germany trained doctors. He might have to be operated upon anytime
when he had another attack and he had full faith in the skill and loyalty of Dr Sadao
This fact is further corroborated by the General’s remarks to Dr Sadao, one week after
the emergency operation upon the General. Dr Sadao informed him that the man had
escaped. The General asked whether he had not promised Sadao that he would kill the
man for him. Dr Sadao replied that he had done nothing. The General admitted that
he had forgotten his promise as he had been suffering a great deal and he thought of
nothing but himself. He revealed the whole truth. He admitted that it was careless
of him to have forgotten his promise. But added that it was not lack of patriotism or
dereliction of duty on his part.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 79
3. Wars have been fought from times immemorial. They have been destructive, disastrous
and horrible. They have solved no problems; rather they have given rise to many more
problems. Victories in wars are really no victories as well but worse than defeats as
after the wars great efforts and big resources are required to be done for repairing the
damage caused by wars. This is why wars have always been condemned and praises
have been sung of peace by poets, peers and saints. Milton said that victories of peace
are more glorious than the victories of war.
The victories of war are based on bloodshed, human suffering, ruin of hapiness and
loss of life and property. On the other hand, the victories of peace are based on labour,
construction, human welfare, goodwill and preservation of life and property.
War gives rise to and spreads ill will and hatred. It increases jealousies and makes
any creative work impossible. Civil, social and cultural program comes to a standstill.
War complicates the problems which it sought to solve. A small war leads to a future
greater war. For instance the World War I (1914-1918) paved the way for the World
War II (1939-1945) and a World War III is hanging over our heads which may destroy
everything on the earth. Wars dehumanise humanity by making men brutes and beasts.
Victories of peace are everlasting, it means happiness, positive work, delightful
atmosphere, nobler feelings of mankind. War leads to the race for armaments and
destructive weapons like guns, atom bombs, nuclear missiles, rockets, chemical bombs
etc. Peace results in the race for civilization and culture, great literature, progress in
arts and fine arts, etc. which give everlasting pleasure.
Thus war is evil while peace is the elixir of life.
1. In the afternoon, a messenger came there in official uniform. He told Dr Sadao that he
had to come to the palace at once as the old General was in pain again.
Hana, thought that the officer had come to arrest Dr Sadao. Dr Sadao told the General
about the white man he had operated upon. Since Dr Sadao was indispensable to the
General, he promised that Dr Sadao would not be arrested.
2. Dr Sadao told Tom, the white man, that he was quite well then. He offered to put his
boat on the shore that night. It would have food and extra clothing in it. Tom might
be able to row to the little island which was not far from the coast and could live there
till he saw a Korean fishing boat pass by.
Dr Sadao gave the man Japanese clothes and covered his blond head with a black cloth.
In short, Dr Sadao helped the man to escape from Japan.
3. Sadao’s father was a visionary. He knew that the islands near the sea coast were the
stepping stones to the future for Japan. No one could limit their future as it depended
on what they made it. His son’s education was his chief concern. He sent his son to
America at the age of twenty-two to learn all that could be learned of surgery and
medicine. He loved the Japanese race, customs and manners.
4. Sadao was an eminent surgeon and a scientist. He was perfecting a discovery which would
render wounds entirely clean. Secondly, the old General was being treated medically
for a condition for which he might need an operation. Due to these two reasons Sadao
was being kept in Japan and not sent abroad with the troops.
1. It is the consciousness of the demands of one’s calling that make a sensitive soul respond
to the call of his duty as a professional doctor to attend to the wounded human being
regardless of his being an enemy.
80 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
In the story ‘The Enemy’ Dr Sadao Hoki finds a prisoner of war washed ashore and in
a dying state thrown to his doorstep. As a patriot, it is his duty to hand him over to
the police. If he does not want to be entangled, the next best thing is to put him back
to the sea.
However, the surgeon in him instinctively inspires him to operate upon the dying man
and save him from the jaws of death. First, he packs the wound with sea-moss to stanch
the fearful bleeding. Then he brings him home with the help of his wife. In spite of stiff
opposition and open defiance of the servants, he operates upon the man and harbours
him till he is able to leave. He knows fully well the risk of sheltering a white man—a
prisoner of war—in his house. But his sentimentality for the suffering and wounded
person help him rise above narrow national prejudices and extend his help and services
even to an enemy.
2. Yes, I think the doctor’s final solution to the problem was the best possible one in the
circumstances. Initially, the doctor as well as his wife thought that the best as well as
kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea. But neither of them moved. Neither
was able to put him back into the sea.
Sadao explained that if the man was whole he could turn him over to the police without
difficulty, but since he was wounded, the doctor could not throw him back to the sea.
He could not kill the man whom he had saved from the jaws of death.
The General promised to send his private assassins to kill the man and remove his
dead body. Sadao waited for three nights for their arrival, but they never came as the
General being preoccupied with his own suffering, forgot everything else.
Meanwhile the fear of Hana, the doctor’s wife, that he would be arrested on the charge
of harbouring an enemy kept on mounting. Dr Sadao made up his mind to get rid of the
man as it was not only inconvenient but also dangerous for them to have him there any
longer. He, therefore, quietly devised the plan of letting the prisoner escape by using
his own boat and Japanese clothes.
As soon as the enemy left, the servants returned and life became normal once again. Dr
Sadao informed the General that “the man” had escaped. The General admitted that he
had forgotten his promise as he thought of nothing but himself as he was suffering a
great deal. He confessed that it was careless of him but it was not his lack of patriotism
or dereliction of duty. In short, the doctor’s strategy to let the prisoner escape was the
best possible solution to the problem under the prevailing circumstances.
3. Hana is the alter ego of her husband, Dr Sadao Hoki. She has adapted herself to his
ways. She knows that saving a life is a mission for him and when he is attending on his
patient, he forgets everything else—even Hana herself. Even years after their marriage,
they retain the same love and affection for each other.
She cared for him a lot and would not let him sand outside in the cold foggy February
night. She was a bit sentimental, yet pragmatic in her approach. She was quick to
judge what went on in her husband’s mind and suggested solutions. She maintained
her dignity when the servants showed resistance and open defiance. As an obedient
and devoted wife, she carried out all the orders and instructions of her husband. She
washed the wounded white man, gave him anaesthesia and later on food.
