
Long ago, the Earth was a ball of fire,
Burning bright in the sun’s ire;
Then things started to become strange,
The climate began to change.
The cold north winds began to blow
And the temperature dropped, like, way down below.
The Earth as we know it was thus shaped,
But it was still, in the white ice, caped.

The ice age did leave treasures in wake
The lands and the sea it helped make.
Man, from the Ape, was the first to tame
This wild land from whence he came.
Then followed the fall of Earth,
Man’s burning ambition did scorch his own hearth.

With Mother Nature man did mess,
But he doth call this progress.
Earth now does know real pain;
Millions of years of life down drain.
In humanity and ozone layer was torn a hole,
In the soul of man came at a price:
The hardening of souls and the melting of ice.
The gray stain of man on the Earth’s blue dress,
Yet Man doth call this progress.