On a dark forest ground in India I slither, hungry, oh so hungry. The smell of food and prey is in the air. Into a pool of water I splash and back again on land, looking for lizards, rats, anything to appease this terrible hunger. I am black, with spots of yellow, but I am not evil, not as most humans fear me to be. Yes I am dangerous, but who isn’t when danger strikes. The only difference is I spit venom and you do not…yes, I am Ophiophagus Hannah, Yes I am King Cobra!

Did you know?

  • The King Cobra, at 18.5 feet, is the world’s longest venomous snake.
  • The lifespan of the King Cobra on an average is 20 years.
  • A full-grown King Cobra can weigh up to 20 pounds.
  • The King Cobra is either olive, yellowish olive or pale yellow. In India there are varieties that are yellow and black. And in China there are those that are blackish brown with white and ivory.
  • The King Cobra is identified by its distinctive hood, which is visible when it flattens its neck, giving it a hood like appearance.
  • The King Cobra’s venom is capable of killing a human being with a single bite; the reason is because the venom is neurotoxic.
    • The King Cobra is primarily found in Southeast Asia, Northern India and Southeastern China. Is also found in the Malay Peninsula, West of Indonesia and in the Philippines.
    • The King Cobra prefers to live close to water bodies like lakes and streams.
    • The population of the King Cobra is dropping because of destruction of forest and other parts of its natural habitat.
    • King Cobra smells its prey using its forked tongue, which is what picks up the scent and transfers it to a special sensory receptor also called Jacobson’s organ.
    • Prey tracking is also done through its sharp eyesight, its sensitivity to vibrations and intelligence.
    • The king Cobra will swallow its prey whole, this is convenient because of its extremely flexible jawbones which are connected by equally pliable ligaments.
    • The King Cobra mostly preys on and eats other snakes, either venomous or non-venomous. When it can’t find snakes, it will rely on lizards, birds and other rodents.
    • The King Cobra relies on its neurotoxic venom as a defense mechanism, but if it is faced by natural predators (which are resistant to its venom) they will try and flee. Or they will resort to forming the hood and hissing.
    • As a part of its mating ritual and while competing with other male King Cobras, the two snakes will compete to stay upright, and the winner is the one who keeps the other snakes head bowed. This is a gesture of dominance.
    • The venom of the King Cobra snake is made of proteins and polypeptides and it is neurotoxic. It attacks the nervous system instantaneous inducing pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness and paralysis. Coma and death follow due to cardiovascular and respiratory system failure.
    • The only antivenin for King Cobra bites is manufactured in Thailand and India, these are not easily available and can be prone to shortage.
    • Though the King Cobra is considered to be the most dangerous snake, it is quite a reclusive and shy reptile. It will avoid confrontations as much as possible with humans. More deadly than the King Cobra are the Monocled Cobra, Russel’s viper and Banded Krait.
    • King cobras actually make nests for their eggs. The female King Cobra will gather materials for the nest, construct it and then lay up to 50 eggs in the nest. Then she will incubate them for almost 80 days. The male King Cobra during this period will protect the female and the eggs till the eggs hatch.
    • The neonate King Cobras are almost 20 inches long with a black and white color when they hatch.