She was worried about her husband’s safety, position and reputation. Initially, she
suggested throwing the man back into the sea. She was afraid that the servants might
misreport. Her fears are exhibited clearly when a messenger in uniform arrives from
the palace. In order to calm down her fears, Dr Sadao decides to get rid of the white
man anyhow. In short, she is an ideal partner.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 81
1. Sadao married Hana when they returned to Japan after finishing their work at medical
school. Sadao’s father saw her. The marriage was then arranged in the old Japanese
way. They had been married years enough to have two children. Their married life was
quite happy. They still loved each other.
2. The man lay motionless with his face in the sand. As they turned the man’s head, they
saw that he was a white man with long yellow hair. His young face had a rough yellow
beard. He was unconscious. From his battered cap they learnt that he was a sailor from
an American warship.
3. Sadao’s head told him to put the man back into the sea as he was an American soldier–
an enemy of Japan. His trained hands seemed, of their own will, to be doing what
they could to stanch the fearful bleeding. He packed the wound with the sea-moss that
strewed the beach. The bleeding was stopped for the moment.
4. The white man was wounded. He needed immediate medical care. Dr Sadao could do
so. But if they sheltered a white man in their house, they would be arrested. On the
other hand, if they turned him over as a prisoner, he would certainly die.
Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
1. The story raises a moral issue—should parents always decide what the children should
do or let the children do what they like to do. There is an evident contrast between an
adult’s perspective on life and the world view of a little child.
Jack, the father, defends the behaviour of Roger Skunk’s mother who forced the old wizard
to restore the natural but offensive smell to Roger Skunk. He sums up the issue in one
sentence: ‘She knew what was right’. As to why the little skunk agreed to her mother’s
proposal, Jack says that the little skunk loved his mummy more than he loved all the
other little animals. Jack cites an instance. When Roger Skunk was in bed, Mummy
Skunk came up, hugged him and said he smelled like her little baby Skunk again and
she loved him very much.
Little Jo, the spokesperson of children, does not agree with her father’s view. She feels
that the Skunk’s mother should not have robbed the pleasure of her little son and deprived
him of the pleasant smell of the roses. She insisted that the wizard hit that mummy on
the head and did not change that little skunk back. She calls the little skunk’s mother
“a stupid mommy”. She realised that her father was defending his own mother to her,
or something odd.
Jo stuck to her viewpoint. She insisted that her father should tell her the story the next day
in a different manner. It was the wizard that took the magic wand and hit that mommy.
2. Jack feels that he has been caught in an ugly middle position physically, emotionally
as well as mentally. The woodwork, a cage of mouldings and rails and skirting boards
all around them was half old tan and half new ivory.
He was conscious of his duties as a father and as a husband. Little Bobby was already
asleep. His efforts to make Jo fall asleep proved quite fatiguing. She kept on interrupting
him, asking for clarifications, pointing errors and suggesting alternatives.
Jack did not like that women should take anything for granted. He liked them to be
82 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
apprehensive. So he extended the story, through he was in a haste to go down stairs
and help his pregnant wife in her hard work of painting the woodwork. The result of
the extension to the story proved unfruitful and unpleasant for Jo, Jack and Clare. Jo
wanted him to change the ending of the story. Clare complained that he had told a long
story. Jack felt utter weariness and did not want to speak with his wife or work with
her or touch her. He was really caught in an ugly middle pisition.
3. Of the two endings to the Roger Skunk story, I approve of the mature and realistic one
narrated by Jack that the mother skunk hit the wizard on the head and forced him to
restore the original smell to the skunk.
Every species of animals has its special features. She wanted Roger Skunk to smell the
way a little skunk should have. It should not carry the deceptive and borrowed smell of
the roses. Roger Skunk agreed to go with her because he loved his mummy more than
he loved all the other little animals. She knew what was right.
The mother’s point was proved right. When the wizard restored the original foul smell to
Roger Skunk, the other little animals got used to the way he was and did not mind it
at all. Of course, it took them sometime. Jack did not agree with Joanne’s remark that
she was a ‘stupid’ mother. On the other hand we find her a caring and loving mother.
When Roger Skunk was in bed, mummy skunk embraced him and said he smelled like
her little baby skunk again and she loved him very much. Thus Jack’s version brings
out the mother’s love, care and concern for her little baby.
1. Jo is the shortened form of Joanne. She is the four year old daughter of Jack and Clare.
For the last two years, her father, Jack, has been telling her bed-time stories. Since
these stories are woven around the same basic tale and have the same characters and
turn of events, Jo takes so many things for granted and takes active interest in the
story-telling session. The protagonist (main character) is always named Roger. It may be
Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel, Roger Chipmunk or Roger Skunk. The other characters are
the huge, wise, old owl and the thin small wizard. Other creatures of the forest—small
animals—also take part in playing with Roger and liking/disliking him.
2. Jack told the story of Roger Skunk—an animal which emitted a foul smell and how
the wizard changed his smell to that of roses at his request. The other little creatures,
who earlier hated Roger Skunk, now gathered around him because he smelled so good.
They played various games of children till dark and then went to their homes happily.
3. Little Jo had been accustomed to the happy ending of the stories of Roger, where the
wizard was helpful to him in fulfilling his wish.
Jo could not accept that mother’s stubbornness-hitting the well wisher of her son, Roger
Skunk. Jo insisted that her father should tell her the same story again the next day
with changed ending. The wizard should hit that unreasonable mummy on the head
and leave Roger Skunk emitting the pleasant smell of roses. In the beautiful world of
a child’s imagination, fairies and wizard’s are more real than reality itself. She could
not digest the harsh realities of life. She did not like the unfeeling mother who hit the
benefactor of her son.
4. Jack would tell his four year old daughter Joanne (or Jo) a story out of his head in the
evenings and for Saturday naps. This custom had begun when she was two and now it
was nearly two year old.
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1. Jack has the typical parental attitude. He is of the opinion that the parents know what
is best for their children. He asserts the parental authority time and again to quieten
Jo and stifle her objections and amendments to the story of the foul smelling Skunk
related by him.
