Criminals are wicked and need to be punished

Every day the morning papers bring news of dacoits, murders, terrorist attacks and many other crimes. Moreover when we switch on TV sets to get updated with the latest news we find the same crimes telecasted. The crimes are increasing day-by-day and it is just because the criminals are not been punished strictly as they deserve. They violate the laws which they have to obey quite casually and no action is taken against them. This encourages them to commit more and more crimes .The criminals should be punished so that they set an example for others to look forward to crimes for a better future.
I agree that no person is a criminal by birth their circumstances for them to do so. There are many people who are humiliated by others which makes the frustrated and annihilated so to protest against it they do so. We should definitely make an effort to help such people but when people start harming other just because of their pleasure to see others in pain or to achieve something they want, then it is a serious problem. These people should be punished.
Most criminals are self-centered who just think of their betterment .They can harm anybody as they have no humanity within them. Even if they have committed a minor crime they deserve to be punished because minor and minor sum to a major one. Their intention in just an attempt must be suppressed.