He defends the attitude of Roger Skunk’s mother. She does not approve of the unnatural,
unskunk like smell that Roger has. She calls the sweet smell of the roses an awful smell.
Earlier the little skunk smelled the way a little skunk should. She wants the natural
characteristic—the foul smell—restored. He says that she knew what was right. Secondly,
the little skunk loved his mommy more than he loved all the other animals. That is why,
he took his mommy to the wizard. She hit the wizard and forced him to change the smell
of roses to his earlier bad odour. He insisted on this ending to emphasise the concern of
the parents for children and their role in bringing them up on proper lines.
2. Jack feels that he has been caught in an ugly middle position physically, emotionally
as well as mentally. The woodwork, a cage of mouldings and rails and skirting boards
all around them was half old tan and half new ivory.
He was conscious of his duties as a father and as a husband. Little Bobby was already
asleep. His efforts to make Jo fall asleep proved quite fatiguing. She kept on interrupting
him, asking for clarifications, pointing errors and suggesting alternatives.
Jack did not like that women should take anything for granted. He liked them to be
apprehensive. So he extended the story, though he was in a haste to go downstairs
and help his pregnant wife in her hard work of painting the woodwork. The result of
the extension to the story proved unfruitful and unpleasant for Jo, Jack and Clare. Jo
wanted him to change the ending of the story. Clare complained that he had told a long
story. Jack felt utter weariness and did not want to speak with his wife or work with
her or touch her. He was really caught in an ugly middle position.
3. An adult’s perspective on life is different from that of a child’s because of the difference
between their respective experiences and exposure to the world around them. An adult
comes across all sorts of experiences—good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, happy or
sad, encouraging or discouraging. The child lives a sheltered life under the protection
and love of his parents. In their rosy dream world of fairies and wizards, nothing good is
impossible for their favourite characters. Their adoration of these characters is nothing
short of hero-worship.
The world of make-believe makes the children lovers of romance, beauty and all things
pleasant in nature. These characters and their super feats, which appear so real in stories,
may not be real at all in real life. The adults who are familiar with harsh realities of
life know that all that glitters is not gold. Everything is not honey. They accept things
critically—with a pinch of salt.
1. A small creature named Roger had some problem. He would go to the wise owl who
told him to go to the wizard. The wizard performed a magic spell. It solved Roger’s
problem. He demanded more pennies than Roger had. Then he directed Roger to the
place where extra money could be found. Roger felt happy and played many games with
other creatures. He then went home. His daddy arrived from Boston. They had supper.
The story wound up with the description of the items of their supper.
2. Jo was growing up. She never fell asleep in naps any more. Her brother, Bobby, who
was two, and already asleep with his bottle. But Jo would not take her nap like an
84 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
infant. The bumps her feet made under the covers, were halfway down the bed. Her fat
face, deep in the pillow, shone in the sunlight. The custom seemed futile and especially
fatiguing on Saturdays.
3. Jo suggested ‘skunk’ for the story that day. It was a new animal for her. They must be talking
about it at nursery school. A skunk or a pole-cat is a small black and white North American
animal. It can produce a strong unpleasant smell to defend itself when it is attacked.
4. Jo squeezed her eyes shut and smiled to be thinking that she was thinking. She opened
her blue eyes and said firmly, “Skunk”. Having a fresh hero momentarily stirred Jack
to creative enthusiasm. He started telling the story of Roger Skunk that smelled so bad
that none of the other little woodland creatures would play with him.
On the Face of It
1. Both Derry and Mr Lamb suffer from physical impairment. Derry has one side of his
face disfigured and burnt by acid. The old man has a tin leg because his real leg got
blown off during the war. Apart from these physical disabilities, Derry finds signs of
loneliness and disappointment in Mr Lamb’s life. The old man tries to overcome these
feelings but the sense of alienation felt by him is more painful than the pain caused by
physical disability. Derry tries to avoid meeting people because they consider his face
frightful and ugly. They avoid him as they are afraid of him. His parents seem worried
about him and talk about him and his future.
Mr Lamb provides him a new approach to things. He tells him to see, hear, feel and
think about things around him. He should not hate others. Hatred is worse than acid
because it burns the inside. He has all the God-given limbs. He must take a firm decision
and work towards it. He will succeed. He should not be afraid of people and they will
not be afraid of him. All these factors draw Derry towards Mr Lamb.
2. It is in the middle section of the first scene of the play that Mr Lamb displays signs
of loneliness and disappointment. He says that when it is a bit cooler, he will get the
ladder and a stick, and pull down those crab apples. He makes jelly. Derry could help
him. Then he says he is interested in anybody or anything that God made. It may be
a person, flower, fruit, grass, weeds or rubbish. There are plenty of things to look at.
Some of them are his crab apples or the weeds or a spider climbing up a silken ladder
or his tall sun-flowers. He also likes to talk and have a company. He has a hive of bees.
He hears them singing. He sits in the sun and reads books. He likes the light and the
darkness. He hears the wind coming through open windows. There aren’t any curtains
at the windows as they either shut things out or shut things in.
3. The play ‘On The Face Of It’ focuses our attention on the physical pain and mental
anguish of the persons suffering from some physical impairment. The playwright, Susan
Hill, presents the two leading characters—an old man and a small boy—having different
sorts of physical disabilities.
The old man has a tin leg. It did hurt him when it came off. Then he got used to it.
He feels pain now and then in wet weather. He finds it inconvenient to run, to climb a
tree or a ladder. He lives all alone in a big house with a garden.
The boy has one side of his face badly burnt by acid. He felt the physical pain then.
After discharge from hospital, he feels hurt at the attitude of the people. They regard
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his face as horrible and ugly, show signs of being scared and avoid his presence. In
short, he is disliked, if not hated. He is not accepted as an ordinary member of society.
So he does not like people to look at him.
It is clear that the sense of alienation that these disabled persons feel causes them
constant pain. Such persons expect kind and considerate behaviour from others. They
do not want tears, sympathy or pity. They dislike being pointed at, nicknamed, mocked
at or made a fun of. They only demand a reasonable bahaviour from others, full of
appreciation of their difficulties.
1. Mr Lamb is an old man with a tin leg. His real leg was blown off years ago during the
war. He lives all alone in his house. There is a garden near the house. It has ripe crab
apples looking orange and golden in colour.
Mr Lamb is sitting in his garden when Derry climbs over the garden wall to get into
his garden. Though the gate is open, the boy does not use it.
2. At first Derry does not like being near people. Mr Lamb offers him a new way of
thinking. All this brings a change in Derry’s attitude towards Mr Lamb. He promises
to come back after informing his mother. He asks Mr Lamb about his life and friends
and recognises his loneliness and disappointment. He keeps his promise and returns
only to find Mr Lamb lying on the ground.
3. Mr Lamb issues this instruction to Derry, a boy of fourteen, who climbs over the garden
wall and enters the garden. He asks him twice to mind the apples which have been
blown down by the wind from the trees and strewn in the grass. He could put his foot
on some apple, fall down and hurt himself.
4. Mr Lamb’s attitude to the small boy is quite gentle, protective and accommodating.
Like an elder in the family offering advice and instructions to the younger members,
Mr Lamb advises the young boy to mind the apples lest he should trip and not to feel
Evans Tries an O-level
1. It is Evans who has the last laugh. The play makes a fun of the routine procedure
followed by prison authorities and police. It depicts how the criminals are one step
ahead of the jail authorities.
All precautions have been made by the Governor of Oxford Prison to see that the O-Level
German examination, held in prison for the prisoner Evans, does not provide him means
to escape. The examination passes off peacefully. Mr Stephens, a prison officer, sees off
McLeery, the invigilator and on returning to the cell finds injured “McLeery” sprawling
in Evans’ chair.
It is easy for Evans impersonating as McLeery to leave the prison along with police
officer. He claims to have spotted Evans driving off along Elsfield Way but loses track
at the Headington roundabout. He grogs off near the Examination offices. Then he
disappears. He is located in the Golden Lion in Chipping Norton by the Governor of
Oxford Prison. Instead of bringing Evans securely back to prison, the Governor lets him
come in a prison van guarded by a prison officer. It is just what Evans had planned.
86 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
The driver and the ‘prison officer’ are his friends and Evans escapes from prison once
In fact, Evans has made elaborate arrangements. He joins the night classes in September.
The German teacher is one of his friends. He has his friends in the Examination Board
as well. He waits patiently till June. Two of his friends bind and gag Reverend Stuart
McLeery in his Broad Street flat. One of them personates him. He is dressed up as a
minister. He has two collars and two black fronts on his person. Evans fiddles about
under the blanket with the black front and the stud at the back of the collar. His friends
also arrange a car where he can change his make up as well as clothes. He successfully
deceives the police as well as the prison authorities.
2. On his return to the cell of Evans, Stephens saw a man sprawling back in Evans’ chair.
For a semi-second Stephens thought it must be Evans. But the small black beard, white
clerical collar and black clerical front and red blood dripping from the front of his head,
made Stephens jump to a conclusion—Evans impersonating McLeery, had walked out.
Almost immediately the whole machinery jumped into action. No one bothered to check
the identity of the injured ‘McLeery.’ The assumption of Stephens prevailed. It was
reinforced by the broader Scots accent and slimmer body of the parson he had seen off
and the blood coming out of wound and dress of the “parson” in the cell.
The hasty conjecture prevents one from seeing the obvious. The jail breaker might have
played a trick again. Even the Governor is deceived. He believes what his staff says. The
man who doubted everything and cross checked it, does not even examine the victim.
Due to their long sojourn in prison the criminals become familiar with the temperaments
of prison officers as well as the routine they follow. A criminal is always disbelieved.
On the other hand, an officer’s word is always accepted. The criminals are certain that
negligence of the prison authorities is their only passport to freedom. They doubt the
remotest possibility and doubt genuine telephone calls as fake ones, yet an assumption
is accepted as truth and the obvious is ignored. Hence the criminal is able to predict
such negligence on the part of prison authorities.
3. Crime and punishment are like two sides of the coin. Punishment follows crime. It is
only after a crime has been committed that the law-enforcing agencies become active and
try to nab the offenders and bring them to book. If efforts of the police are successful,
suitable punishment is awarded to the criminals.
Since the location, time and victim of a crime cannot be predicted in advance, preventive
action to check the crime is not possible. Even tight security fails when hardened
criminals or suicide-minded human bombs come into play.
Criminals are always one step ahead of the police. It is always a battle of wits between
the two. The police tries to trace the clues left by the criminals and apprehend them
on the basis of these. On the other hand, the criminals devise a foolproof plan and try
to leave no clues which might help in identification later on. Since the legal system is
based on evidence—both human and material—police as well as criminals and their
lawyers, use their wits to turn the case in their favour and win it.
1. James Roderick Evans was a jail bird. The prison officers called him ‘Evans the Break’
as he had escaped from prison three times. At present he was in a solitary cell in
Oxford Prison. He was quite a pleasant sort of chap—an amusing person who was good
at imitations. He was not at all violent. He suffered from the disease of involuntarily
stealing things. This was disease with which he was born.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 87
2. The solitary cell of Evans was turned into examination room by placing two small tables
and two chairs in it. Reverend Stuart McLeery, a parson from St. Mary Mags was to
work as invigilator. The cell was to be kept locked from outside and a prison officer
would observe Evans from a peep-hole after every minute or so. All potential weapons
such as knife, scissors, nail-file and razor had been taken away. Even the contents of the
suitcase of the invigilator were thoroughly searched. The paper knife was taken away
by a prison officer. The Governor himself was to listen-in the conversation in the cell
during the examination. The cell was in the D-Wing which had two heavy gates—outer
and inner. Both were locked securely. Mr Jackson, the prison officer, was in constant
contact with the Governor on the phone.
3. The request was to create an examination centre in the prison for one candidate named
James Roderick Evans. He had started night classes in O-Level German last September.
He was the only one in the class and said that he was keen to get some sort of academic
qualification. The Secretary agreed to give him a chance and promised to send all the
forms and stuff.
4. Evans was called ‘Evans the Break’ by the prison officers. He had escaped from prison
three times already. He would have done so from Oxford Prison as well if there had not
been unrest in the maximum security establishments up north.
1. The Governor should have escorted Evans himself to the Oxford Prison. He had only
two persons with him, and later it turned out that these two persons were associates
of Evans. One of them, who posed to be the silent prison officer instructed the driver to
move on faster. The driver, who spoke in a broad Scots accent, was the person who acted
as the Reverend S. McLeery. The Governor should have at least checked the identity of
the staff to whom he was entrusting the prisoner.
Secondly, he should have contacted Mr Jackson and Mr Stephens, the two prison
officers, Detective Superintendent Carter and Detective Chief Inspector Bell, who were
all searching Evans.
It was perhaps his over excitement and childish enthusiasm at his arm-chair reasoning
in locating the hide-out of Evans and catching him at the Golden Lion, that he threw all
cautions to wind and acted foolishly by reposing confidence in wrong persons. Evans and his
associates had befooled him earlier as well. The German teacher and the invigilator were
friends of Evans. The correction slip sent from Examination Branch was a clever device to
convey the route of escape and the hide-out. The Governor’s last act of foolishness really
proved that he was only worth being laughed at as he was too credulous and trustful.
2. People condemn the crime as it is an evil act against law and society. In the past,
punishment was the only way to treat the criminals. The greater the crime, the harsher
and harder the punishment, which could go to the extent of life-imprisonment or death
In the modern age, efforts are on to reform the criminals, even the hard core, and bring
them back to the mainstream. Hence police, prison officers, judges and other law-enforcing
agencies develop a soft corner for the people in custody. While the sufferer should get
justice, the innocent must not be punished. This idea too helps the prison staff often
develop a soft corner for the prisoners.
The behaviour of prison officer Jackson amply illustrates the above point. He is very
strict in enforcing the rules and regulations of prison as well as the Governor’s orders.
88 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Yet somewhere in him we find a tiny core of compassion. Even Evans knew it. Mr
Jackson has asked Evans to remove that filthy bobble hat. Evans requested him to
allow it to wear it during exam as it brought luck to him. It was kind o’ lucky charm
for him. Jackson agreed.
3. Modern prisons are no longer the dark dungeons of the middle ages where even the
rays of the sun could not penetrate. Human rights are observed scrupulously in all
civilised countries even in jails. These prisons are gradually becoming reform houses.
Under the prevailing conditions criminals are given the opportunity of self improvement.
Provision is made for learning and education. The light of knowledge, it is hoped, will
reform the criminals, change their thoughts and make them responsible citizens. They
will join the mainstream, give up crime and contribute to the well-being of society and
nation. Instead of physical torture and mental agony, love and sympathy be used to
transform the bitterness, cruelty and evil bent of mind. Let us hate sin and crime, not
the sinner and criminals. Hence, the criminals should be given opportunity of learning
and education in prison.
Memories Of Childhood
1. The two accounts given in the unit ‘Memories of Childhood’ are based in two distant
cultures. Two grown up and celebrated writers from marginalised communities look back
on their childhood. They reflect on their relationship with the mainstream.
The discrimination, oppression, humiliation, suffering and insults that they faced as young
members of the marginalised communities are common to both. Zitkala-Sa highlights
the severe prejudice that prevailed towards the Native American culture and women.
Depriving her of her blanket that covered her shoulders made her look indecent in her
own eyes. The cutting of her long hair reduces her to the status of a defeated warrior as
in her culture shingled hair are worn only by cowards. The replacing of her moccasins
by squeaking shoes and “eating by formula” at breakfast table are other signs of forcible
erosion of their own culture and imposition of dogma on them.
Bama highlights the humiliations faced by the untouchables who were never given any
honour, dignity or respect as they were born in lower classes. They were made to live
apart, run errands, and bow humbly to the masters. They scrupulously avoided direct
contact with the people of higher classes or the things used by them.
The sense of rebellion against the existing state of affairs and decision to improve them
are also common themes.
2. Children are more sensitive and observant than the adults. They see, hear, feel and
experience whatever happens around them. They are quick to note any deviation from
the normal or any aberration.
Bama at first, thinks the behaviour of the elder of her community is quite funny. He
is holding the packet by string and running with it awkwardly. But when she learns
the reason of his behaviour in that particular manner her ire is aroused against the
cruel, rich people of upper castes who shamelessly exploit them and heap humiliations
on them. She is ready to rebel against the oppression by snatching the packet of vadai
from the landlord and eating them herself. Her elder brother channelises her anger. He
tells her to study with care and make progress. We see the seeds of rebellion in her.
Zitkala-Sa too shows that she has the seeds of rebellion in her even at an early age.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 89
Her friend Judewin tells her that the authorities are going to cut their long, heavy hair.
She says that they have to submit, because they (authorities) are strong. But Zitkala-
Sa rebels. She declares that she will not submit. She will struggle first. And, she does
carry out her resolution. She hides herself to foil their attempt. When she is detected
hiding under the bed and dragged out, she resists by kicking and scratching wildly. She
is overpowered and tied fast in a chair, but she does not take things lying down. The
spark of rebellion in her is not put out by oppression.
3. Bama is a victim of the caste system as she has been born in a dalit community. Zitkala-
Sa is a Native American who finds that the people who have overpowered the natives
are out to destroy their culture. She notices the discrimination against Native American
culture and women. The cutting of her long hair is symbolic of subjection to the rulers.
In their culture, only unskilled warriors who were captured had their hair shingled by
the enemy. She is deprived of her soft moccasins—the shoes worn by Native Americans.
Her blanket has been removed from her shoulders and she feels shy and indecent. The
rules observed at the breakfast table are alien to her.
Both of them rebel against the existing circumstances. They do not bow down to their
situations. They struggle hard to remove the discrimination and other barriers raised
by people in power. Their struggle is against oppression, prejudice, dogma, superstition
and ignorance. The tool with which they carry out their struggle is education. Both
Zitkala-Sa and Bama study hard and earn a name for themselves. They take to writing
and distinguish themselves in their respective fields. Their works depict their viewpoints
and carry on their struggle against the discrimation that constraint and binds the free
flow of their spirits.
1. It was a bitter-cold day. The snow still covered the ground. The trees were bare. A large
bell rang for breakfast. Its loud metallic sound crashed through the belfry overhead and
penetrated into their sensitive ears.
2. The annoying clatter of shoes on bare floors disturbed the peace. There was a constant
clash of harsh noises and an undercurrent of many voices murmuring an unknown
tongue. All these sounds made a bedlam within which she was securely tied. Her spirit
tore itself in struggling for its lost freedom.
3. The ringing of a large bell summoned the students to the dining room. Then a small
bell tapped. Each pupil drew a chair from under the table. Then a second bell was
sounded. All were seated. A man’s voice was heard at one end of the hall. They hung
their heads over the plates. The man ended his mutterings. Then a third bell tapped.
Everyone picked up his/her knife and fork and began eating.
4. Judewin knew a few words of English. She had overheard the pale face woman. She
was talking about cutting their long, heavy hair. Judewin said, “We have to submit,
because they are strong.” Zitkala-Sa rebelled. She declared that she would not submit.
She would struggle first.
90 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
Silas Marner
1. Silas was an honest man and a faithful member of a religious sect in Lantern Yard. It
was during a prayer meeting that he had his first cataleptic fit. While others considered
that he was bestowed with special grace, William, his closest friend, thought Satan
visited him. Silas was pained when he heard this but did not speak.
When the deacon fell ill, the entire congregation took turns to look after him. Silas went
for his turn and, after sometime, found him dead. He looked out for help but could find
none. So, he went to work after his turn was over. He was brought back to the vestry
shortly afterwards and was accused of a crime he had not committed since his knife
was found in the deacon’s room. He recalled that he had used his knife to cut the straps
for William and had left it there. He was disillusioned by the way he was treated and
decided that there was no just God. Sarah, the woman he was engaged to, broke off with
him and married William a month later. These events changed his life and he became
a loner who did not socialise with the people around him.
2. Silas came to love the glitter of his gold coins. We know this from the various examples
given in the text. For instance, at one point the author says “for the first time in his
life, he had five bright guineas put into his hand; no man expected a share of them,
and he loved no man that he should offer him a share.” Once again we are introduced
to Marner who “wanted the heaps of ten to grow into a square, and then into a larger
square; and every added guinea, while it was itself a satisfaction, bred a new desire.”
Every night, after work, he sat down to “enjoy their companionship”.
3. In my opinion, Dunstan, or Dunsey, is definitely an evil person. He is introduced as
“a spiteful jeering fellow, who seemed to enjoy his drink the more when other people
went dry.” He seems to take immense pleasure in Godfrey’s situation. When the latter
reminds him that he borrowed money to help him, he merely says, “Since you was so
kind as to hand it over to me, you’ll not refuse me the kindness to pay it back for me.”
He knows about Godfrey’s dark secret and does not hesitate in using it as a means to
gain his own end. He further suggests “if Molly should happen to take a drop too much
laudanum some day, and make a widower of you,” then he (Godfrey) would be free to
marry Nancy.
1. The sentence talks about how someone can enslave himself by his own wrongdoing.
His guilt or regret, or both, becomes a heavy burden to carry – much like a yoke that
is placed on the shoulders of draft animals, for instance, two oxen, to pull a cartload
of people or things. The wrongdoing becomes a burden because one has to hide it, lie
about it and be untrue to oneself. It is but natural that such a burden makes a person
angry, spiteful and unkind. Guilt, or regret, makes a person negative, towards himself
and others and a kind nature becomes despicable.
2. Silas returned home to a welcoming and warm fire. He was happy and satisfied at the
way the day had gone and was looking forward to the roast-meat that he would have for
supper. It was all the more delicious since he didn’t have to pay for it – Miss Priscilla
Lammeter had given it to him for the excellent linen he wove for her.
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 91
He warmed himself before the fire, adjusted the hanger of the meat a little lower and
waited for the supper to be ready. But, since that was taking long, he decided to look
over his gold as he waited. so, he got up to go and get it from its hiding place.
3. The author wants to say that some people did not believe that this misfortune had
happened with Silas. They didn’t find his story convicting. They were of the opinion
that Silas had deliberately kept away the money and now was crying foul play. He had
knowingly put the wheels of justice in motion.
These people did not stop to think about a possible motive for doing this. Neither could
they give any convincing arguments to sustain their opinion. They merely said “everybody
had a right to their own opinions, grounds or no grounds.” This shows that they were
people of a very narrow thinking and did not hesitate in doubting the veracity of another
1. The Squire is furious because he feels his money has been squandered by his sons. He
is angry at the knowledge that Godfrey has conspired with Dunstan to “embezzle” his
money. He never had any doubts about Dunstan. But, he asks Godfrey “Are you turning
out a scamp?” He threatens to throw his sons out of the house, without any part in the
property. He demands to know why Godfrey let Dunsey have ‘his’ money. He suspects
that Godfrey has been “up to some trick, and you’ve been bribing him not to tell”. He
expresses his wish to see Dunstan immediately in order to find out for what did he
need the money, but he is told that the latter has not been seen around since the night
before. He declares that he will no longer fund their “going-on” and “fooleries” and that
he will “pull up”.
2. I think Eppie was absolutely right in refusing the Cass’ offer. She brings to their notice
the fact that Silas cared for her when she needed it the most. She is the only father she
knows and “should have no delight i’ life any more if I was forced to go away from my
father, and knew he was sitting at home, a-thinking of me and feeling lone.” She says
very firmly “nobody shall ever come between him and me.” When Nancy reminds of her
duty towards her lawful father, she replies “I can’t feel as I’ve got any father but one.”
She doesn’t know and trust her “lawful father” and in any case she has “always thought
of a little home where he’d sit i’ the corner, and I should fend and do everything for
him: I can’t think o’ no other home.”
3. This is a brief and uneventful chapter. No action actually takes place. The author just
states the situations the way they are.
Godfrey is interested in the well-being of his daughter; Dunstan does not return and is
not to be found anywhere. The former is relieved because now he can realise his dream
of marrying Nancy and having a family with her.
On the other hand, Eppie is growing happily with Silas. Godfrey is relieved that “The
child was being taken care of, and would very likely be happy, as people in humble
stations often were — happier, perhaps, than those brought up in luxury.” While he
imagines himself playing with his (and Nancy’s) children, he resolves not to forget about
Eppie and ensures that she is well-provided for.
This chapter seems to be marking an end to a phase or a passage of time.
1. This is not a sad ending for Godfrey. They continued to remain childless, but Godfrey
found peace in his heart – something that was evading him from a long time. He also
92 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
found strength in him as he confessed to Nancy about his previous marriage in complete
honesty. His efforts to provide for Eppie, to make amends for his behaviour, cleaned his
conscience. Moreover, there seemed to be a new understanding between the trusting
husband and wife. Nancy mentioned in all sincerity that he ought to “resigned yourself
to the lot that’s been given us”, which he does promptly – “perhaps it isn’t too late to
mend a bit there.”
2. Squire Cass is “a tall, stout man of sixty, with a face in which the knit brow and rather
hard glance.” There are signs of habitual neglect about him and he is untidily dressed.
However, he has “self-possession and authoritativeness of voice and carriage” that
distinguishes him from ordinary people. He speaks in a “ponderous coughing fashion”
and lives an idle life, much like his sons. He has a very sharp tongue and he doesn’t
mince his words. He is also bad-tempered and given to anger. He banishes Dunstan by
saying “Let him turn ostler, and keep himself. He shan’t hang on me any more.”
He is also seen as a bully when he pushes Godfrey in talking to Nancy Lammeter
about the marriage. All in all, Squire Cass does not stand out as a sympathetic and
compassionate person.
3. The people have gathered at the Rainbow on a cold, misty night. They are warming
themselves in the warmth of the fire and drinks. They are talking about what has
happened in the town in the recent times, as also what happened a long while ago. They
are talking, joking, poking fun at each other. One gets the impression that people know
each other’s temperament and the respective social positions and, to a certain extent,
understand each other, too. This public gathering is a community in itself that gives a
sense of identity to the people in it.
1. Dunstan Cass is Squire Cass’ son and Godfrey’s younger brother. He is described as a
“a spiteful jeering fellow” at the very outset in the chapter 3. We know that he is not
handsome as his brother. He is a selfish and dishonest person who is given to drinking.
He knows his brother’s weak points and takes advantage of them to the full. Towards
the end of the chapter 4, he comes out to be a little over-confident about his abilities
and his luck. After striking a good bargain for Wildfire, he foolishly participates in the
hunt to earn some extra money. However, the horse dies and he is left with nothing. On
his way home, he stops at Silas’ cottage. Having a “mind of a possible felon” he quickly
finds the bags of gold that Silas had hidden and makes off with them.
2. Silas was a happy person when he lived In Lantern Yard. He would fall into fits, or
trances, during the prayer-meetings. Apart from that, things were going well with him.
He had wonderful friends and he was preparing to marry his fiancé. His honesty, hard
work and good nature endears him to everyone. However, there was a certain religious
austerity in his life at Lantern Yard.
He came to Raveloe as a cold and bitter man. His main objective was on saving and
hoarding his money. He did not socialise even though he did help the cobbler’s wife by
curing her illness. He notices the religious ease with which the people of Raveloe live
– in complete contrast to Lantern Yard. His helping Sally Oates creates opportunities
to interact and meet more people, but he refuses to help goes back into his shell.
3. Yes, this new experience must have had a deep effect on Silas. In his desperation to
recover his stolen gold, he opened up to the people of Raveloe for the first time. It was a
“novel situation… sitting in the warmth of a hearth not his own.” Even the sympathetic
listeners must have warmed his heart. This must have influenced Silas without him being
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 93
aware of it. This desperate communication and his cry for help opened a new door for
Silas in his life to come. It also gave an opportunity for the people to know him better.
The author explains this effect very beautifully – “Our consciousness rarely registers
the beginning of a growth within us any more than without us.”
The Invisible Man
1. When Mrs. Hall put the mustard pot over the table in the strange visitor’s room and
asked his hat to let dry, the visitor turned round, face-to-face with Mrs. Hall. The visitor
had raised his head and was looking at her. For a moment she stood shocked and gaping
wide at him. He held a white cloth over the lower pat of his face, so that his mouth and
jaws were completely hidden, causing his muffled voice. But what shocked Mrs. Hall
the most was his forehead, above his blue glasses, fully covered by a white bandage.
Another covered his ears, not leaving an inch of his face exposed except his pink nose.
Mrs. Hall assumed that he might met with an accident.
2. Mr. Hall knocked the door of the stranger’s room but got no response. He opened the
door and entered. It was as he expected. The bed and the room were empty. The guest’s
garments and bandages lay strewn on the bedroom chair and along the rail of the bed.
His big slouch hat was cocked over the bedpost. Mr. Hall told it to his wife. When they
both came up, they heard someone sneezed on the staircase. She found the pillow and
clothes very cold in the guest’s room as if the guest was up for many hours. The bedclothes
gathered together and jumped over the bottom rail. The stranger’s hat hopped
off the bed-post, whirled a circle in the air and whacked Mrs. Hall in her face. The
bedroom chair, flinging the stranger’s coat and trousers aside, turned itself up with its
four legs charging at her. She screamed and the couple were pushed out of the room by
the chair. The door slammed violently and was locked. And then suddenly everything
was still. Any person, who believes in ghosts and spirits, may believe this act to be of
spirits haunting the room.
3. On the way to Bramblehurst, Mr. Marvel tried to convince the invisible man that he
was not fit for the job assigned to him. His reddish face expressed anxiety and tiredness.
He told the invisible man that he was a weak miserable tool, his heart was weak, that
he could have dropped any time, he had no strength for the sort of thing the invisible
man want from him to do. He would, out of sheer panic and misery, mess up his plans.
He wished he were dead.
1. Yes, it seems quite so. The knowledge about physiology acquired through study of
Medicine provided a lot of help in guiding Griffin, the invisible man in his discovery of
invisibility. By studying Medicine, he acquired a lot of knowledge about human physiology
especially the fact that all the parts of human body, barring a couple of things are made
up of transparent tissues. It was this very knowledge that encouraged him and helped
him to propound the theory of human invisibility and convert it into a reality alongwith
the principles he learnt in physics covering reflection, refraction and absorption of light.
In this way his invisibility was really an outcome of the combination of both these
knowledge acquired in medicine and physics.
94 E N G L I S H C O R E – XII
2. While running Griffin had an event with dogs. Though no men were able to detect him
because of his invisibility, yet the dogs were able to detect and him by virtue of their
olfactory (smelling) sense of nose, even though they were not able to see them and as
a result the dogs bark at him and leap over him. He was therefore afraid of dogs that
he might the detected by him by their smelling sense.
3. First of all, Griffin found some bread, cheese and brandy. After eating, he collected
useful things like handbag, some powder, sticking plaster, rouge, mask, dark glasses,
whiskers, a wig, calico dominoes, cashmere scarvers, boots and ten pounds in gold and
shillings. He dressed to his best and checked himself in the mirror. Then he went out
in the street and was not noticed by anyone.
Then he went to a restaurant and ordered lunch. But he realised that he could not eat
without exposing his face. So he walked out and entered another restaurant. There, he
demanded a private room saying that he was disfigured. He ate a full meal.
1. Doctor Cuss and the vicar, Bunting were going through the invisible man’s papers
including his diaries. But they can’t understand the diaries as they had no pictures
or diagrams and were written in Greek. Honestly, they were not even sure that they
were written in English. Marvel lets the invisible man into the room for his clothes
and papers. Cuss and Bunting could not saw the invisible man, but they ask Marvel
to leave. Once he did Cuss and Bunting locked the door so that no one will interrupt
them. In the closed room, the invisible man threatened them for prying into his room
in his absence. He threatens to kill the two men.
2. Marvel was sitting with his feet in a ditch by the roadside on the way to Adderdean.
He was trying on a pair of boots given to him as charity. He put the four shoes in a
group and looked at them. It occurred to him that both pairs were exceedingly ugly.
“They’re boots, any how,” said a voice behind him. Mr. Thomas Marvel replied with no
sign of surprise that they are charity boots. Then he realised that as he was drunk, it
might have been the echo. To prove that he was real and just invisible, the voice started
throwing rocks at Marvel. When Marvel was convinced that there might be someone
there, he was able to make out some bread and cheese in front of him. The invisible
man explained him that he needed Marvel’s help. He knew that Marvel is an outcast,
plus he promises to reward the homeless man for helping him as an invisible man is a
man of power to do wonders. Then he sneezes violently.
3. Constable Mr. Jaffers told the stranger that even if you have no head, warrant says
‘body’ and duty’s duty. Mr. Jaffer moved forward to arrest the stranger. In a moment
Jaffers gripped the handless wrist and caught the invisible throat. After a small fight,
the stranger surrendered, panting headless and handless. Jaffers produced a pair of
hand-cuffs to arrest him. Stranger told that he had every body part except that he is
invisible. Abruptly the figure of the stranger sat down, and before any one could realise
what was being done, the slippers, socks, and trousers had been kicked off under the
table. Then he sprang up again and flung off his coat in order that he became invisible.
The invisible man started beating down on the crow. Constable Jaffers fell pretty hard
on his head, and it was not clear whether he was dead or just unconscious.
1. The strange visitor was wrapped up from head to foot in bandages and clothes, put on
thick gloves. He was wearing a soft felt hat covering his forehead. His face was covered
L I T E R A T U R E T E X T B O O K S . . . 95
with bandages with only his shiny nose visible. He is also wearing spectacles with
sidelights, which basically look like goggles. He had covered the lower part of his face
with a napkin, so that his mouth and jaws were completely hidden, causing his muffled
voice. He also wore a dark-brown velvet jacket with a high collar turned up about his
neck. He tied a silk white muffler round his neck to put the mouthpiece to his lips.
2. Mrs. Hall is the wife of Mr. Hall and the owner of Coach and Horses Inn at Iping in
Sussex. She is a very friendly and down-to-earth woman who enjoys socialising with
her guests. This she had proved by asking for the stranger’s coat to let it dry in the
kitchen. She tried to get into conversation with her visitor and narrated her nephew’s
injury by a knife.
3. The owner of the costumer shop had an uncanny sense of hearing and he turned around
at the slightest sound to see himself. When the invisible man entered the costumer
shop, the sound of door brought the owner to the entrance. Seeing no one at the door,
he cursed the street boys. The invisible man followed him about the rooms. If he heard
any sound, he blamed the rats or some ghost. While walking through the costmes in
the room, things fell off from the shelves and made a noise. This made the owner angry
and he was there with a revolver. He started locking all the rooms.
1. As illustrated in this chapter, Mr. Oliver is a Professor by profession but a journalist
by instinct. Griffin was his student. Oliver was a scientific founder. As described by
Griffin Oliver was a thief of ideas. He was, as stated, a journalist by instinct, always
in an attempt to steal ideas, theory, thesis fact and research conceived and developed
by others and to receive all the credit for some other’s work. As a result he was always
prying at every one whom he came into contact. It is therefore, evident, that he was
not a trust worthy person even being into a holistic profession of teaching and do not
form a good opinion of himself among his press and students. People would like to keep
distance from him to prevent any kind of intellectual harm.
2. Doctor Kemp is a scientist living in the town of Port Burdock. His house is situated
near the Jolly Cricketers Pub. Dr. Kemp is cool and methodical in approach. He do not
easily believe in supernatural things. He is an old friend of Griffin, the invisible man,
who comes to his house to hide after Griffin’s transformation into the invisible man.
Kemp has a hard time accepting the fact that his friend, who he had not seen for years,
suddenly appears uninvited and invisible, but eventually he overcomes his shock, sits
down and talks with the old friend of University College.
3. Mr. Thomas Marvel is a jolly old tramp with no home or job. He wanders from place to
place, usually asking People for food or money. The author has unwittingly recruited him
to assist the invisible man as his first visible partner. He carries around the invisible
Man’s books for him. He wears a shabby high hat, and we first meet him considering
two pairs of boots, both probably given to him as charity. There is an air of abandon and
eccentricity about him. He was bearded, plump and of short limbs. He wore a furry silk
hat, twine and shoelaces are a substitute for buttons at critical points of his costume.
He drinks a lot and when he heard the invisible man for the first time, he thought that
it was his dizziness due to drink that he sounded like this. He is a practical man as
he acceded to the request of the invisible man after knowing that an invisible man is
a man of power and can help him a lot.
